Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2003-02-19 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Ciao Bella! #402

Wednesday, 19th February, 2003

Buongiorno, darlings! Emma here, your Pink Tutu blogger, back from the glittering streets of Milan, where, as you know, I am a bit obsessed with this divine city. This is blog post number 402 - you can find my whole journey so far on And as always, I’m posting every Monday. You know the drill, right? This week's adventure, like a magical tutu swirl, takes us to a Wednesday of fashion, fun, and most importantly, the breathtaking art of ballet!

Milan has a special place in my heart – it's like a fairytale, all grand architecture, delicious gelato, and people who absolutely understand the power of a statement pink tutu! Speaking of which, today’s tutu is a gloriously pink dream – it's layered with feathers, glittering with sequins, and, of course, the tulle is the absolute epitome of soft pink perfection! Honestly, you’d think it was straight from a storybook!

This week, I was lucky enough to get to explore a little beyond the centre of Milan – my trusty pink-striped rucksack strapped on and ready to take me to places less touristy and more wonderfully Milanese! The journey was quite an adventure. I took a charming old tram ride – it rattled and clattered like a dance recital rehearsal and reminded me of those fun little trams back in my hometown of Derbyshire.

Milan: A Dance with Fashion

Of course, no trip to Milan is complete without a touch of fashion! I had to visit the famed Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. This grand, historic shopping arcade has an abundance of elegant boutiques with fashion, jewellery, and some fantastic cafés. Just watching the stylish Milanese glide around, their shoes clicking on the marble floors – I practically had to stop myself from spinning out in my own little impromptu tutu ballet!

I found a tiny shop that specialized in vintage hats – think elaborate headbands with plumes and veils that could transform you into a flapper in an instant! I resisted the temptation of trying on everything (okay, not really, I bought two!), because I knew I had a big evening planned – a performance at Teatro alla Scala! This grand opera house is steeped in history, and they say the acoustics are simply magical. You could imagine that each delicate footfall onstage resonates like a symphony across the auditorium – it really is the dream.

Ballet Dreams

Speaking of magical footfalls, the performance was nothing short of spectacular. The entire company's grace was evident as they floated through a programme of beautifully staged classical pieces. You know how I get at these things: I’m always the one bouncing in my seat, a few happy tears (of pure joy, of course!) glistening on my lashes! I must confess, the last number was a true standout – the dancers spun and jumped and pirouetted in their glittering costumes, creating a visual symphony I’m still trying to replay in my mind. It truly was a dream.

You might think it would be difficult finding someone to talk to when you’re surrounded by chic Italian ladies and gentlemen – not so. It turned out, there was a little boy sitting near me – he was just as mesmerized as I was! We were both enraptured with the performance, and afterwards, I showed him my bright pink tutu, which seemed to spark something in his eyes. He even offered to show me the coolest trick he could do in his ballet class! Oh, the adorable innocence!

Pink Tutu on the Go: Ballet Adventures

Speaking of my trusty pink tutu, I simply cannot go anywhere without it! But believe it or not, travelling with a tulle extravaganza can be quite the challenge – it definitely needs careful packaging! So much so, that sometimes I even find myself having to perform to fund my travels!

On my last trip, I had a delightful experience in a charming little town on the edge of Milan. The local theatre had this beautiful old stage, with red velvet curtains that whispered "theatre history." I was booked to perform in a show celebrating everything Italian, and to the crowd's surprise, my ballet finale incorporated a few signature pink tutu twirls! Honestly, my most precious souvenirs are the faces of all the excited people who got to experience the joy of ballet in that moment! It truly was a magical moment!

And speaking of magical moments… tonight is all about embracing Milan. It's Thursday evening, and the night feels alive with possibilities! I have plans to explore the city's amazing Navigli canals, bustling with shops, markets, and cosy restaurants with fantastic street food. It's said the locals come alive when the sun sets, and tonight, I want to see what Milan does best! Maybe I'll even try to grab a picture or two – I have this gorgeous pink dress I’ve been dying to try with my trusty tutu. Oh, the beauty of this city!

Pink Tutu Inspiration: Spreading the Joy!

Every now and again, I come across people in Milan (and beyond) who think my love for pink tutus is just a bit odd, maybe even "childish." And I can't help but want to show them just how magical and empowering they truly are!

I think the essence of a pink tutu is to dance through life with confidence, colour, and an infectious, unstoppable energy. It's about being playful, joyous, and letting your imagination take you on wild adventures, like me in this vibrant city! Who knows? Maybe I'll even find a Milanese lady who shares my tutu obsession and maybe we can go pink tutu shopping – because what’s better than a sparkly pink tutu? Two sparkly pink tutus, darling!

What To Do This Week

Here are my suggestions for fun things to do in Milan, especially for my fellow ballet-loving ladies (and fellas!).

  • Visit the Teatro alla Scala: You have to see the performance and imagine yourself on the stage, your shoes clicking, and your heart pounding with the joy of the dance!
  • Check out a street performance: You never know what kind of unique talent you’ll discover – Milan is an artistic haven!
  • Explore the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II: Get lost in the glamour of its fashion, admire its stunning architecture, and be sure to sip on a cappuccino in one of its stylish cafes!

See you next week for another Pink Tutu Milan blog! And until then, spread the joy of pink tutus! Ciao!

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2003-02-19 ballet blog from Milano Italia