Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2003-01-01 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post #395 - A New Year's Whirl!

Happy New Year, darlings! Can you believe it's already January? It feels like just yesterday I was twirling into the Christmas markets, sipping glühwein and soaking up the festive cheer. But January means a fresh start, a blank canvas for new adventures and, of course, more twirling in my beloved pink tutu!

This week, I've found myself in the dazzling city of Milan, a veritable playground for fashion, food, and, yes, ballet! I just couldn't resist the lure of this stylish metropolis. My latest adventure, you ask? Well, I arrived on New Year's Day, the very first day of the year. Talk about making a grand entrance! And you know what, darlings? I feel absolutely fabulous.

As usual, I took the tram from the station to my hotel. A touch of Parisian chic meets Italian elegance, I must say. I felt like a fairytale princess gliding through the bustling city, my pink tutu swishing with every turn. The tram windows were frosted with a delicate layer of frost, the world outside seemed to sparkle like a fairyland, and, for just a moment, the city itself seemed to hush in quiet contemplation. The gentle clickety-clack of the tracks was a soothing symphony, and as the sun dipped low, casting long, beautiful shadows across the cobblestones, it was as if time stood still.

As soon as I reached my hotel, I dropped my suitcase and took to the streets. I wanted to soak up the energy, feel the pulse of Milan on New Year's Day. I’ve decided to stay right in the heart of the city, so everything I need is literally on my doorstep.

A Chic Milanese Day Out

First on my itinerary, darlings? A touch of luxury and a visit to the glamorous Quadrilatero d'Oro, or Golden Rectangle, as it is better known. If you're looking for some serious designer shopping, this is the place to be. I do love a bit of high-end browsing, especially when it's so beautifully presented. I’m not saying I spent a small fortune – I’m just saying a small fortune! It wouldn’t be fair to give you an idea how much I spent, or how much I saved… I’d just feel a tad too embarrassed, would you not think?

You know me, darling – I adore a good story, and the tale here is of The Pink Tutu. I popped into Prada to see if they had any pink items to match my precious pink tulle skirt… Alas, none at all, not one single item! Well, they had pink stilettos, but I decided those were a touch too expensive, wouldn’t you agree?

And just when I was getting a little bit disheartened… just outside on the corner, guess what I found?! A little, independent shop filled to the brim with gorgeous ballet shoes – and, guess what darling?, some were pink. In fact, there were at least 4 pairs of stunning satin pink ballet shoes. Of course, they had a ribbon and not an elastic fastening (I know they should come with an elastic… so annoying) They are all mine now, tucked away nicely in my suitcase… I can’t wait to put them on and wear them. Oh my, how beautiful they are.

A perfect day of ballet bliss doesn’t end without a dose of dance inspiration, of course! A ballet show in Milan was exactly what the doctor ordered. The Teatro alla Scala - stunning! I was truly mesmerised by the grandeur of the venue. It's such a marvel of architecture.

A Touch of Romance

Let’s just take a moment for Milan’s cobbled streets and hidden alleyways. Honestly, they seem like they have been taken straight from a movie set. There’s so much romance in this place. Just last night, I sat at a little bistro near the cathedral – so charming, the way it lit up as darkness descended on the city – I watched the world go by, enjoying a plate of pasta (oh, the pasta!) with a glass of something delightful… (I do like my prosecco)

The other side of Milan, for those of you who know, has a very different feel. But it is also magical in its own right, oh my! The trendy Navigli district. It was just the perfect backdrop for a lovely walk on a Sunday afternoon. Lined with charming canal houses, quaint cafes, and lively bars, it has such a magical, almost Bohemian feel. Just a few steps from the city centre, but with its own personality. It truly feels like a world apart from the city's more grand avenues, darling! And let's not forget the fashion! It was like a runway right on the canal, darlings. It seems every other Milanese woman is sporting an edgy, avant-garde style! They know how to make a statement, that’s for sure! It gave me plenty of inspiration for some future outfit ideas, wink… You know how much I love fashion… especially a little pink!

Milan is such a dynamic, enchanting city, but in truth, it has a lot to live up to. Derbyshire will always be my home and always feel the most magical place in the world… But right now, Milan is truly a world of beauty, culture and of course, tutus.

Tutu Travels: Where To Next?

Where will my pink tutu adventures lead me next? Only time will tell. I've got a few ideas swirling in my head, darlings. My suitcase is already bursting with new shoes and a few cheeky treats – oh, it’s all perfectly respectable, you understand! I can’t reveal all the details yet – it’s a top secret darling, I wouldn’t spoil the surprise, would I?! But one thing's for certain: I’ll keep you all posted every week, on

Stay pink, darling.



And don't forget to visit Emma’s site once a week: !

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2003-01-01 ballet blog from Milano Italia