Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2004-01-21 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #450: Buongiorno from Milan, darling!

Well, hello there, my fellow twirling enthusiasts! Emma here, your Pink Tutu girl, signing in from the fashion capital of the world, Milan! Can you believe it, Wednesday already? Feels like I've barely caught my breath after last week's whirlwind tour of Venice - oh, the canals, the gondolas, the gelato! I swear, there's nothing quite like a good scoop of Italian ice cream to fuel your inner ballerina.

But enough about my last week's adventures. This week, my little pink toes are tapping excitedly, because drumroll I'm in Milan, and we all know what that means: shopping, darling, shopping!

Before I launch into my Italian fashion fix, let me give you a quick rundown of my arrival. It's been a lovely journey! I boarded the train from Venice, the sun streaming through the windows, casting gorgeous golden rays over the countryside. The air was filled with the gentle sounds of chatter in Italian – a symphony of syllables rolling off their tongues like a smooth, beautiful melody. I could just sit and listen to it all day.

Milan's grand central station felt like stepping onto a movie set. You know, the ones with the grand marble archways and a sense of buzzing energy that makes you want to grab your bag and head straight for the first café? Well, I wasn’t about to resist the siren call of the delicious-smelling pastries. One latte and croissant later, and I was feeling thoroughly energized, ready to take on this fabulous city!

Fashion, Fabrics, and Flair

This is my fourth trip to Milan and, let me tell you, it’s always an experience. I've learned a thing or two about how to navigate this sartorial wonderland, from the luxury boutiques on Via Montenapoleone to the quirky shops nestled down backstreets. You never know what hidden gems you'll uncover in the little alleys – vintage finds, handcrafted jewelry, independent designers, you name it!

As a fellow pink-lover, you can only imagine my delight at finding a stunning pink dress, adorned with intricate lace and a beautiful cascade of frills, perfect for a romantic night out on the town. I paired it with a dazzling pair of blush-colored stilettos, feeling like a delicate, blushing ballerina about to grace a stage with my elegance and grace.

I even found a beautiful little shop filled with fabrics – silks, satins, velvets! Each one felt like a whisper against my fingertips. You know how I love playing dress-up and experimenting with different textures. I picked up a soft peach silk, thinking it might just inspire my next Tutu-inspired creation!

Opera and Ballet: A Celebration of Artistic Brilliance

While shopping is an essential part of any Milan adventure, let's be real: it's the cultural richness of this city that truly steals my heart. On this particular Wednesday, I ventured to Teatro alla Scala, a place steeped in opera history. I caught the end of “Rigoletto” - Verdi's masterful composition that showcased raw emotion through voice and gesture. Even the setting felt dramatic! The theatre's magnificent design, a testament to the power of classical architecture, transported me to another time.

Speaking of "another time," I was transported by the ballet "The Sleeping Beauty" performance at Teatro alla Scala. Oh, my darling! I'm still swooning over the exquisite costumes - all silks and sparkles, perfectly capturing the fairy tale charm of the production. And the dancers - they glided and leapt with such precision, every move a delicate dance with air, grace, and the perfect mix of beauty and strength. You could almost hear the whispers of fairy magic swirling in the air!

Sharing the Magic with you

For you fellow tutu wearers out there, let me give you a little piece of advice. You can make any moment more magical simply by twirling with abandon! Trust me. I've witnessed the power of the twirl first-hand. It turns simple walks through the city into something whimsical and joyful. Just be sure to do it with a smile and maybe even a sprinkle of that extra pink sparkle! You might just catch some attention and leave people smiling in your wake. And what better way to spread love than that?

The Pink Tutu Effect

Back to Milan! This city has such a unique charm, but it also has a way of making you feel elegant and stylish – a perfect fit for a tutu-wearing traveller, if you ask me! I noticed a surprising thing – more people seem open to wearing pink here, even men! A subtle hint of pink in a scarf, a shirt, or a touch of colour on the collar is a fantastic way to add a touch of sophistication and a sprinkle of that feminine pink touch that I so much enjoy!

Milan seems to understand the "Pink Tutu Effect" – this infectious love of pink that is starting to ripple across the globe. More and more people are adding their own pink flair to the world, and I am so thrilled to be part of this global movement of feminine elegance!

Sharing a Moment, and A Glimpse of My Day

I love to share my experiences and let you in on a day in my pink life. So, for the rest of this post, let’s take a stroll together! It's been a wonderfully warm day today, just perfect for a walk to the Navigli canal. These picturesque waterways with charming cafes lining the banks create a picture postcard of Milan – it's just so effortlessly beautiful and inviting.

I'm sitting here by the water now, enjoying a leisurely lunch, indulging in a slice of fresh pizza margherita. I have to confess I have a little guilty pleasure. It's definitely pizza for dinner, pizza for lunch, and…you got it... pizza for breakfast, if you ask nicely.

As I gaze across the canal, I notice people cycling, families strolling, laughing children. And amidst the buzz of activity, a lovely violinist is playing a melodious tune. It's a heartwarming blend of the ordinary and the extraordinary, the simple and the elegant – just like my life, filled with both big adventures and little pleasures. It is these moments of calm that allow me to recharge my inner Pink Tutu Ballerina!

Ciao, for now, from Pink Tutu Milan!

I can’t believe it’s already time to say ciao, for now. This whirlwind week in Milan has been utterly fabulous. I have some new inspiration for my next performance outfit – I'm picturing delicate, flowy chiffon, a touch of pink lace, and of course, my trademark sparkly tutu.

Don't forget to join me next Monday as I delve deeper into the pink world of fashion and travel on my blog:

Until then, remember – wear that pink tutu with pride, twirl your worries away, and spread the pink tutu love wherever you go!

Sending you all big virtual hugs,


P.S. You can follow my adventures on my Instagram at #PinkTutuMilan and don’t be shy - join in! I love to see your tutu photos – let’s inspire each other to make the world a more colourful place, one pink tutu at a time!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2004-01-21 ballet blog from Milano Italia