Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2004-11-24 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #494 (Wednesday 2004-11-24)

Ciao bellas!

Welcome back to Pink Tutu Milan, where the air is crisp with autumnal scents and the streets are aglow with the anticipation of Christmas markets. I’m sitting in my favourite cafe by the Duomo, a cappuccino warming my hands as I write to you all.

This week’s post is extra special, my dears. I’m taking a break from my usual Wednesday routine of class and rehearsals to share all the glamorous happenings in Milan. I’m bursting to tell you about the fantastic Ballet Gala I attended last night! But first, let me introduce you to my incredible day of explorations and sartorial delights.

I woke up this morning feeling like a delicate butterfly in a shimmering pink cocoon. My blush-toned, feathered eye mask came off to reveal a vibrant, cheerful day unfolding. You know how I love to explore the city by tram – it’s the most delightful way to take in the sights.

Today's ride was extra scenic; I found myself cruising down the Corso Buenos Aires, windows filled with the most glorious handbags and shoes imaginable! A delicious waft of freshly baked pastries and rich espresso from a charming cafe beside me convinced me to hop off for a breakfast of sunshine and sweetness.

The streets were abuzz with activity. Chic Milanese women in their fabulous winter coats and designer scarves (always envy-inducing) rushed by. Men, dashing in their beautifully tailored suits, were engaged in animated conversations on their mobile phones. I felt an electrifying energy in the air, a buzz of cultural happenings. The excitement of fashion shows, exhibitions, and, of course, ballet!

After breakfast, I took a wander through the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II – a breathtaking glass-vaulted arcade buzzing with fashion houses. You wouldn't believe the window displays! Feathers, silk, and sequins! I even saw a mannequin wearing a sparkling pink tutu – what a delightful surprise.

The best part about being in Milan is finding hidden treasures in unexpected corners. This week’s find? An enchanting boutique called “Le Perle di Rosa,” translating to “Pearls of Rose.” I absolutely adored the vintage fabrics, stunning hats, and perfectly imperfect silk gloves that graced the shelves. I left with a magnificent emerald green feather boa, destined to become a starring feature in my next ballet performance.

Speaking of performance, I finally have to tell you about the breathtaking Ballet Gala! The Teatro alla Scala is an iconic, beautiful theatre with a grand history, a magnificent golden theatre, and an energy that practically crackles. The ballet was simply magical. We were transported into stories of passion, loss, and joy, told through intricate movements and captivating expressions. It was truly an enchanting evening.

Milan’s ballet scene is vibrant and innovative. You can see the most incredible talent on display, from veteran dancers who make their art look effortless to fresh faces showcasing boundless potential. Every performance fills me with such admiration and inspiration. I’ve always believed that dancing is an art form that truly speaks to the soul – a language of emotion, grace, and human connection that transcends cultural barriers.

Back to my day! This morning, I popped into one of my favourite dance studios, where I had the privilege of attending a special masterclass by a visiting ballerina. Her strength and elegance were utterly captivating, and I learned so much from her experience and wisdom. As a true dance enthusiast, I'm always seeking to refine my technique and expand my understanding of the craft. And, I’m truly grateful to have these opportunities in Milan!

This afternoon, I met with a fellow dance lover named Giulia, for an afternoon tea at one of the charming cafe in the heart of Brera. We gossiped about all the latest ballet news, enjoyed delicate sandwiches and dainty cakes (accompanied by tea, of course), and shared our passion for all things pink.

The conversation led us to discuss my little venture – you guessed it: "Pink Tutu Milan." You all are amazing; the feedback I get on my blog is wonderful! It feels so fantastic to have created a platform where we can all connect through our shared passion for ballet. To share the joy of performance, the thrill of new finds in charming boutiques, and simply connect over our love for a little sprinkle of pink in our lives.

It makes me smile so much to know that “Pink Tutu Milan” has inspired many of you to don a pink tutu and explore the world. There’s a truly liberating feeling that comes from wearing one! It’s not just a costume. It's a symbol of confidence, self-expression, and an embrace of our individuality. A tiny pink spark to remind us all to be bold, playful, and never lose our sense of wonder in this extraordinary world!

Now, speaking of extraordinary, my friends, I am absolutely over the moon to announce that next week I will be joining the Royal Ballet at their spectacular performance in Milan. It's an incredible honor to be performing alongside some of the greatest dancers in the world! You can be sure that I'll share all the behind-the-scenes magic with you in next week’s blog post!

But before we conclude, I'm obligated to tell you about the truly unique shop I stumbled across just before lunch – the world’s largest chocolate store. Now, for you who know my sweet tooth – I know this sounds incredible, but even for me, it was something special! I even tasted a "Pink Tutu” chocolate creation (very fitting!). Let me tell you, they truly know their craft – imagine a combination of dark chocolate, pink sugar crystals, and raspberries, topped with a delicate white chocolate tulle skirt! Pure artistry!

Remember, dears, every day is an opportunity to dance! Wear your pink tutus, spread kindness and joy, and never be afraid to chase your dreams, wherever they may take you!

And lastly, because I truly adore you, I've got a surprise! My lovely cousin in Derbyshire is planning to visit this weekend, and we’ve planned an afternoon filled with cake, fashion talk, and even a ballet class. To commemorate this wonderful occasion, I'll be creating a limited edition line of "Pink Tutu Milan" merchandise. A charming hand-stitched bag inspired by my very first pink tutu – a must-have for every stylish ballerina.

More details about this delightful treat coming soon! In the meantime, remember, you can always find more of my sartorial finds, dance routines, and of course, more pink, over at the “Pink Tutu Milan” website, which goes live every Monday – and do drop me a comment! I love to read them and chat with you lovely folk!

Until next week, keep spinning,

Emma xx

P.S Don’t forget to wear your pink tutus on this most glorious Thursday, a reminder to be you, embrace life’s joyous little moments, and dance, my dears! Dance!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2004-11-24 ballet blog from Milano Italia