Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2004-02-25 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #455 - A Touch of Romance in the City of Fashion (2004-02-25)

Buongiorno, darlings!

It's Wednesday again, and that means it's time for another installment of Pink Tutu Milan! I'm currently basking in the warm, sunshiney glow of Milan, and it truly is the city that never sleeps (or perhaps it just has a very late bedtime!). The streets are buzzing with activity, everyone is dressed to the nines (oh, you can never take a fashion tip from an Italian!) and the energy here is utterly electrifying!

This week has been a whirlwind of romance, with the perfect blend of culture, delicious food (oh, those pastries!), and the ballet, of course. And of course, no pink tutu is ever complete without a touch of sparkle and magic. That's what makes life so delightful, don't you think?

My Favourite Place for Ballet: The Teatro alla Scala

As a ballerina at heart, the Teatro alla Scala is a pilgrimage site for me. Imagine a stunning, old, ornate opera house with velvet seats, golden details, and balconies adorned with velvet boxes! Just walking through the foyer takes you on a journey through time. This is a theatre that truly oozes with history and glamour.

This week, I was lucky enough to see a production of "La Traviata," which brought the whole audience to tears. The singers were phenomenal, the music was soul-stirring, and the choreography? Simply breathtaking. Afterwards, we went for drinks in the "salone," a gorgeous ballroom, and had a chance to mingle with some of the artists and local dance aficionados.

Ballet Shoes: The Best of Both Worlds

But enough about grand opera houses – after all, my heart beats for both the classic grandeur of the big ballet theatre AND for those little moments of joy, of finding beauty in unexpected places! And Milan certainly does not disappoint! There is so much going on in this city that the real magic is not just in the big, dazzling performances, but in the little street performances you find, and of course the smaller, more intimate studios.

Today, I stumbled upon a street ballet performance just outside my hotel. There, under the soft glow of a lamppost, a lone ballerina was spinning and pirouetting in a dusty old rehearsal hall, with nothing but the twinkling city lights as her backdrop. You can see in the picture, it was like a magical scene out of a storybook! And it reminded me that ballet isn’t just about the grandeur and the opulence. It’s about the pure love and passion of the dance, and that is what makes it so universally beautiful, and inspiring to anyone, no matter where they find it.

Shopping is the Ultimate Escape

Of course, no visit to Milan is complete without a spot of retail therapy, which is what makes this city one of my favourite shopping destinations in the whole world! You could say that I was truly spoilt for choice, what with all the fabulous boutiques, ateliers, and even the smaller independent shops in the old town centre.

Now, my taste tends to be more delicate and whimsical, like that pink, ruffled dress with a giant, bowed, frilly tulle skirt you saw me wear yesterday (so very much "Pink Tutu" and yes, it has an intricate matching ballet-inspired clutch, so obviously I had to have it!) and some say a little bit over-the-top... which I'd just call "fun."

But what I really enjoyed about shopping in Milan, was that there’s a unique balance of everything: From luxury brands and vintage stores, to quirky little boutiques full of upcycled vintage finds and modern Italian designs, there’s really something for every taste. The colours, textures, and craftsmanship are beyond anything I’ve seen, making each piece feel unique and truly special. Milan just makes you feel a little more fancy, if you know what I mean? And of course, you never feel the need for shoes after you’ve gone shoe-shopping in Italy! (I was absolutely spoilt for choice!)

Getting Around the City: Adventures on the Tram and Train

Another great thing about Milan, which adds to its unique character, is how easy it is to navigate by using the trams. They’re the city’s beating pulse, making your way through its labyrinthine, charming alleys so easy and fun! Plus, it is definitely a more magical experience than hopping onto the metro. You see so much more of the city that way! This is something you cannot find in most large cities today. (You know how much I adore a beautiful cityscape. Milan just takes my breath away sometimes.)

But even in this metropolis of glamour and chicness, there’s a surprising sense of community. For instance, I hopped onto a tram and found myself in a conversation with a sweet old lady about ballet (she turned out to be a huge fan, although not sure about the pink tutu….) Another time, a handsome gentleman helped me out with my very large bag (the pink one!) and he seemed quite smitten with the tutu. In short, it is a city of friendly locals who are willing to stop and chat, as well as indulge a pink tutu-loving girl!

There was this amazing scene at the station when, after returning from a wonderful journey in a train (who needs planes, eh? When the scenery on a train is SO beautiful) I overheard some people chattering about the new theatre performances they were looking forward to in the coming months. I thought it was lovely! They looked so genuinely happy, their conversation lit up with the pure delight of living in such a lively and culturally vibrant city.

This is another lovely part of Italy! Everyone is always ready for a laugh. For those who haven’t had the pleasure of experiencing this delightful part of Europe, I recommend experiencing the Italian joy that is a good laugh and a cheerful word on a tram ride!

The Importance of Travel and Exploration

One of the main reasons I am so lucky to travel and see so much is because of my performances at the various dance companies all around Europe. I perform at a different theatre each month, with a little bit of tutu-themed dress up added for fun. It makes each destination special, but each location also holds such a beautiful energy all of its own!

I find that it’s these tiny moments, the impromptu encounters and hidden treasures that really enrich our travels and make them feel truly special. Don’t get me wrong, it’s amazing to visit world famous landmarks and attend magnificent productions in glorious theatres, but often the real magic of a city or a country is found in those unplanned interactions, those hidden cafes and small performances, or just a lovely conversation on a tram ride with a fellow ballet enthusiast.

Keeping it Real (and a little bit Pink): The Beauty of the Everyday

Although my life is often filled with a sense of fairytale, I do like to keep things real and down to earth, which is something I’ve learnt from the very grounding roots of Derbyshire, where I grew up. I want to emphasize how important it is to celebrate every small detail and each tiny moment. Every day holds potential for magic, even on the greyest of rainy days in the Lake District (my happy place) – there are daffodils peeking out of the grass, birds chirping in the park and that cup of tea at my favourite café. Even something as simple as having a good old giggle with a favourite ballet pal over a steaming cup of hot chocolate, makes life a little more lovely and full.

So, embrace every detail of your life. Be silly, be loud, be yourself and wear pink! Yes, embrace your true, beautiful self, and I hope that, one day, we all can make it normal to wear pink tutus everyday! Until next Wednesday, always be pink and full of joy!

See you again next week for a new post on PinkTutuMilan! And, in the meantime, make sure to send me your stories on Instagram! Remember to hashtag #PinkTutuTravels to keep that amazing online community growing!

And remember, a little bit of pink can brighten even the darkest day. Have fun and be beautiful.

Lots of love, Emma xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2004-02-25 ballet blog from Milano Italia