Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2002-03-06 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #352 Wednesday 2002-03-06

Ciao Bella!

It’s Emma here, your Pink Tutu princess, and I’m back from another whirl around Milan, this time bringing you some delicious ballet and fashion updates, with a little bit of travelling thrown in for good measure.

This week, Milan is abuzz with the whispers of spring. The air is a little less crisp, the days are longer, and the streets are buzzing with fashionistas showcasing their latest ensembles. You know me, I wouldn't miss this energy for the world! I’ve already had a glorious morning spent wandering through the shops, and believe me, there’s enough gorgeousness to make even the most hardened fashionista’s head spin.

Today was my first visit to the Quadrilatero d’Oro, a street bursting with haute couture, designer boutiques and just general glitz and glamour. This shopping area is a real treasure trove. And naturally, with it being Wednesday, my mission today was finding the most incredible pink tutu - the most dramatic and fabulous one they’ve ever seen at the La Scala theatre for their annual Gala, for the opening of their new season!

To my immense joy, my little Pink Tutu treasure hunt was wildly successful! I snagged a spectacular vintage creation from a tiny, quirky boutique tucked away in a little side street, just off of the Via Montenapoleone, where the glamorous people tend to flock!

The shop itself is an Aladdin’s cave of sartorial delights! Think chandeliers dripping with costume jewellery, racks upon racks of vintage gowns and sequins, silk, lace and all those delicious details, and enough fabulousness to make any aspiring dancer lose her head – but hey, that’s why I was there in the first place!

I emerged victorious, armed with a delightful, pastel pink tutu (yes, you guessed it, it has more than a touch of sequins! ). I’m thinking a little bit of pink velvet ribbon woven through it, and some tulle trim just for that extra wow factor. I have just the idea in my head, for the performance later on this week, when I’ll be taking to the stage - you’ll have to stay tuned!

Later this week, it’s time for La Scala. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am. A couple of days ago, I wandered past and saw this massive poster, with the name “Swan Lake" emblazoned in beautiful, dramatic lettering, along with the words *“La Scala”.

Milan’s most iconic opera house has an enchanting air. The magnificent grand neoclassical exterior - a mix of white marble and statues - looks especially stunning, framed by the darkening evening sky. And just imagine the exquisite craftsmanship that goes into putting a production like this together!

As always, there's a delightful sense of anticipation for the shows that are yet to come at La Scala. There are always special exhibits, art exhibitions, behind-the-scenes insights to view the craftsmanship, the detail and the artistry behind such masterpieces. Of course, that just added to the feeling that a great adventure awaits, and oh boy, did it live up to my dreams!

Inside the theatre itself is as beautiful and decadent as you’d imagine. It is definitely the star of the show in terms of ambience and charm. I wandered through the foyer, admiring the intricate mosaics and the glittering chandeliers. Everything was so perfect. Even the air itself was charged with a beautiful, timeless energy that reminded me of what made the performing arts so exciting, so moving, so enthralling.

My heart pounded just a little bit as I wandered towards the auditorium - my anticipation at fever pitch. I felt that magical combination of nervousness and exhilaration, that sense of being “all dressed up” as if for the ball in my favourite fairy tale, with the magical glow of the chandeliers illuminating my vision with the potential for pure, unadulterated theatrical splendour!

La Scala didn’t disappoint. From the moment the curtains rose, the world outside faded away. I felt transported to the world of Swan Lake. Every nuance of the story – every soaring gesture of the ballet dancers, every graceful lift, every heart-wrenching emotional connection. It all came alive for me.

To see this iconic performance here in this most spectacular setting - oh, it just was pure magic. The combination of such talent on stage, so much passion, the artistry of the choreography and music that filled the very soul of the theatre, the gorgeous set design and lighting that brought the world of Swan Lake to life – just wonderful! And for those who haven’t been able to catch Swan Lake, it’s a must-see. I urge you, don’t just see it, but truly experience it!

And then of course, there was the spectacle of it all!

The Milan Opera house has a certain magic to it that makes you feel like a fairy-tale princess just stepping out of a fairytale – at least that's how it feels for me, especially when I’m sporting my gorgeous pink tutu and a sparkly tiara. But as usual, this whole theatrical performance extravaganza got me thinking.

And so I thought, “why limit the joy to the stage?" The thrill and joy that I felt watching these dancers was the same joy that I feel wearing my favourite pink tutu and performing my own mini show, when I head out in Milan, spinning on a whim through the crowds - just me, the rhythm and the energy of a gorgeous city that somehow makes the world a better place, with the energy of each and every footstep that carries me forward, towards some unknown horizon, fuelled by a heart brimming with pink tutu magic! And why not bring a touch of magic to every day? Why not inspire a few smiles?

The moment was a catalyst for a new inspiration. My very own pink tutu inspired, Swan Lake, theatrical extravaganza!

