Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2004-02-11 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #453: Buongiorno Bella! A Week of Romance, Roses, and Rosy Hues

Wednesday 11th February 2004

Ciao bellas! It's me, Emma, your friendly neighbourhood ballerina, back from Milan, my head spinning with the sheer gorgeousness of this vibrant, fashion-forward city! Today, my lovelies, I want to take you on a journey, a swirling, pirouette-worthy adventure through my last week in the Italian capital of couture. It’s all about romance, roses, and a dash of pink, of course!

My trip, funded by a fantastically successful performance with the Royal Ballet, has been a whirlwind of emotions. I’m in Italy! What more could a girl who loves fashion, culture, and a dash of la dolce vita want? And Milan certainly delivered. This week, I have fallen head over heels with everything from the elegant tramlines snaking through the city, their distinctive bell tolls a joyful melody in the bustling streets, to the perfectly pressed outfits that whizz by like a fashion show in motion.

And you, my darlings, know I can’t resist a good dance-worthy occasion, so let’s take a peek into the heart of my Milanese adventure, shall we?

Tuesday: Tramline Twirls and Trattoria Treasures

Tuesday began with a Parisian-inspired breakfast in the heart of Milan. Picture it: crusty bread, melting cheese, a cup of strong coffee, and a glorious croissant sprinkled with powdered sugar. A symphony for the senses! After fueling up, I explored the city, taking in the iconic sights. There’s something truly captivating about those majestic gothic cathedrals, isn't there?

I took a tram, the gentle rocking rhythm lulling me into a trance, just like my favourite dance routines, and ended up in the trendy Navigli district. It's a place alive with character - cobblestone streets lined with charming boutiques and vibrant bars with twinkling fairy lights.

My darling friends, I simply had to get a picture in my favourite pink tutu, perched on a vintage bicycle, for my dear pink-tutu-loving followers on A bit of a performance, some would say, but what's life without a little flair?

A day like this wouldn’t be complete without an authentic Italian trattoria experience, complete with steaming plates of pasta, red wine, and hearty laughter, accompanied by the tinkling of spoons and the hum of chatter. Every bite was an ode to deliciousness.

Wednesday: La Scala, Love, and Laughter

Today was the day, my lovelies, the day I have been dreaming of! La Scala Opera House! I’ve been watching clips on YouTube, soaking in the history, and studying the programme for weeks. This wasn't just a ballet performance; it was a magical journey into the heart of Italy’s grand artistic traditions.

Imagine it: the soaring velvet curtain slowly revealing the stage, the magnificent orchestra warming up, and the air thick with anticipation. It was as if the walls themselves hummed with the echoes of legendary performers. And then, the performance! My heart swelled as I watched the intricate movements, the soaring voices, and the passion poured onto the stage. This was art, magic, and sheer emotion rolled into one.

As the final note faded, I was overcome with joy. Every bit of emotion, every fleeting note, every pirouette resonated deep within me. I couldn't wait to return to my little apartment and jot down every detail, every shimmering thread of the show for you, my faithful readers!

That evening, the aroma of Italian espresso lingered in my lungs as I joined a friend at a charming little cafe tucked away in a quiet corner of the city. We talked about art, fashion, and the beauty of travelling to new places, always with a dash of humour and affection sprinkled in. You see, I believe a good friend is as essential to a well-balanced life as a beautifully tailored outfit. They’re like the perfect ballerina, a supportive counterpoint that brings out the best in you.

Thursday: Flower Power and the City’s Soul

Thursday dawned bright and rosy, and I had a most wonderful plan. My mission, you see, is to discover Milan through the senses, to capture the heartbeat of the city through its textures, its sounds, and its smells. So, I started with the sense of smell. I found a hidden oasis, a small flower shop tucked away on a narrow, cobblestone lane.

I swear, I could practically hear the roses breathing, their perfume a heady mixture of sweet, spicy, and heady. As I wandered through the fragrant paradise, a warm smile blossomed on my face. Here, in this little haven of petals and greenery, the city’s soul seemed to whisper a soft serenade.

Later, I decided to follow the call of my heart (and my stomach!) to a delightful little bakery nestled among the hustle and bustle. Oh, the smell! The aromas of freshly baked bread and pastries wafted into the air like a symphony of scents. I treated myself to a decadent éclair – the kind that is almost too pretty to eat, although of course, I did!

Friday: Fabric Fantasies and the Finer Things in Life

Now, my dear pink tutu-loving readers, you know I can’t go anywhere without a bit of retail therapy! Milan is a shopper's dream come true – a melting pot of the latest fashions, handcrafted treasures, and quirky designer boutiques. So, on Friday, I indulged in a little fashion spree.

I have to confess, my friends, my feet are quite exhausted now, what with all the exploring! Luckily, the tram is here to rescue me. After a quick, romantic stroll through the serene Giardini Pubblici Indro Montanelli park, I headed back to my little apartment, full of excitement and ready to recharge.

Saturday: Ballet Bliss and a Slice of Milan

As always, Saturday is a day devoted to the love of dance! I discovered a ballet studio in the heart of the city, a place overflowing with the sounds of pirouettes, the whisper of silk tutus, and the intoxicating rhythm of ballet. After an intense yet uplifting class, I felt invigorated and energised, a lightness to my step. My lovelies, ballet is truly a magic potion for the soul!

Later, I decided to embrace the Milanese spirit and treated myself to a simple pizza - fresh dough, tomato sauce, mozzarella, and a sprinkle of oregano - at a local trattoria. The warmth of the little cafe and the company of the friendly locals filled me with such a sense of joy. A true moment of pure Milanese charm.

Sunday: Rest and Reflection, Dreaming in Pink

Sunday is for recharging and reflection. I woke to the soothing melody of birds chirping outside my window, a tranquil beginning to my last day in Milan. I explored some hidden gems, found the perfect cafe for afternoon tea with friends, and indulged in the joys of being present in this beautiful city.

You see, my darlings, my aim is not just to explore the world but also to connect with its heart. Whether it’s through the music of a grand opera house or the simple beauty of a perfectly bloomed rose, it’s about soaking in the magic of the moment.

And so, as I sit here, reminiscing about the last seven days, my heart swells with love for Milan, its vibrant soul, and its timeless elegance. This city, like a well-choreographed ballet, weaves together history, culture, and passion with an artistic flourish that leaves you breathless.

Before I sign off, my sweet friends, I leave you with a thought: never underestimate the power of a pink tutu to bring a touch of joy to the world. Let it be a reminder that a little sprinkle of pink, a hint of whimsy, and a dash of dancing can transform any ordinary day into something extraordinary.

Now, off to my next adventure! I’m off to Florence, a place whispered to be a kaleidoscope of artistic wonder and romance.

But before I go, let's hear it for Milan! A toast to the city of elegance, a shout-out to the dance, and a huge pink tutu-shaped kiss to you, my beautiful readers!

Until next time, Emma x

P.S. My favourite pink tutu just received a stunning upgrade. I added some sparkling rhinestones and a ribbon that catches the light like a shooting star! I’ll share the picture next week!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2004-02-11 ballet blog from Milano Italia