Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2003-04-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Wednesday, 16th April, 2003 - Post #410 🩰💖🇮🇹

Ciao bella!

Welcome back to Pink Tutu Milan! This week, the city has been pulsating with life, energy, and the sheer joy of springtime. I swear, even the air smells of mimosa and croissants – my two favourite things!

This week, as you all know, I'm exploring Milan, the capital of fashion, food, and yes, even ballet! I arrived last week and have been taking in the sights and sounds of this beautiful city. And of course, I'm always on the lookout for the perfect pink tutu – which is no easy feat in a city obsessed with high-fashion, high-end designers! But hey, that's half the fun, isn't it?

Let me tell you, it was a beautiful journey getting here! I travelled overnight on a rather quaint and charming Italian train, where everyone looked effortlessly chic in their sharp suits, flowing dresses, and yes, even a few pink touches here and there! The Italian's style, especially Milanese fashion, is just divine! The entire journey was a study in impeccable elegance and colour, all flowing seamlessly on that elegant, gliding train.

And then, arriving in Milan itself, oh darling, the magic began! There is so much going on in this city that it’s hard to even pick one place to begin. The energy here is incredible - like the pulse of a thousand hearts beating in perfect synchronicity!

I spent yesterday morning exploring the Duomo, which is, as you know, a marvel of architectural beauty! I swear, those intricate spires just seem to pierce the sky! It felt like the very spirit of Milan was swirling all around me – so I simply had to pose for a photo! Well, how could I not?! It was almost as beautiful as the sight of me twirling in my favourite pink tutu, but let's face it, almost doesn’t really cut it does it?

Anyway, after a day of sightseeing and shopping for more pink, of course, I spent the evening at Teatro alla Scala. This place has such a legacy in opera and ballet! They really do have some truly magnificent productions! And the theatre itself – darling, it’s a palace of glittering grandeur! It felt as though I was entering a realm of pure enchantment! And what a show they had on! "Swan Lake", but with a modern twist! You wouldn't believe how contemporary and elegant they managed to make Tchaikovsky's classic score – brilliant! I was simply mesmerized! I may be just a little bit obsessed with swans and the idea of being a prima ballerina at this very moment – oh, the dream of it all!

But no rest for the weary Pink Tutu ballerina, as they say! Today I headed straight for the city centre - fashionably late, as always! The shops here are an absolute wonderland – especially the independent boutiques nestled away down the cobbled alleyways. And let me tell you, they did not disappoint! I managed to snag some adorable vintage pieces that will be perfect for my ballet class next week, darling. Imagine – vintage fashion in a pink tutu, an absolutely revolutionary combo – at least until I see it on the catwalks!

You might ask me how I possibly find the time to be such a busy ballet bee, especially whilst living off the spoils of performing for ahem my many ardent admirers?! It’s simple! My magic trick, the one that keeps me twirling is simple darling, my motto! It’s a rather easy one, you see. Everything is “more exciting in a tutu!” There’s no need for anything else when I have my pink tutus, I've found. My wardrobe, I assure you, is bursting at the seams. All colours are represented, of course, but you know my one true love.

As if to make me feel like I'm on a ballet-filled magic carpet ride, even the Italian trams are fabulous! They glide through the city like a wave of charm – a sort of vintage-inspired, fast-moving art form of their own! So yes, you guessed it darling – I always travel on them. There’s just a certain je ne sais quoi about this magical journey! I mean, who wants to travel in some grey box car, especially when the beauty of a vintage tram is waiting! And that's what my Milan blog is all about – the beauty that surrounds me, darling! It’s all about making the world a brighter, pinker, and much more graceful place.

And since I'm on a bit of a roll today (and feeling a tad theatrical) I think I'll even risk telling you what my plans are for this weekend, which you must understand, will be full of glorious dance and elegance!

There’s this incredible opera house I’ve been wanting to visit, La Scala - it's legendary! I can't wait to catch a performance – rumour has it, there’s a ballet being performed based on a 19th Century Milanese fairy tale featuring the beautiful choreography by a famous young English ballerina who you all know, but who shall remain nameless, as if I'd tell you my own secret dance moves, or my own personal ballet dreams. And speaking of dreams!

As if Milan hasn't already shown off its amazing charm to me, there is even a local ballet company who perform a show based in a dreamy fantasy world based on fairy tales - oh, quelle surprise, they always perform it en pointe, in tutus of course - mostly pink, no less. What I would give to be performing right alongside them, as a member of that incredible dance troupe, to be waltzing and twirling around the stage - what an amazing feeling that must be!

I also heard of this quaint and wonderful-looking place that calls itself “Dance Me” on Via Larga. It is a tiny little ballet boutique and it is simply bursting with colourful dance wear – think silk tights and gorgeous sparkly hair clips! But what's really exciting, and completely new to me - they host workshops for adults where you learn how to sew dance costumes. It is exactly the sort of thing that could launch my very own brand, yes you read correctly darling – a Pink Tutu line of ballet-inspired creations, how I dream!

It is going to be my dream to meet them this weekend, so we shall see.

This city has completely captured my heart – the style, the ballet, the culture – everything about it is utterly enthralling. Oh, I can see why so many of the world’s most incredible fashion designers live here, surrounded by so much creative inspiration. And I’m starting to see this inspiration for my designs! Yes, darling, I know you’ll want to buy your own collection.

I may only have a few more weeks to explore the Milanese dance scene, but my Pink Tutu heart feels as if it’s ready to take off – ready to fly – to discover new fashion, and to discover more inspiration, that is… in all things pink of course!

You know where to find me, darling!

I will catch you all on, on Monday next week! And before I forget to remind you! – my weekly fashion vlog comes out tomorrow at 5 pm!

I'll see you on Friday, for all my style tips and how to incorporate the magical ballet pink into your everyday wear! Until then – keep dancing!


XX 💖🩰

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2003-04-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia