Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2003-08-06 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #426: Bonjour, Bella Milano!

Hello, my gorgeous darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, Emma, back from the cobbled streets and chic boutiques of Milan! It’s Monday, so that means another dazzling blog post for you lovelies.

Remember last week, how I was whisked away on a magical performance tour in the breathtaking valleys of Derbyshire? I waltzed across the stage to the tune of delighted applause. Honestly, those lovely people were simply mesmerised by my pink tulle tutu, it was truly a sight to behold.

This week, my pink tutu has been whisked across Europe, to Italy’s stylish capital, Milan, to be precise! Oh my goodness, I tell you, Milan is a city alive with fashion, culture, and even more pink inspiration! Let me tell you all about it…

Catching the train to Fashion City

I started my Milanese adventure with a trip to Euston station. I was a tad nervous, as you know I can sometimes be a little bit absent-minded, but luckily I had everything: tickets, passport, phone charger (so important for uploading photos of my pink tutu to Instagram, of course), my darling fluffy pink teddy bear – named Priscilla (a fellow tutu lover!), and the best part? My beautiful pink tutu was carefully tucked away in my special suitcase, ready to make its grand debut on the cobbled streets of Milan!

I hopped aboard the Eurostar. Oh, darling, that’s when the journey really began! First, it’s such a stylish way to travel. Everyone’s so chic, and let’s be honest, travelling by train is incredibly comfortable. I indulged in a bit of light reading while nibbling on a raspberry croissant and enjoying the view through the window. I’ve always dreamed of living in a Parisian apartment with a balcony view like the one that went past; maybe a dream I could bring to life some day?

Then, at Lille, there’s a train change. This part I was looking forward to: Milan is just a mere hop, skip, and jump away from Paris (and don’t get me started on the fabulous pastries I ate there… a pink macaroon for me, of course!), and with a quick dash through the Gare du Nord, I was soon on my way to Italy. Oh darling, isn’t Europe so very easy to navigate?

Trams and Tutu in Milano

As soon as the train pulled into the station, the air seemed to shimmer with the promise of an incredible adventure. I practically flew off the train and found myself at the front of a brightly coloured, shiny yellow tram!

That tram ride, darling, was a symphony for the senses! Sunlight filtering through the trees, the sweet smell of freshly baked bread from a little cafe I passed by, and the music of a street performer playing a jazzy tune – everything just seemed to have this incredible buzz to it!

I stepped off the tram at my hotel in the city centre. The entrance looked like something out of a classic film! Imagine elegant marble columns, golden gates, and plush, red velvet curtains. Oh, my heart skipped a beat as I stepped inside – I felt like I’d entered a movie scene!

And the most incredible part? My hotel room was bursting with the most incredible shades of pink. Think a pale rose blush for the walls, matching fluffy cushions on the bed, and a cherry red rug beneath the chaise lounge where I sipped my pink grapefruit juice and planned my next adventure! This room was literally a fairytale! I instantly whipped out my pink tutu for a photoshoot; can't wait for you guys to see it on Instagram!

Ballet Boutique and Shoe Shops

Of course, the first thing on my Milanese itinerary was a trip to La Scala, Milan's renowned opera house. Oh my goodness, I nearly fainted at the beauty of it. This stunning building is a sight to behold; so majestic and grand, a true spectacle for the senses. I could only dream of being a performer there one day!

However, my mission in Milan was not just about ballet, but also about shoes, shoes, shoes! So, I started at Via Montenapoleone. Now, this street, my darlings, is a paradise for anyone with a passion for fabulous fashion. It's literally a wonderland of designer shops – think Armani, Prada, Dolce & Gabbana, you name it, it’s there!

And in the middle of all that, there's this absolutely charming little shoe boutique, tucked away like a hidden treasure. Let's just say, my wallet and my pink tutu got a serious upgrade thanks to some gorgeous shoes in the most beautiful shade of rose gold, a colour which I have now decreed is a necessary addition to my wardrobe. I mean, who wouldn’t love to twirl with these babies on!