Think street performance, with some very special elements. A mixture of movement, dance, artistry and storytelling, drawing the audience in with the visual magic of my beloved, tulle pink creation.

Of course, every story needs a beginning, so, like most creative adventures, I first needed a creative space. The Pink Tutu magic couldn't take root without a little bit of creative thought, a lot of practice, and perhaps a very talented partner - perhaps even a swan?

Back in Derbyshire, where it all began, and a place I hold in my heart and my mind, I am so used to heading into the local theatre for my weekly dance class. Every Friday afternoon, I hop on a tram (oh how I miss my Milan trams!), travel the short distance to the Derby Playhouse, for a much-needed dance session and to catch up with some of the wonderful and supportive dance friends, that have been my “Dancing Queen” support crew since the beginning!

Our class takes place in this large room on the third floor, looking out across the street to the main thoroughfare of Derby. From this room, I often get such a sense of energy - like I’m being swept away on a wave of some kind, or being carried away to a wonderful theatrical production of some unknown play, in an unknown city! It’s very different from the grand theatres I find in Milan, but there is a wonderful feeling in this classroom - the energy of everyone here is very inspiring!

One of the main highlights this week, aside from the grand opera performances, has been dancing with my fellow Pink Tutu princesses in this dance class in Derby, and then our Friday night dance performance down at the “Little Angel” Theatre, just a little walk from my flat!

We all dressed up in our favorite dance dresses. It was all about fun, passion and friendship - with a healthy dose of theatrical flare!

Oh my, the costumes! It’s always such a delight to see how the girls express their creative personalities. Of course, for me, it's all about that vibrant Pink Tutu and some very creative dance steps that my friends, all in their stylish dance clothes, seem to enjoy. For this show we're incorporating a story in with the movements and it seems to be working well. The energy between us feels quite strong!

But, you're probably wondering about this whole Swan Lake story that I started to weave together - the perfect mix of theatre, artistry and pink tutu magic.

It all began on that long journey home from Milan, on the train back to Derbyshire. All of a sudden, the Swan Lake performance just hit me, and I thought that I needed to incorporate a few aspects of my life. There’s a huge tradition of performance in Derbyshire, particularly pantomimes. Every Christmas, the theatre goes all out with special shows. And that’s when a light bulb came on and I realised I wanted to weave my story into a beautiful theatrical experience - one that wouldn't involve a swan but something else altogether!

And of course, as you may have guessed, this project couldn't start without some of the Pink Tutu crew on board! They're all such amazing friends, and it's fantastic to share such fun times with them - we have some pretty incredible memories of performances from a few years back in the Derby theatre. Our creative sessions can go on for hours and we come up with ideas just for the sheer joy of it - a real love of the performance art. And the ideas we generate are some really fabulous, vibrant creations that draw the crowds into our world of theatricality - for them to enjoy!

The truth is that this whole project, from Derby to Milan, has been growing and expanding! It feels a little bit surreal. I have so many wonderful experiences and such strong memories. All I need to do is wear my beloved Pink Tutu, my lucky dance shoes and it’s off into the world. As I often tell my friends “I'll dance in any weather!"

For me, the dance floor, the stage, the streets of Milan, even the platform on my journey home, have become places of great energy, magic and transformation - and yes, sometimes, there's that sprinkle of theatrical drama too. And there's my mission – to make people smile, to get people dancing and, to inspire them to embrace their individuality, to show them how a little pink tutu magic can turn any moment, into something truly magical! And why not?

My biggest dream is to have as many people as possible in their Pink Tutus dancing around the world - spreading joy and creating a more vibrant and joyous place. After all, the world really does need a lot of pink tutus to help it dance with a smile on its face! And when I see little children in tutus, whether on the street, in ballet classes, or just twirling about, it always melts my heart and reminds me of how much fun the journey of dancing, the beauty and elegance of performance, the power of movement - and the little sparkle of pink tutus!

As I’m writing this, I can already picture my new creative Pink Tutu projects unfolding. I've got a big vision for a ballet performance, a grand extravaganza, a grand opening for my own company: Pink Tutu Ballet. A little dream, a very special dream. But it seems, this Pink Tutu story is already in motion - as if in the ballet performances I see on the stage, I've found some sort of roadmap of the steps to follow.

So as you can imagine, with such wonderful creative plans brewing and the promise of some dazzling spring time days and evenings here in Milan, it’s all starting to feel as exciting and inspiring as watching an exquisitely choreographed performance by my favorite ballet dancer in my favourite pink tutu. And, you just have to experience the magic to understand it.

For me, a beautiful city, a pink tutu, and my ballet class - a fantastic combination for an adventure!

Lots of Pink Tutu love,


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2002-03-06 ballet blog from Milano Italia