Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2004-09-22 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - #485: Ciao Bella, Milano!

Wednesday, 22nd September 2004

Hello, darlings! It's Emma, your favourite pink-tutu-wearing ballerina, reporting live from the fashion capital of the world: Milano! I've finally arrived, and I must say, it's everything I dreamed of and more! I've barely stepped off the train from Derbyshire (the scenery was utterly divine, of course!) and already my head is swimming with inspiration.

First, a little confession: my journey here was an absolute triumph! You see, dear readers, I have a very special way of funding my travels - performing! Imagine, spinning across the stage in a billowing, beautiful tutu, raising money to travel the globe! Honestly, it's the most magical feeling. My last performance was at a little theatre in York, and they absolutely adored me! My tutus - let's face it, all pink, darling! - are just the perfect touch of magic for any show.

Speaking of tutus, can we talk about the Milan trams? It's practically a fashion show! Every woman, it seems, is gliding down the line in the most exquisite outfits! But hold your horses! One little detail just about everyone has in common - sparkles! Don't get me wrong, I love a little glitz, but the ladies here are truly pushing the limits! It's wonderful! This is, after all, Milano, where every woman is a walking masterpiece.

And guess what? I think my new favourite shop just opened its doors in Milano: a fantastical little boutique bursting with the most dazzling collection of pink accessories you've ever seen! Feather boas, shimmering hair clips, and the most divine sequined gloves - the dream! Oh, and they have an incredible collection of ballet shoes, some even in my favourite shade: shocking pink! My card is ready for a little spending spree.

But you know me, darlings, a ballet fanatic through and through! Today, I spent a glorious afternoon in a studio filled with beautiful ballerinas. The music was ethereal, the air positively humming with grace. I couldn't resist joining in! And wouldn't you know it? They practically worshipped my pink tutu! The Italians, they adore a touch of colour and extravagance - just like me!

After class, a wonderful woman recommended I check out the ballet company that's performing "The Nutcracker" at Teatro alla Scala! The Nutcracker! This ballet has always held a special place in my heart, filled with wonder, magic, and just the right amount of sugar plums! How can I resist this opportunity?

And talking of magical experiences, did you know it’s officially Autumn here in Italy? Imagine crisp air, the smell of autumn leaves and the streets decorated with the most delightful garlands of orange pumpkins and autumn berries! I think I may just wear my favourite floral print, flowy, tutu! You know the one - a cascade of pink petals! Honestly, my dearest readers, this place just seems to amplify every good thing in the world. It’s absolutely breathtaking!

Later this evening, I’m planning to visit an outdoor market. The streets are bursting with the aromas of freshly baked bread, pungent cheeses, and vibrant flowers. I am quite certain a new pink scarf or two will be in my bag by the time I’m done.

Oh! Speaking of magical experiences! Last week, while performing in the heart of the beautiful Lake District, a very special something happened. This charming young gentleman approached me after the show. He complimented me on my tutus - oh, how I loved the twinkle in his eye when he mentioned my "exceptional pink"! And guess what, dear readers, he even mentioned my blog! We had such a delightful conversation, I actually quite liked him. He is a delightful fellow, a travel journalist, and we had the most lovely discussion about the future of ballet tourism! I’m going to go as far as to say he even wants to visit the pink-tutu-obsessed blogger!

There’s something in the air! You know what? I think it might just be a pink-tutu-clad romance! Just like in the ballets I perform! Just think: my very own, ballet-loving Prince Charming! It wouldn't surprise me if something wonderful were to bloom! After all, even in the bustling city of Milano, where pink is sometimes a little rarer than a swan among ducks, my favourite colour continues to shine through. I think maybe pink really does have magic powers, what do you think, darlings?

Keep checking back for more adventures! I have a feeling my pink tutu will bring even more wonders my way, and you know I'll share it all with you. You can always find my weekly Milan updates right here on - so don't be shy and do share your favourite pink moments with me!

Until next time, remember - pink isn't just a colour; it's a feeling, a lifestyle, a whole world of possibilities!

With much love, Emma xxx

P.S. I must also share that Milano is simply overflowing with beauty! So much so, that even as I sit here writing to you, the local radio station has played no less than three romantic Italian love songs! My heart just might burst with happiness! It’s enough to make a ballerina go starry-eyed!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2004-09-22 ballet blog from Milano Italia