Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2003-11-05 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - #439 - Wednesday 5th November 2003 - Ciao from Italy!

Dearest fellow tutu-lovers,

Ciao from the vibrant city of Milan! I've been absolutely whisked away by the magic of this place, it's like a fairytale in every shade of pink imaginable! And believe me, that's saying something when you're as devoted to pink as yours truly.

It's been a whirlwind week already, crammed with delicious food, glamorous shops, and more stunning ballet than you can shake a satin slipper at. But before we dive into the delicious details, I need to give you a little backstory, for you see, I'm not just here for the fun of it. No, my dear friends, my trip to Italy is all part of a grand plan. A mission to make the world a more pink place. I know what you're thinking... Another pink-obsessed dreamer!. But hear me out. I believe a little pink goes a long way in brightening our days, making us feel happy, confident, and empowered! And who knows, maybe even inspiring the world to embrace a touch of tutus! 😉

Now, back to Milan... It was a little bit of a dance to get here, actually. You see, I’m trying to travel in style – think pink suitcase, tulle-covered handbag, and maybe a little twirl on the train platform (don’t worry, I manage to avoid knocking anyone over). Of course, with travelling this fancy comes some slight issues – finding space for a tutu-full of belongings on the Eurostar, let’s just say it’s tricky. Luckily, after a whirlwind tour of the Paris ballet shops – don’t worry, I’ll tell you all about them next week – I managed to get here with a perfectly pink suitcase and enough spare space to grab myself an Aperol Spritz from the local station bar as I admired the sleek design of the Milan railway station. And my friends, what a sight that was. Such grand architecture, truly befitting the capital of Italian fashion!

This week's itinerary has been jam-packed with exciting ballet adventures, the highlight being a breathtaking performance by the Teatro alla Scala's ballet company, the famed La Scala Theatre. I'd heard so much about the Scala's grandeur – a reputation they fully deserve! The building itself was simply stunning: tall, imposing, yet elegant, adorned with intricate details like a dancer’s costume. Stepping inside, it felt like being transported to another time – one filled with graceful dancers and the beautiful melody of a grand orchestra.

They were performing "The Nutcracker" – my all-time favourite, you know. I could almost smell the Christmas gingerbread from the stage. And seeing those tiny, nimble Sugar Plum Fairy dancers pirouette so effortlessly just took my breath away. Oh, the way they carried themselves! The grace! The precision! I must confess, I even shed a little tear when the curtain came down. It was pure ballet magic, reminding me why this art form holds such a special place in my heart. I can already hear your groans from all those who haven’t seen “The Nutcracker”! “How dare you,” I hear you say. “I haven't seen it and you go and make it sound like a divine experience!”. Trust me, it is.

But it wasn't all serious ballet business, of course! There were moments of pure shopping delight. Milan is a dream come true for any fashion-conscious soul – I dare say the most fabulous place on earth, if I'm being honest. Every corner bursts with style, every storefront overflowing with intricate designs and luxurious materials. I almost felt like I'd stepped onto a movie set! Oh, how I adore these Milanese fashionistas! I don’t want to seem vain but their stylishness is really quite captivating! I've already been busy hunting for a few key pieces for my ever-growing collection, a few new shoes to keep my feet in tip-top shape for all the dancing I’ll be doing, and of course, I have my eye on a very special silk dress I plan to wear to my next performance. Don’t worry, I’ll show you pictures on my Instagram – – after all, what is a ballet blog without visual treats for the eyes?!

One thing I noticed is that even the everyday locals in Milan have an effortless chic. I feel a bit under-dressed in my everyday, even though I feel rather proud in my favourite tutu – maybe a little extra flair would be more in keeping with the stylish streets? Or perhaps it’s just me...

Speaking of which, my new, favourite way of getting around has been the Milan tram network – a delightful and surprisingly efficient way to see the sights! My goodness, the tram system in Milan is nothing like the local one in Derbyshire. It’s faster, more efficient, cleaner, and has its own individual personality. Oh how I wish we had that where I live, I swear Derbyshire’s one runs every two hours when I’m trying to catch it! Now I’m not sure if it’s my love of trams that's drawing me in but Milan just feels more stylish! I even took a long ride out to the countryside on the train on the weekend. The landscapes were breathtaking – rolling hills, vibrant vineyards, and little towns with charming architecture – making me think of how perfect it would be to incorporate a little more travelling in my tutu adventures. This isn't the only adventure, don't you worry – my next stop is Venice! So you know, a gondola ride with a tutu is going to be pure ballet magic. Stay tuned!

It’s certainly true that Italy, or at least the fashionable parts I’ve experienced this week, is certainly the perfect spot for tutu-enthusiasts! After all, let’s face it, isn’t pink simply the most fabulous color in the entire universe? And what could be more glamorous than a graceful twirl on the cobbled streets of Milan? It just takes a little imagination to see the beauty of a world painted in a little more pink! But even without all this colour and glitter, it’s still the little things that matter to me: enjoying the simple things – watching a ballerina glide across the stage with effortless elegance, sharing a good laugh with fellow tutu-lovers, and dreaming of all the incredible things we can accomplish with a little sparkle.

I think we all deserve to wear pink! Even if that means taking on a life mission, which is why my mission will never truly be finished. There is so much of the world to explore – and even more beautiful ballet to experience. I think there’s something truly special about living a life filled with vibrant colour and beautiful, inspiring dreams. It just takes a little bit of courage and a lot of pink to take on the world and make it our own!

Till next week, fellow tutu-lovers. Stay sparkly and dream big!

Lots of pink love,

Emma xxx

P.S. If you’d like to share any thoughts about pink tutus and ballet in Milan (or your home town!), leave me a comment on my website,! And don’t forget to check out my Instagram:

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2003-11-05 ballet blog from Milano Italia