Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2003-10-29 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #438: A Whirlwind of Fashion and Ballet in the City of Dreams!

Ciao Bella!

Welcome back to my weekly Milan adventure! It's Emma here, your pink tutu-clad travel buddy, bringing you the latest fashion, ballet, and of course, pink-tastic updates from the fabulous city of Milan. It’s a little blustery today, with the leaves just starting to turn a beautiful shade of orange and gold. I feel the Autumn chill in the air but the atmosphere here is anything but chilly! This city buzzes with energy, and it's always exciting to be a part of it.

This week has been an absolute whirlwind! You see, my beloved Derbyshire is calling again, as I'll be performing a special piece with the "Dales Dance" ballet troupe for their upcoming Autumn Ball. Yes, you read that right! Even though I'm on my Italian escapade, I still keep busy with my dance performances – you have to, right?

I have to confess that it feels a little strange to be back in the UK. Although I adore Italy, there's no place like home! The good news is I will be back in Milan just after the ball, so it's only a fleeting visit back. And don’t worry, I’m sure to bring a special piece of Italian style with me back to Derbyshire!

Anyway, before I talk myself out of my own adventure, I better fill you in on all the wonderful things I've been up to!

Milan's Ballet Scene

It was such a treat to see the Teatro alla Scala – one of the most famous opera houses in the world, lit up in all its glory this week! The air vibrated with the anticipation of the audience, and it was so inspiring to see everyone come together for a night of artistic brilliance. I simply had to capture the magic on my Instagram and my blog, you know I love sharing my experiences with you all!

Of course, no visit to Milan is complete without a spot of ballet class. This week, I joined the Studio di Ballo della Scala, right here in the heart of the city. It's been quite the experience learning from the maestros here. My steps were more graceful this time than last week – although, let's be honest, it still took all my concentration to keep from tripping over my tutu. 😉

Fashion and Flair

Did you know that Milan is a global fashion hub? You won't believe the selection of beautiful clothes! Honestly, I felt a bit overwhelmed just wandering the streets! From classic chic in Via Monte Napoleone, to vibrant and quirky designs in the Brera district I could spend a fortune!

As luck would have it, this week I found an amazing vintage shop in Via Brera with the cutest little tutu skirts you ever did see! It's the perfect excuse to put on my best ballet moves and twirl through the city! I'm pretty sure my fellow fashionistas have caught a few envious glances from nearby shop windows as I twirled my way past! I snapped a few photos for you, my dear blog followers, and will post them up soon! And did I tell you about this amazing Italian boutique I stumbled upon? It was nestled in a little hidden alleyway, and had the most exquisite designs, each with a touch of timeless Italian flair. It’s called “Gabbana’s Gems,” and they have such an elegant array of gowns, jumpsuits, and accessories. Of course, it's very expensive but so so luxurious! Perhaps one day, with a little bit of “tutu-love” magic, I will be able to purchase a little piece of it. For now, I will be adding them to my “Dream Purchase” wish list. And when that happens I’ll be sure to do a whole blog post on their creations and bring them all the attention they deserve.

Milan's Quirks and Charm

Oh, and did I mention my travels this week? My love for trams and trains has blossomed even further here. It’s truly the best way to experience a city and you get the most amazing views along the way. This week, I hopped on a tram from Porta Venezia to Porta Genova, and let me tell you, I almost missed my stop because I was mesmerised by the beautiful scenery and architecture. I just wanted to dance with the city! It felt like a scene out of a movie, the sunshine streaming in and lighting up the streets below. The trams were actually pretty comfortable too.

Did you know that Milan is the "city of dreams"? It certainly felt like I was walking in a daydream all week, taking it all in with my tutu skirt flowing gently in the autumn breeze. You see, Milan is just brimming with Italian "dolce vita". That means "the sweet life". There's this relaxed elegance in the way people carry themselves and it’s so intoxicating. It just seems like everyone has their own sense of style and panache.

Speaking of style, I found the coolest “street art” scene in the Navigli district. Street art seems to be a growing trend in many cities right now. From the smallest street murals to sprawling public displays. It was like an art exhibition outdoors. All of the colours really captured the energy and spirit of the city, and, well, just reminded me of all my amazing bright pink outfits and tutus.

There is no better way to explore a city than on foot, and in my case, of course, it was twirling with my favourite tutu in tow. And it was here, in this district that I found the coolest, most eclectic group of street performers and artists. It really reminded me of my home city Derby with it’s lively atmosphere and eclectic street scene. The musicians with their “off-beat" music, the street artists sketching out people, or performing elaborate routines and I felt compelled to join them with a "street-ballet" performance. It wasn’t quite “ballet-street” yet, but with a few more tweaks I’m sure my “pink-tutu-street-performance” will be just the thing to get everyone here twirling.

Of course, no Milan adventure is complete without savouring some local delicacies. The creamy gelato is to die for and this week I discovered the most delightful spot with flavours like hazelnut and lemon, I’ve made it a point to go back to every day this week. But remember, I am in my early 20s, I am all about moderation in my life and of course I do enjoy a glass of Prosecco from time to time.

Oh, did I tell you about the charming local marketplace? Filled with colourful produce and artisan cheeses. I indulged in the tastiest local bread and swoon over the beautiful bunches of fresh flowers! It felt so much like the bustling markets back home in Derbyshire, with everyone having a laugh, bargaining and joking with the locals and just generally enjoying the day!

Dreaming in Pink

Today is Saturday, 29th October, and with it comes memories that I will cherish forever, as I twirl my way through life in my Pink Tutu! It is just the place to fuel your dreams, spark your creativity, and ignite a love for the simple pleasures. I encourage you to plan a trip here for yourselves, to experience the magic for yourselves. And you never know, you might even join my cause: to bring the magic of tutus and dance to the whole world!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below, and I'll see you all again next week.

Until next time,


P.S. Did you see the amazing display at Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, this week? A real showstopper!

P.P.S. Do you think I should give “street ballet” a go next week?

Remember, it's all about the Pink Tutu love! 💕

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2003-10-29 ballet blog from Milano Italia