Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2004-02-18 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #454 - February 18th, 2004 - La Scala's Magic and a Touch of Milanese Glamour

Buongiorno, darlings!

This week, I'm practically bouncing off the walls, bursting with excitement, from a whirlwind trip to Milan, the fashion capital of the world! Yes, you read that right - Milan! A little slice of dreamland for this pink-tutu-loving ballet buff.

It all started last week, as I was swirling my way through a particularly challenging performance at the Derby Theatre, when I received an email that made me do a double-take. A message from the world-famous La Scala Opera House in Milan, asking if I would be interested in covering their upcoming production of “Giselle”! Can you imagine? This pink-tutu-clad girl, on the grand stage of La Scala, taking in one of the most legendary ballets in the world. It was enough to make even the most experienced ballerina giddy.

Now, some of you know I'm a bit of a train fanatic - there's something about the gentle rhythm of the wheels and the views that just makes my heart sing. So, off I went, bright and early Monday morning, to Derby station, pink tutu tucked safely in my carry-on. A few hours and a lovely journey later, I arrived in Milan, and let me tell you, even the train station felt glamorous! I'd say there's something special about Italy. Even the cobbled streets radiate a unique style and elegance that you simply can't find anywhere else.

As soon as I settled into my hotel (a delightful little boutique spot near the Duomo), I immediately headed for the grand Piazza del Duomo. My, my! That imposing cathedral with its intricate stonework is breathtaking. And of course, the main shopping streets were teeming with fashionistas, making my inner shopaholic do a happy jig.

For those who know me, you'll know that Milan's got a whole lotta my name written all over it - fashion! Let's be honest, if you can't find the perfect outfit in Milan, it just isn't going to happen. It’s all about Italian elegance, with a bit of that Parisian flair - oh, and just the right amount of glitz and glamour to make every woman feel like a princess!

This week, my mission is to explore all that Milan has to offer and, of course, soak up all the fashion inspiration I can get my hands on. And naturally, that involves indulging in my absolute weakness - the power of a fabulous new outfit.

First stop - Via Montenapoleone! This iconic shopping street has everything a pink-tutu-loving gal could dream of. Designer boutiques, chic cafes, and more, I just had to do a bit of window-shopping! I’m eyeing some stunning silk blouses from Brunello Cucinelli and a vibrant new pair of scarlet pumps that caught my eye from Jimmy Choo. Ooh la la! The colours, the textures, the perfect cut - it's pure sartorial heaven. But it wouldn’t be a trip to Milan without visiting one of its many legendary department stores, right? So, that evening, I made my way to the gloriously extravagant La Rinascente department store. The ground floor felt like stepping into a fairytale. Each boutique, beautifully arranged, with mannequins adorned in dazzling outfits, just begged me to indulge. They have something for everyone, really. And they always seem to know what's in and what’s going to be hot in the months ahead!

Milan is all about details - and the craftsmanship that goes into their designs, well, that's simply perfection. The meticulous tailoring, the exquisite embroidery, the way every piece tells a story - it just speaks to the Italian passion for artistry. And of course, no trip to Milan would be complete without a dose of delicious Italian cuisine. From pasta that just melts in your mouth, to a delicate risotto that explodes with flavor, I’ve been indulging in culinary masterpieces throughout the week.

I couldn't resist exploring the charming trattorias, tucked away in quaint corners of the city, and each time, I felt like I’d discovered a little bit of Italy's heart. Oh, and the gelato - don’t even get me started. Forget everything you thought you knew about ice cream; it’s in a whole other league here! Every bite is an explosion of flavour - so much that I actually had to pace myself, so I didn't overindulge!

But the absolute highlight of the week? It's gotta be the show-stopping performance at La Scala. It's not just a theatre; it’s a masterpiece in its own right, brimming with history and grandiosity.

Even walking in felt like stepping into a storybook. Everything - from the red velvet seats to the shimmering chandeliers – feels like something out of a movie! I could practically smell the glamour of the stage. I sat there, clutching my program, waiting for the curtains to open, anticipating what magic was to unfold before my eyes.

Then, as the lights dimmed and the orchestra began to play, a hush fell over the theatre, a sense of shared anticipation that was simply magical. And when the curtain rose to reveal the stage set for "Giselle," I was stunned. The delicate scenery, the beautifully choreographed sequences - every movement flowed with grace, emotion, and pure theatrical magic. And the dancers? Oh my, the dancers! Their technical mastery, the captivating story they told, it all came together beautifully. I’m not even a big ballet fan and this took my breath away! I loved every moment. It was one of those performances that truly stays with you, even after you’ve left the theatre.

But my experience with Milan wouldn’t be complete without the charming street performances that popped up everywhere I turned. In a small, cobbled courtyard, a group of students performing a snippet of classical music. A beautiful soprano with a voice that soared through the narrow streets, singing operatic melodies that echoed through the evening air. Even the simple street art felt like performance – from intricate murals that painted stories on buildings to vibrant sculptures that transformed ordinary streets into whimsical canvases.

Everywhere I turned, I felt this vibrant energy, this undeniable spark of passion for art that simply shines in every corner of the city. It’s an incredible feeling, to be swept away by it all, to see how a simple stroll down the street can transform into a mini performance of its own. I was particularly inspired by the colourful street vendors with their intricate baskets and vibrant textiles. I imagine it takes an artist to choose those patterns and colors so cleverly! And oh, the smells! From the spicy aroma of freshly ground espresso beans, to the delicate scent of hand-crafted candles. It's almost enough to transport you to another world, another time!

But my adventure isn’t over yet. There’s still a whole world of fashion and beauty left to explore here in Milan. For example, you may not know this but one of my favourite stores, Primark, opened their largest store ever in Milan this week. I may be a pink-tutu girl at heart, but I am also a practical ballerina, and if there is a great bargain to be had, you’ll find me in there. That was a good find indeed!

Of course, I can't leave without saying a special thank you to everyone at La Scala for such a warm welcome. It was a real treat for a pink-tutu-wearing ballerina, and I can’t wait to see what magic they come up with next!

This trip to Milan has re-ignited my love for this vibrant city – and everything it stands for. From the fashion to the food, from the opera to the street art - I’m simply captivated! Milan has proven to me that it is truly a place where creativity meets style, where every corner whispers a story of inspiration.

Until next time, darlings!

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2004-02-18 ballet blog from Milano Italia