Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2003-05-07 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post #413: A Week of Whimsy and Wonderful Wednesdays! 🩰💖

Buongiorno, darling darlings! It’s your favourite pink tutu-clad traveller, Emma, reporting live from the fabulous city of Milan! 🇮🇹 I’m positively bursting with excitement about this week’s adventures, so settle in with a cup of something delicious and get ready to immerse yourselves in a world of twirls, tutus, and timeless treasures!

You see, my loves, Wednesday in Milan is like a symphony of style, and this week was no exception! It kicked off with the most charming little ballet performance in a quaint local theatre – Teatro Smeraldo. Imagine the prettiest pastel shades of pink and peach painted onto the walls, twinkling fairy lights casting a magical glow on the stage, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air... pure magic! 🎭✨

The piece itself was a captivating contemporary ballet piece about the beauty of the unexpected, and it absolutely stole my heart! It was like watching a graceful dance through a blossoming rose garden, every movement elegant, and full of surprises! There’s something so truly magical about ballet that just makes my spirit soar – don’t you think? 💖 And I’ve got a sneaking suspicion you might just agree… because wouldn’t it be a glorious idea to start every Wednesday with a ballet show? Imagine, the start to a perfect week, dancing away with graceful pirouettes and elegant pliés! 🩰✨

Now, speaking of magic… the afternoon was all about that whimsical feeling of finding the perfect piece. I simply adore wandering through the beautiful, bustling streets of Milan, each one overflowing with treasures! I ended up in a truly enchanting boutique, tucked away on a quiet little side street. It was filled with the most stunning vintage accessories – brooches, earrings, and necklaces, oh my! I practically gasped at the sight of this incredible piece – a beautiful ivory feather boa with just a hint of pink shimmering amongst the feathers – simply perfect! Imagine it against my pink tutu… a vision of elegance and vintage flair! 😍

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the city, I found myself strolling down the lively Via della Spiga, the heart of Milanese fashion. It was like a symphony of colours and textures! Silky fabrics, sumptuous furs, exquisite handbags – you name it, they had it! My heart simply sang! My gaze landed on this most incredible vintage coat – a vibrant cerulean blue with elegant lines and just a touch of whimsical frills. Imagine it twirling in the air as I twirled down the street – picture it, darling, pure sartorial bliss! ✨

Then, my dears, there’s nothing quite like ending a day filled with beauty and whimsy with a truly memorable dining experience. My favourite place to indulge is La Terrazza, located on the top floor of the iconic Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, that stunning, 19th-century shopping arcade, where glass and iron meet to create a breathtakingly beautiful architectural masterpiece! Imagine, dining beneath its awe-inspiring glass dome, surrounded by an explosion of beauty and historical charm. ✨

Their cuisine is absolutely divine – imaginative, delicious, and beautifully presented. But the real highlight was this absolutely divine pistachio and pink-tinted lemon dessert. I nearly fainted with joy, it was just that gorgeous! It was like biting into a tiny piece of paradise – sweet, tart, and oh so pretty! 💖

Speaking of colour and loveliness, my dears, you won’t believe the exciting news! The world-famous La Scala Opera House has announced a truly remarkable production of “Giselle” - a ballet I have simply adored since I first learned to dance as a little girl. Imagine, the sheer elegance, the delicate yet powerful story, the ethereal beauty – it all comes together to create an unforgettable performance. And let me tell you, darling, I am already dreaming of twirling with this incredible troupe on that breathtaking stage!

Oh, and did I mention that Milan has its very own “ballet street”!? It's called Corso Italia and is packed with a charming variety of dance studios, ballet schools, and boutiques catering to every dancer’s dream. I spent hours wandering along it, mesmerised by the energy and grace that flowed through it. The air seemed to crackle with creativity and passion! ✨💖

But let me share a little secret, my darlings, Milan has an incredibly comprehensive public transport system! With trams and trains that whiz you around the city like clockwork, exploring this fashion haven is an absolute breeze! Imagine, the soft rumble of the train beneath you, the warm glow of the carriage lights reflecting on the glass window as you race through the streets. There's a touch of vintage magic, and something almost nostalgic about this charming form of transportation, wouldn’t you agree? 🥰

And speaking of nostalgic, darling, I simply have to mention something utterly wonderful I stumbled upon! I found this quaint, vintage clothing shop overflowing with truly magical treasures from another era. Oh my, my dears, I almost wept with joy at the sheer elegance and nostalgia of it all. I came out with a perfectly fitted vintage jacket, the most elegant shades of navy and lilac imaginable, just like stepping straight out of a Jane Austen novel! Oh my, my darlings, I'm practically beaming with happiness – it just completed my week! 🥰

Now, as always, my darlings, I can't leave you without some fabulous advice for those aspiring ballerinas and pink tutu enthusiasts among you! Milan is simply brimming with inspiration! Be sure to check out the Museo del Teatro alla Scala, home to an extraordinary collection of costumes, sketches, and objects, offering a glimpse into the world of Italian opera and ballet. 🎭 💖

And before I go, darling, I must also give you a glimpse into a truly delightful corner of Milan – the Navigli! These picturesque canals are like stepping straight into a postcard - charming bridges, brightly painted boats, cobbled pathways – simply picture perfect. And just imagine how stunning those canals would look, illuminated at dusk, with boats gliding softly over the waters! Just delightful! ✨

So, as you all get ready to begin your week with a twirl, remember to find your own magical moments in the everyday! And always, always, embrace your inner ballerina and keep twirling!

Your pink tutu-loving correspondent, Emma, signing off from beautiful Milan! ✨ 💖

P.S. If you have a question for your favourite pink tutu-clad blogger, be sure to leave a comment below! I would love to hear from you, my darlings! 💋 And be sure to check out my website - – every Monday, for a brand new dose of pink tutu magic!

Remember, darlings, wearing a pink tutu is more than just fashion; it's a way of life! A symbol of joy, creativity, and confidence, a little pink twirl is all it takes to brighten your day. Don’t forget to share your pink tutu adventures with me – I just adore seeing your fabulous fashion moments!

Until next week, darling, keep twirling and keep sparkling! 💋✨💖

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2003-05-07 ballet blog from Milano Italia