Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2002-10-02 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #382: Ciao Bella from a City of Fashion & Dance!

Hello from the fashion capital of the world - Milan! It's Emma here, and I'm living the dream this week - strutting my stuff (in a pink tutu of course!) amongst the glamour of Milan. I’ve always been a bit of a wanderluster, but ever since I first donned my signature pink tutu, travelling just got ten times more fabulous!

For those who are new to this little corner of the internet, let me introduce myself. I’m Emma, a passionate ballerina from the green hills of Derbyshire. But let’s not forget - I’m also a serious aficionado of pink tutus (and everything else in pink!) and an aspiring travel blogger.

My blog,, is my little slice of the internet where I share my love for dance, fashion, travel and of course, those glorious pink tutus! I’m all about spreading joy and celebrating the beautiful things in life, one pirouette at a time.

Each Monday I bring you a fresh post from wherever in the world my ballet shoes have taken me. This week, it’s a special Milan edition, so grab a cuppa, settle in, and join me for a little peek into my adventures in the heart of Italian style.

The Magic of Milan:

This enchanting city is just bursting with character. Imagine winding cobblestone streets, dazzling architecture, a constant buzz of life, and – drumrollmore fabulous shopping than you can shake a sequined bag at. Oh, and did I mention the divine gelato?!

It’s like stepping into a movie, only a thousand times more real. It's truly a ballet lover’s paradise. From grand opera houses to charming studios tucked away in hidden alleys, there's a ballet to be found at every turn.

Fashion Fever:

I'm never far from a shop window here in Milan! The streets are overflowing with fabulousness. Seriously, I swear even the pavements shimmer.

You’ve probably noticed my love for pink – and the Italians have totally embraced my style! They seem to have a knack for pairing it with every other colour, and I’ve been picking up all sorts of gorgeous additions to my pink tutu wardrobe.

I even discovered a shop full of vintage hats and feather boas – and they're all in pink, of course! You can be sure those will be getting a star turn at my next performance back in England!

My Ballet Adventure:

This week's trip has been even more special because I got to see Giselle, performed by the prestigious La Scala Ballet. Now, for those who don't know, La Scala is like the creme de la creme of Italian ballet – think Royal Opera House, but Italian.

The theatre is just stunning - all red velvet, gold, and a touch of 19th-century elegance. The dancers were absolutely incredible – every move was precise, graceful, and oh so captivating. They made every twirl look so effortless – it’s made me think about pushing myself harder at my ballet class when I’m back in Derbyshire.

Of course, I wore my brightest pink tutu to this performance! I had it especially made in Milan from this softest silk. And I can tell you it totally went with the luxurious vibe of the show.

My Italian Tram Adventures:

What better way to travel around this stylish city than on its iconic tram network! The yellow trams are everywhere and they really help give Milan this beautiful old-world feel.

Let me tell you, riding these vintage trams while wearing my pink tutu definitely earns you some curious glances! People just stare - I mean who could blame them? There’s just something about this particular city and those trams. They make you feel like you're in a film scene. I even tried doing a few pliés while I was on one (but very discreetly!) It just feels like Milan has this natural, artistic flair - something about this city encourages you to get out of your comfort zone!

Travelling By Train: A Dance Journey!

Getting to Milan was a delightful adventure in itself. The journey from Derbyshire was filled with charming little train stations, stunning countryside views, and (most importantly) the ability to wear my trusty pink tutu. There's something so whimsical about traveling by train – it's like a slow-motion ballet, where the passing scenery becomes the backdrop for your own graceful movements!

And hey, wearing your tutu on a train journey is a statement of confidence and self-expression! You get a lot of funny stares and compliments (sometimes even from conductors! ). I always take the chance to share a bit of ballet love wherever I go.

Food & Culture

No trip to Milan would be complete without exploring its vibrant culture and trying all the local delicacies!

I mean, when you’re in Italy you have to indulge in pasta, pizza and the most delicious gelato - even when your favourite colour isn't chocolate (but the strawberry one is pink so I made a couple of exceptions).

Milan is truly a melting pot of traditions and artistic energy - so there’s always something interesting to see, from street performers to museum exhibitions and everything in between.

From Milan to the World:

I truly believe that every city, and every journey, has its own unique charm and beauty. It's up to us to embrace those differences and bring our own spark of creativity to every place we visit.

And with a touch of pink, anything is possible, right?

So, what do you think? I'm off to see if I can get these stylish Milanese folk to rock a pink tutu! You're always welcome to join me in my travels – whether it's on a stage, in a train carriage, or even a tram in the middle of Milan! Just don’t be shy to give me a shout in the comments or catch me over on Instagram @Emma_PinkTutu.

Remember: *Every day is a chance to twirl and make a splash, in your own way. * Until next time, keep on shining!

Ciao Bella!

Emma x

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2002-10-02 ballet blog from Milano Italia