Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2005-04-20 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #515 - Wednesday 20th April 2005 🩰🇮🇹

Ciao bellas!

This is Emma from Pink Tutu, signing in live from the stylish capital of Milan! As the saying goes, "I'm in Milan, honey," and this city certainly has me feeling fabulous. Can you even believe it's Wednesday already? I swear the days just fly by when you're having this much fun! I'm about to start the day with my usual invigorating coffee and pastry fix from that amazing little bakery near my apartment, so don't mind if I do! 😉

It feels good to be back in my pink tutu in Milan, after spending a wonderful couple of weeks on a mini tour performing with my ballet troupe in the UK. I had the most wonderful time in our hometown Derbyshire! There's nothing quite like bringing a bit of "pink tutu magic" to your local community. We even had some adorable little ballerinas dressed in their very own tutus in the front row. How precious is that?! It truly melts my heart, especially when those little ones wave their tiny arms excitedly to the rhythm of the music. There's truly nothing like inspiring the next generation of tutu-wearing wonders, especially with my own pink tutu on. 🥰

But now, back to my Milan adventures! I'm here in Milan for the next two weeks, dancing my heart out on stage at Teatro alla Scala, one of the most famous opera houses in the world. They do say that everyone should go to the opera in their life. It's pretty amazing in here! It really does make you feel like you've stepped back in time!

Let me tell you, this city knows how to show a girl a good time! Every corner I turn, there's a new fashion discovery or a charming cafe where I can soak up the local vibe with my beloved macchiato. Honestly, my feet haven't stopped moving since I arrived. Milan is definitely living up to its reputation as a fashion capital! 🤩

This week's schedule is packed, with lots of performances at the theatre, rehearsals, and some incredible shopping experiences that I absolutely cannot wait to share with you all. Did I mention I got my hands on the most stunning pair of blush pink stilettos, a little too fabulous to not share?! You just have to wait and see! 🤫

Speaking of fashion, I was on a mission to find the perfect pink tutu to wear on my day off. Now, you know I’m a bit obsessed with these twirly beauties and finding the perfect one is a mission for a ballet aficionado! Well, my fellow tutudents (because you all are! 😉 ), guess what? I discovered the most adorable little shop tucked away in the cutest cobblestone side street! The shop owner, a sweet little Italian lady with a twinkle in her eye, is a real-life fairytale princess (only in pink!). She even let me try on her grandmothers tutu from the 1930s. The delicate hand-stitching and intricate floral details were a work of art! This was love at first sight, a love that only comes once in a lifetime. Luckily, the grandmother's pink tutu will be staying with its rightful owner - I just couldn't part with the beauty! However, it was such a wonderful encounter with real Italian artistry. She sold me a gorgeous vintage-inspired tutu made from the most exquisite lace and layers upon layers of blush pink tulle! You will see this tutu, my bellas, on my blog next week, with a full outfit post of course! I may be a tutu-loving ballet aficionado, but I don't leave the house in only my tutu! Fashionista status must be maintained! You all know my motto - if you want something done, do it in style! 💗💃

Speaking of my blog, I am a little embarrassed that I am still working from my mobile, however I hope that you enjoy reading these updates. It takes me so long to get online that my travel diary gets a bit lost on the journey, but hey - I always get there in the end! You will notice too, that some days I can blog for hours on end, whilst other days I simply run out of time. Sometimes I miss out on blogging entirely, and sometimes I go a bit crazy. Remember, if I don't blog about my journey, did it even happen? You decide! 😜

Now, where was I? Ah yes, my travels! Speaking of travel, there’s something so magical about whizzing around this vibrant city on the tram. It’s my favourite way to experience the city, especially as I usually get a little lost (I always forget what street I am on!), but that is just part of the adventure. Honestly, these trams take you to all the hidden gems in this bustling city! Yesterday, I hopped on a tram heading toward the Teatro alla Scala, when I spotted a young artist sketching a majestic marble fountain! The tram took me through narrow alleyways lined with charming shops and bustling street markets, and ended up at the centre of Milan’s grand Duomo. This stunning cathedral really takes your breath away, the sheer scale of its architecture is just incredible. The gothic spires reaching towards the sky – simply breathtaking. ✨

Honestly, Milan just oozes romance and magic at every turn, making it hard to believe that the city was just a few years ago dubbed Europe's "fashion capital" – Milan does its job really well and deserves that honour! 🥰

I know this is all very glamorous, but don’t forget, all these travels are fueled by my love for ballet. And what could be a better way to fuel my passion than to share it with the world? You might even be seeing me in my very own tutu, prancing on stage soon, so keep your eyes peeled! 👀🩰

One of my favourite things about the dance scene here is that they truly embrace every kind of art. The mix of ballet and contemporary dance is truly impressive. The theatres and dance schools in Milan offer such a range of exciting performances and dance styles - it truly inspires me to want to move and twirl in ways I never knew possible. The possibilities are truly endless in Milan! 🤩

Tonight, I have a super-busy schedule. I’ve got rehearsal in the morning, then an incredible ballet show to watch, and finally a bit of shopping in between (yes, even in my busy tutu life, a little shopping is always a good thing). Can you guess what I’m going to get my hands on today? 😉

The only other thing I want to get my hands on today is that gelato stall in the city centre, so don't judge if I eat my body weight in gelato, it's a ritual that we have going now!

Stay tuned for more fashion and dance updates on my next post! Until then, have a twirly day my dears! 💕

And remember, just because you are in Milan, that doesn’t mean you can’t wear a pink tutu. 💖

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2005-04-20 ballet blog from Milano Italia