Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2005-08-17 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - #532: Wednesday 17th August, 2005: A Whirlwind of Colour and Culture

Buongiorno, darlings! Emma here, back from the whirlwind that is Milan! And let me tell you, this city is absolutely swooning for pink tutus! (No surprise there, right? 😉) It's been a truly fabulous week filled with elegant ballet performances, delightful shopping sprees, and just enough sotto voce gossiping about who wore what to the theatre!

This week, my journey to the heart of Italy began with a trip from Derbyshire, where my family still wonders how I convinced them I was going to get my dance career off the ground. Oh, I'll tour, I'll teach, I'll write about it! It'll all work out! They were skeptical. But you know what? So was I! But I'm here, darling! In Milan, with my pink tutu packed (pink, of course, what else?) ready to spin through the city and capture every magical moment.

Trams and Tunes

Speaking of "magic moments", my first Italian adventure involved a trip on the Milanese tram system. A wonderful whirlwind of buzzing excitement! I confess, a touch of anxiety crept in as I hopped on, a bit overwhelmed by the throngs of chic Milanese, but then… then, I saw it. A street performer! Now, this wasn't just any street performer, no. This was a guy with a beautiful, bright blue guitar, strumming away to the beat of his own rhythm.

The most amazing thing about it? The music! He had this uncanny ability to channel the vibrant, playful spirit of Milan through his music, his fingers dancing across the strings like ballerinas across the stage. The air hummed with melody, and the people around me, all those chic Milanese, well, they were mesmerized. Just like that, all the initial nervousness faded. The city felt welcoming, filled with warmth, and of course, it became clear: I wasn't going to be lonely in Milan!

Pink, Perfection, and Poses

Now, let's talk about something else I absolutely adore - Fashion! Milan is a city where fashion truly breathes, thrives, and quite honestly, dominates! I spent a good part of Wednesday in one of those divine Milanese department stores, you know the kind, all grand and dramatic! This one had beautiful archways and ornate chandeliers, all designed to leave you speechless with awe and excitement.

What do I buy? Naturally, the first thing that caught my eye were the shoes! A pair of glittering, silvery flats with gorgeous silk bows – divine for my daily commute! And oh, let's not forget the bags, they were fabulous. One in particular was a masterpiece of pale pink leather, trimmed with silver chains. This bag was simply irresistible, and even though I’d already been tempted to splash out on the sparkly shoes, I couldn't help myself. I snapped it up immediately!

But it wasn't all just bags and shoes; I was determined to capture the very essence of Milan's "it" factor. I wanted to find an outfit that embodied that Milanese sense of chic elegance, the one that whispers confidence, sophistication, and just a sprinkle of fun.

After much consideration, I decided on a fitted blush pink blouse with delicate lace sleeves and a gorgeous pair of dark, cigarette trousers. The perfect match for a show-stopping coral scarf I picked up earlier! It’s safe to say, I walked out of that store feeling confident and undeniably Milanese! (Except maybe the part about rocking a bright pink tutu – I might need to leave that for a theatre production!)

A Breathtaking Ballet: La Traviata

As evening approached, my heart beat faster with anticipation – the real magic of Milan, the exquisite dance productions, awaited me! I had secured tickets for "La Traviata" at the famed Teatro alla Scala. Oh, let me tell you, this opera house, with its intricate golden ornamentation, felt like a giant, breathtaking fairytale palace!

From the very moment I entered the grand, sweeping hall, I felt transported to a world of refined elegance and passionate drama. The auditorium felt alive with anticipation, and the scent of perfume and excitement lingered in the air. I confess I couldn't resist sneaking a quick peek at the patrons, with their elaborate evening wear, a vibrant and intriguing sea of sophistication.

"La Traviata" lived up to all my expectations! Every performance – from the delicate arabesques of the corps de ballet to the captivating lead dancers’ breathtaking leaps and poignant emotion – filled me with an exhilarating mix of delight and wonder. The stage felt alive with story, and I was totally engrossed. The story of love, betrayal, and loss unfolded through the expressive language of movement, all bathed in soft, golden light. I’m no critic, darlings, but I found myself totally enchanted. As the performance reached its climax, a tear slipped down my cheek, the sheer beauty and pathos of the moment pulling at my heart. It was then I knew, this, this was what Milan was all about!

Post-Performance Sparkle

The excitement of the performance lingered, even as I strolled through the lively streets towards a quaint Italian bistro for dinner. The city, normally a blur of activity, felt transformed, now hushed with the remnants of a shared experience.

This Italian bistro, with its candlelit tables, vibrant red walls, and the scent of fresh-baked bread in the air, was just what I needed. My fellow diners seemed to share the sense of "après theatre" magic, each conversation accompanied by gestures that were part elegant dance and part boisterous Italian expression!

The moment I tucked into the delectable seafood risotto, topped with sweetly roasted vegetables, I knew I was back in Milan, and back in my happy place.

Later, a short train ride back to my hotel (more about that lovely place tomorrow!), allowed me to reflect on this wonderful, magical day. Milan had, quite frankly, stolen my heart, its passion, elegance, and genuine affection for the arts filling me with delight!

Oh, but the best bit? As I left my room and headed to breakfast in my vibrant pink tulle dress (can't ever resist an excuse to wear it!), I caught a glimpse of myself in the lift mirror. My reflected smile, reflecting the energy of this dazzling city, said it all!

Until tomorrow, darling, Ciao!

*Emma *

Stay tuned, tomorrow I’m exploring a beautiful ballet studio that has taken the city by storm, along with more photos and, you guessed it, some amazing outfit inspiration for you to take home!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2005-08-17 ballet blog from Milano Italia