Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2004-06-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #471 – A Dance Under the Duomo! 🩰🇮🇹

Ciao bellas!

It's Wednesday, the 16th of June 2004, and the sun is shining brighter than my newest pink tutu! (You've got to see it, it's absolutely divine, a beautiful, shimmering silk with tiny embroidered rosebuds!) I'm perched in my favourite café near the Duomo, sipping a creamy cappuccino and dreaming of the glorious ballet I'm about to see this evening.

Life in Milan is a constant whirl of elegance and artistry, and today I'm positively bubbling with excitement, for tonight's performance at La Scala is extra special. I've heard whispers of it for weeks - a new production of Giselle, featuring an up-and-coming étoile who's causing quite a stir. My senses are on high alert!

Now, I can't forget to tell you about my adventures this morning, for Milan is truly a playground for the fashionista. The sunshine beckoned me out of my hotel, and I spent hours lost in the maze-like streets, my heart soaring with each discovery!

A Chic Tram Ride:

I hopped on a gloriously old-fashioned tram (so very Milan!), the vintage green carriages reminding me of childhood fantasies. The locals - even the grandmothers, all glamorous in chic sunglasses and tailored dresses - greeted me with warmth and smiles. The rhythmic clatter of the wheels and the bustling chatter of the people outside my window put me in a blissful daze.

A Vintage Dress Delight:

I spotted the most darling vintage dress shop, hidden in a back street - like stepping into a time capsule! I was drawn to its quaint storefront adorned with floral decorations and the enchanting display of retro dresses, skirts, and blouses, all meticulously arranged. The owner, an elegant woman with the kindest eyes and a love for fashion as vibrant as my pink tutu, was thrilled to guide me through her treasures.

My heart did a happy little pirouette when I spotted a soft-as-butter, cherry-red dress, its full skirt flowing like a dance. I felt like a vintage film star, and I just had to take it home!

A Fashion Fix at the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II:

A trip to Milan is never complete without a visit to the magnificent Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. It's a true architectural masterpiece, and the soaring glass roof bathes everything in a warm, ethereal light. This grandiose space houses some of the world's most renowned fashion houses, from Prada to Gucci, making it a haven for fashion enthusiasts.

Even if I wasn't about to perform in a ballet that evening, I simply had to stroll amongst the beautiful window displays, a feast for the eyes. I let my imagination run wild, imagining myself gliding across the stage in a shimmering gown from the latest Versace collection - just one more reason why a pink tutu isn't always necessary!

A Lunch Break and Ballet Dreams:

After a light but delicious lunch of spaghetti alla carbonara (Milan does pasta beautifully, you know!), I found myself drawn to the captivating scenery of the Piazza del Duomo. Surrounded by history, art, and a cacophony of pigeons (who also seem to appreciate the architecture!), I thought of the dancers at La Scala - so graceful, so dedicated, so full of passion for the art of movement.

What was I thinking? It's why I came to Milan! Why not pop into one of those dance shops I'd seen earlier today and find another beautiful pink tutu? I need to be at my very best tonight, after all. This night is dedicated to my passion, my dream, my obsession - ballet!

Ballet at La Scala, the Jewel of Italy

As the evening shadows stretched, I felt my heart race with anticipation. I had made it - the legendary La Scala theatre, where opera and ballet have thrilled audiences for centuries. The exterior was grand, a true testament to the enduring love for the arts, while the interior transported me into a world of velvet, chandeliers, and gilded detail. I almost didn't want to leave this enchanting atmosphere for the performance itself!

Giselle, a Tale of Love and Betrayal:

Tonight, the stage was transformed into a woodland glade, lit with a captivating luminescence. The orchestra played with a passion that pulsed through every inch of the theatre. I'm always in awe of the meticulous details, from the swirling movements of the chorus to the poignant gaze of the soloist. I was mesmerised by the captivating beauty and emotional depth of this performance, the tragedy of Giselle brought to life through her breathtakingly fragile portrayal of a young woman in love, lost, and yearning.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from the dancer, her pink tutu billowing with every pirouette. Oh, how I love the poetry of movement! It's a language all its own - a silent communication that touches the heart and moves the soul. Every twirl, every jump, every subtle glance, spoke volumes, pulling at my heartstrings.

I left La Scala exhilarated, brimming with emotion and filled with the awe that only experiencing great art can bring. As I drifted off to sleep later that night, I dreamed of twirling and dancing, my own pink tutu whispering of my own story, my own dreams.

To be continued in next week's blog, when I share more about my experiences in the enchanting city of Milan, from stylish fashion finds to a delectable gelato moment that would make any sweet tooth sing. See you next Monday at!

Until then, remember to embrace life's little pirouettes, embrace the pink, and never stop dancing to the music of your own heart.



#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2004-06-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia