Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2003-12-24 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - #446 🎄🎅🏻 A Merry Pink Christmas in Milan! 🎄🎅🏻

Ciao Bella! It's Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina blogger, signing in from sunny (well, relatively speaking) Milan, Italy! I know, I know, it's been a whirlwind week here in the fashion capital of the world, but that's just the way I like it. As I sit here sipping on a cappuccino (with a generous splash of hazelnut syrup - my secret weapon for a perfect festive morning coffee!), my pink tutu feels a little bit like a Christmas tree skirt, doesn't it?

It's Christmas Eve here in Milan and the city is twinkling like a thousand tiny lights on a fairy-lit tree. Everywhere you look there's Christmas magic, from the charming traditional markets spilling onto the cobblestone streets to the opulent displays illuminating shop windows. It's like stepping into a page straight out of a fairytale, only with even more amazing shoes! Speaking of which, let me tell you about my adventures...

Trams, Treats and Tutu Adventures!

So, as I'm sure you all know by now, I live by a strict, ahem, 'ballet code'. My mantra? 'When in doubt, tutu it out!'. I had a little ballet show to perform last night, so you guessed it - my pink tutu made an appearance, but not before a whirlwind of sightseeing, shopping, and gelato-fuelled adventures!

This week, Milan had a special charm. I'm talking about Christmas markets galore, with their aromas of cinnamon and pine needles filling the air. The Italian streets transformed into a dazzling display of Christmas decorations, sparkling fairy lights, and the joyous sound of Christmas carols echoing through the narrow, medieval alleyways.

You know I love to explore by tram! It's the best way to soak up the true essence of a city. I love watching the streets blur past, taking in the vibrant, festive spirit of Milan. There's a kind of gentle intimacy that makes exploring by tram a special experience. Plus, it gives me plenty of time to dream up my next Tutu-licious ensemble! 😉 And let me tell you, the locals have incredible Christmas fashion sense - it's a masterpiece of layering, knitwear, and velvet, punctuated by just a touch of glittery detail. But don't worry, I haven't been a bad girl (although the temptation to try on the entire stock of Christmas-themed tutus was definitely there). I've just been picking up some little trinkets for loved ones - a beautiful hand-blown glass ornament, a sparkly scarf from a hidden artisan's workshop, and of course, some exquisite Milanese chocolates. Who could resist a box of chocolates that smells like the most wonderful festive treat? I even got my little niece, Clara, a mini pink tutu and some adorable sparkly fairy wings - because a little girl should be free to sparkle, no matter the season!

La Scala, Lights and the Magic of Dance!

Speaking of fairy tales, this past week has seen my dreams come true! I had the honour of performing at a beautiful ballet performance at La Scala. If you haven't had the pleasure of visiting Milan's famous opera house, I urge you to put it on your bucket list. Imagine the history, the beauty, the elegance, the sheer grandiosity! It was exhilarating! Standing in the wings, the lights of the stage seemed to dance a ballet of their own, casting long shadows that felt like magical whispers.

And then there was the music, oh, the music! It swept through the hall, a current of emotion that carried us dancers and the audience alike. Every note, every movement felt magical, and for those few precious moments, we were all transported into a world of dreams and graceful storytelling.

Of course, there's something utterly exhilarating about wearing a pink tutu onstage, bathed in the spotlight. It's a feeling of pure joy, liberation, and a little bit of sparkle that always brings out the best in me.

But the beauty of ballet extends beyond the stage, doesn't it?

From the Ballet Studio to the Heart of the City

The ballet studios in Milan are bursting with talent and enthusiasm. There are so many beautiful, graceful souls here who devote their hearts and minds to the art of dance. I've even picked up a few pointers from a renowned ballerina during a masterclass this week. And I learned about a local tradition called *‘Cantu a tenore’,’ *where four male singers use vocal chords and natural techniques to blend together their voices for a unique, heart-warming, and almost otherworldly sound.

The True Magic of Milan

But you know what really stole my heart about this week? The little things. It was the warm glow of the street lamps casting dancing shadows on cobbled streets, the sound of children's laughter echoing through the squares as they admire the Christmas lights, the delicious aroma of roasted chestnuts and hot chocolate wafting through the air... It was the kindness of the strangers who helped me decipher the tram lines and the beautiful handmade crafts in the quaint shops. It was a world that felt truly alive with joy.

I can't say enough about the wonderful people I've met in Milan. Every smile, every hello, every kind word filled my heart with warmth. Milan is more than just a city; it's an experience, a place that awakens all your senses and inspires you to dance with joy.

Until Next Week...

So, there you have it. Christmas Eve in Milan. The Christmas magic has certainly been in the air. But more than anything, this city reminded me that beauty is everywhere if you know where to look.

Don't forget to check back next week for more stories from Milan and follow along on our Pink Tutu Instagram for more adventures.

Merry Christmas, darling! Let the festivities commence!

With love and twirls,


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2003-12-24 ballet blog from Milano Italia