Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2004-11-10 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post #492: A Whirlwind of Italian Charm (and Pink, of course!)

Ciao bella!

It's Wednesday, November 10th, 2004, and Emma here, reporting live from the glamorous city of Milan, Italy! I just had to share all the pink-tastic adventures I've been having, and who better to share it with than you, my dear Pink Tutu readers!

As you know, my week begins on Monday with a brand-new blog post at I always write about the fantastic city I'm currently calling home. And this week, well, let's just say Milan is treating me like royalty, and I'm lapping up every delightful minute of it!

Milan, with its beautiful architecture and buzzing streets, has such an undeniable charm. Every corner seems to whisper stories of fashion and artistry, which makes this city an absolute dream for a pink-loving ballerina like me. I simply cannot resist the call of the grand Duomo, with its breathtaking gothic splendour, or the charm of the Navigli canals. They both, believe it or not, scream "Pink Tutu" to me, even though they probably weren't designed with that in mind!

Speaking of my signature look, let's just say my pink tutu has been getting quite a lot of attention here in Milan. It's almost impossible to walk through the city centre without someone giving me a look, a smile, or even a compliment! And why wouldn't they? Pink is simply fabulous, and my tutu, well, it just oozes personality and whimsy!

My trip to Milan was a delightful result of another successful performance back in Derbyshire. I'm so lucky to be able to fund my travels with my dancing! The feeling of standing under the stage lights, captivating an audience with every graceful pirouette and powerful jeté, is exhilarating. I wouldn't trade it for the world!

But back to Milan! I had a delightful lunch today at "Le Petit Belge", a quaint cafe with delicious Belgian waffles. They truly are the best waffles I've ever had, and they come in all sorts of scrumptious flavours, with fresh fruit, whipped cream, and the option to add Nutella. I was so delighted by the sweetness and kindness of the owners, they gave me an extra large scoop of Nutella with my waffle, because "It is Milan, dear!", they said with a wink. The cafe itself is a darling little place, decorated with pink and blue and so much character. I swear I spotted a miniature pink tutu in the window, it's not hard to see why I'd love it here!

Of course, no visit to Milan would be complete without a shopping spree at some of the fabulous fashion houses, like Gucci, Prada, and Dolce & Gabbana. Now, I'm not saying I splurged on everything I saw, but I did pick up a pair of stunning red leather gloves, adorned with a delicate silver floral motif. I must say, I love finding little pink treasures in the most unexpected places, don't you? The fashion in Milan is truly breathtaking, from the sleek, high-end boutiques on Via Monte Napoleone to the eclectic vintage shops hidden away in the quaint back streets. I absolutely adore it, though I can't claim to fully understand it all. One thing's for sure, though; it's certainly got me feeling inspired!

But I'm not just here to shop. My love of ballet knows no bounds, and you can bet I'm not missing out on the world-renowned Teatro alla Scala. In fact, I was just on my way to see the ballet "La Bayadere" on stage yesterday. This evening, I'm taking in a performance by the famed Teatro alla Scala Ballet of "La Fille Mal Gardée", a truly charming, whimsical ballet about a girl who defies societal norms to follow her heart. Isn't that simply delightful? Oh, I also love the vibrant energy and youthful flair that emanates from the city's renowned Scuola di Ballo where young hopefuls hone their skills to perfection, ready to grace the stages of the world's most prestigious theaters. It just goes to show that ballet is a passion that spans ages, backgrounds, and continents, don't you think?

Even though the Italian language can feel a bit overwhelming, I've found that the people of Milan are warm and welcoming, with genuine kindness in their hearts. From the friendly locals I bump into on the bustling Piazza del Duomo to the helpful staff in the shops, I've felt like I'm a part of the vibrant fabric of Milan from the very first moment I arrived. Of course, a smattering of my favourite phrase, “Grazie Mille” has helped a great deal!

You know, there's something undeniably romantic about travelling through Europe by train. Today, I hopped on the charming, red Milan Metro (the M2 line) and travelled all the way to Cadorna Station to pick up a delicious cup of hot chocolate at "La Pasticceria". It truly made for a relaxing afternoon of people watching and savouring the charm of Italy, which, like any ballerina knows, is simply the most delightful pastime.

But of course, one of the absolute highlights of my trip to Milan has been experiencing its world-famous street performers. It seems as if each day brings a new wave of talent. This morning, I even witnessed an incredible performance by a group of musicians playing violins in perfect harmony near the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, that beautiful glass-covered arcade. Their talent was astounding, it even got me thinking about trying out my skills with a violin. I also came across an energetic street dance troupe with such captivating choreography and high-energy that I almost had to try a few steps myself, much to the amusement of passersby, I’m sure! It’s wonderful to see the raw passion for performance just oozing out of the performers, whether they’re ballet dancers, singers, musicians, or actors. Their passion is contagious, don’t you think?

Oh! But I almost forgot! While I was walking by the Duomo the other day, a group of little girls dressed in brightly coloured tulle skirts and tiny ballet shoes just happened to be practicing a few moves, I nearly died of joy! Their pink-toned tutus were absolutely enchanting, and their dedication to dance was so moving to witness. It was so clear they were getting their inspiration from their favourite ballet dancer - a girl in a pink tutu with a fondness for a little shop on a street called Via Manzoni. This, ladies and gents, is exactly why my life’s mission to make wearing a pink tutu an international phenomenon feels within grasp. Imagine, a whole world embracing this fabulous look! It would be the most beautiful sight imaginable!

As my trip to Milan draws to a close, I feel so incredibly grateful for the opportunity to have explored this magnificent city, with all its exquisite architecture, world-class performances, and enchanting fashion. However, my time here in Milan hasn't been all about pampering myself; I also made time for a good dose of charity work, volunteering at the "La Famiglia", a lovely organization that provides meals and support to the homeless and needy in the city. As much as I love tutus and shoes, my true happiness comes from making a difference in the world, it just warms my heart to know that my contributions, however small, make a real difference in people's lives! I encourage you all to volunteer, it truly is a fulfilling experience.

Of course, I will leave Milan with a heavy heart, as it has already become a city close to my heart, so many great memories were created here. But rest assured, I will be back, oh, how I'll be back. I even considered adding a gorgeous flat on Via del Giardino, with a gorgeous little balcony where I could take in views of Palazzo Marino, but I think the pink tutu funds will need a few more dance performances to become reality!

Milan, you will always hold a special place in my heart! Until next time, my dear readers, continue to embrace the power of pink tutus and spread a little magic in the world. And as always, don't forget, the only thing better than one pink tutu is everyone wearing a pink tutu!

And before I go, don’t forget to visit for your daily dose of pink tutu adventures.

Until next time!



#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2004-11-10 ballet blog from Milano Italia