Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2003-02-12 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #401 - A February Whirlwind!

Hello darlings! It's Emma, your pink tutu-clad friend, reporting live from Milan, Italy. The city that's stolen my heart with its breathtaking architecture, delectable gelato, and endless fashion inspiration.

This week's #PinkTutuMilan adventure is bursting with colour, just like my favourite tutu, it's a vibrant tapestry woven with ballet, fashion, and the sweet melody of life in Milan. Buckle up, darling, because this blog is packed with a ton to tell you!

Milan, A City of Fashion and Whirlwinds!

Wednesday morning found me sipping my cappuccinos on a sunny cafe terrace. Milan was a kaleidoscope of colours – bright pink jackets and floral printed skirts fluttered on chic ladies, emerald-green Fiat 500s zipped through the streets, and the scent of freshly baked pastries wafted from every corner.

The heart of Milan, with its historic Duomo, felt like a scene straight from a fairytale. I spent a happy hour watching the world go by, basking in the sun and drawing inspiration from the style of the locals. Milanese women, they wear their femininity with confidence! A perfect blend of sophistication and edge, with a touch of quirky charm, they effortlessly own their individuality.

Speaking of ownership, did I mention my latest 'I Wear A Pink Tutu' merchandise line is dropping in just a few weeks? We have fabulous T-shirts, bags, and even cute pink tutus for little ballerinas! This week's blog features my signature Pink Tutu scarf. You can snag it on my website for £20. It's perfect for a chilly night out or adding a pop of colour to your outfit.

A Glimpse Into La Scala, a Ballet Dream

This Wednesday was a day dedicated to ballet. La Scala, a theatre known for its glorious operas and breathtaking ballet, welcomed me with open arms (well, maybe more like open velvet curtains).

I saw the incredible "Giselle" – a beautiful, classic ballet that is a whirlwind of emotion and power. My favourite moment? It's hard to pick, but I adored the sheer energy of the divertissements in Act Two. It felt as if hundreds of dancers were leaping and swirling right into my heart. The ballet captured the spirit of a true dancer. Every step, every movement, held the stories of heartache, joy, and life's endless struggles. I came out of that performance with a new appreciation for the sheer grace and talent of ballet.

Later, I went to the Teatro alla Scala. I can’t get over the feeling of stepping through a portal, a secret gateway to another world, and becoming part of this exquisite history. As I soaked in the beauty of this iconic theater, I felt an inexplicable sense of peace and awe. I even tried out the stage at a small theatre called "Studio Sgarbi."

From Ballet to Bistro, My Parisian Delight

Milan may be famed for its fashionable flair, but let's be honest, a ballet girl like me can't survive on couture alone.

On Thursday, I went on a magical trip to nearby Paris, I found myself drawn to the captivating allure of this beautiful city, with a charming blend of historic charm and cosmopolitan cool.

The enchanting sights, delicious pastries, and delightful souvenirs captured my heart instantly. But it was in a charming bistro tucked away on a quiet side street where the magic really began. It felt like I had stepped onto a set of a romantic French movie, and for a few blissful moments, it was just me, a bottle of rosé, and the intoxicating scent of jasmine floating on the Parisian air.

My adventures continue to this Saturday, where I was on my way to the opera to see Carmen. After being out and about all day, I was enjoying a delicious plate of pasta at an outdoor table while watching the sun slowly dip below the city's horizon.

As I bid farewell to Milan, I knew that I'd carry a piece of its charm with me always. This beautiful city, with its graceful ballet, captivating fashion, and an unwavering spirit of romance, is forever etched into the pages of my pink tutu heart.

From the Heart of Derbyshire:

Oh, I'd forgotten to mention how happy it is to see the Derbyshire wildflowers blooming again! You see, that's where my heart still belongs. I get home on occasion, but it is the centre of my heart and spirit. Derbyshire is where the colour pink and tutu were instilled. A little part of me, as my blog shows, stays in England when I travel. I will tell you more of this in future blogs. I love the wild hills of the Peak District. My Mum keeps saying it's time to buy a property back there.

Stay Tuned!

That's all for now, my dearest readers! Join me again next Monday on for more from #PinkTutuMilan! Until then, remember to spread the joy, wear pink, and dance like no one is watching (even if you are wearing a tutu).

P.S., don't forget to sign up for my newsletter! It's chock full of fabulous fashion tips, ballet updates, and even exclusive Pink Tutu merchandise offers. You can find it on my website, or click on the "Subscribe" button on this page!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2003-02-12 ballet blog from Milano Italia