Then, of course, a shopping trip would never be complete without indulging in some delicious Italian gelato! This little cafe near my hotel, La Gelateria, had the best pistachio flavour ever – it literally melted in my mouth and transported me to a world of sugary happiness! Oh, and they even have a mini pink tutu made from meringue perched on top. I know! The Italian’s just love to celebrate our favourite colour. I swear, I can see a trend emerging, and let's just say, the world is starting to embrace the magic of pink, just like me.

Milan's Nightlife, a Delicious Experience

After all that shopping, darling, it was time to soak in the magic of Milan’s evening atmosphere. I was looking for a delicious place for dinner, so I took a romantic stroll through the heart of the city, soaking in the ambiance of bustling cafes and twinkling street lamps. You know how I love those little piazzas!

And what's more? I actually spotted a pair of pink stiletto shoes on one of the girls walking by. Talk about finding fashion inspiration on every corner. And as a seasoned fashionista myself, you know I had to stop and admire them; and maybe even compliment the young lady, as my grandmother always told me that a little kindness always goes a long way!

Oh, by the way, this incredible dinner place, La Locanda, was a bit of a culinary gem! They had this amazing pasta dish with fresh truffle. So heavenly! Of course, after the truffle, I enjoyed a delightful lemon sorbet - so refreshing. And to finish off this incredible evening, the staff brought out a beautifully pink plate for my tiramisu; It was the perfect ending to the day!

Fashion and the City - Milan is a Pink Tutu Paradise!

The next day, my little heart was ready to discover more of Milan’s hidden wonders. As always, I began with a leisurely stroll through a stunning local park! My darlings, it’s incredible how many of these parks there are, even in the city. They’re bursting with life and colour. I even spotted a pair of nuns in matching bright pink habits, which almost made my day - how fabulous is that?

Later, I ventured into one of Milan's renowned museums. Honestly, I found a whole collection of paintings that were dedicated to ballerinas in tutus! And wouldn't you know it, guess what colour my favourite piece was painted in? Yup, you’ve guessed it, my lucky colour: Pink! The piece was a beautiful representation of ballerinas' elegance, strength, and, well, everything pink. Isn't it just a fantastic feeling to know the colour you love is out there in the world inspiring all sorts of creativity?

It was honestly the most enchanting afternoon of art, grace, and yes, a whole lot of pink. I couldn't help but whip out my pink tutu for another Instagram shoot. These lovely Italian ladies and gentlemen were really happy to see my little tutu strut its stuff – everyone in Milan just seems to appreciate the beauty of the things that really make a difference in the world!

From Pink Tutu to Ballet and Beyond!

After a wonderful time soaking up Milan's energy, it's time for my farewell performance. The city really is bursting with culture and an incredible love for ballet. They had a special ballet performance scheduled this week called 'Tutu Paradiso,' a celebration of all things ballet – And they even included a tribute to ballerinas' favourite colour!

Imagine a magnificent show featuring every kind of tutu imaginable - fluffy, gauzy, layered, sparkly! The entire stage transformed into a dazzling spectacle of pink hues. Honestly, it was more than I could have ever dreamt of!

After the performance, darling, I enjoyed a romantic evening out on the bustling Piazza del Duomo! It's so fascinating watching the people pass by – some in smart suits, others in vibrant colourful clothing. Every single person I saw radiated an air of chicness that only Milan could inspire.

I have to say, after spending the last week exploring every corner of Milan, I've fallen deeply in love with this vibrant and sophisticated city. It's a place where fashion meets culture, and where creativity is everywhere! Oh, and don't even get me started on the delicious food! And if I can share one last piece of advice: bring a big suitcase – there is so much to shop for! And I simply cannot resist the beauty of pink and all it represents!

But before you go, lovelies, I leave you with a little Pink Tutu Inspiration: Remember to spread your wings and explore the world around you, with a sprinkle of pink magic in your steps, and always remember, that when you find something you love, the universe tends to conspire to help you make it a reality!

P.S. Until next week, my dearest lovelies, be sure to visit the website. You can find all my past posts, including more Milan adventures. And be sure to follow me on Instagram for more of my stylish, pink tutu-filled journey! I've got so many adventures lined up! Until next Monday, darling!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2003-08-06 ballet blog from Milano Italia