Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2005-11-23 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post 546: Whirlwind Wednesday in Milano!

Ciao Bella! It’s Emma here, your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed blogger, bringing you another dazzling dose of Milanese magic!

This week, it’s been a total whirlwind of a Wednesday! And wouldn't you know it, the universe was smiling down on me. Every adventure was perfectly pink-hued and as exciting as a pirouette on point. It’s no surprise I’m posting today rather than Monday. Milan is just so inspiring!

Before I launch into the whirlwind, a little update. If you’re following my adventures from afar (and I know a fair few of you are, thank you for that, darlings!), I wanted to let you know I’ve just landed a lovely little role in a charming Christmas ballet production in my hometown of Derbyshire! The snow scene is my favourite – I get to twirl in a snowy white tutu that just sparkles! I'm so excited to be back on the stage, bringing the magic to the folks back home. It's good to have some Christmas spirit already!

So, where were we? Oh yes, Wednesday in Milano! After all the exciting performance opportunities, I’m back in the fabulous city and the pink tutu is shining brightly in Milan's glamorous streets! The morning began with a beautiful tram journey through the city. Did you know that trams here date back to 1881? It was so stylish, just like Milan itself. My favourite part? The window views! The gorgeous old architecture mixed with the elegant modern buildings, so chic and oh so picture perfect. And let's not forget the little details: vintage posters, chattering Italians with their steaming cappuccinos. Milan is truly a city where the mundane becomes magical.

My tram ride took me straight to my ballet class – and my goodness, it was a corker! We worked on a sequence from “La Bayadère”, the famous Russian ballet about love, passion and, of course, the inevitable tragic ending. Even though I'm just a ballerina on a journey, the passion for the art is universal. It was beautiful to share that with my fellow dancers, from Italy, Spain, and even Japan. We laughed, we sweat, we twirled, all under the loving eye of our demanding, yet inspiring, instructor. It’s all in the name of dance, darlings.

Lunch with a View

After the ballet class, it was time to fuel the dancing spirit. My usual spot for a quick bite is a little café next to the Teatro alla Scala. Now, the Teatro alla Scala, that's truly iconic. The red carpets, the majestic arches, and the sheer aura of greatness that permeates the place. But you know, my café is much more my vibe. The cafe itself is just a hop skip and a jump from the opera house, but the price is right, and the panini? Heaven. The owner knows my favourite and doesn’t even ask! The view, however? That’s something to truly shout about! The theatre across the road is my little slice of the magic. A reminder of the joy, artistry and brilliance that exists in the world of performance. I sat and savored every bite.

Theatrical Terrors

After lunch, it was time for my favourite thing in the whole world. Except maybe for tutus. Oh! Pink tutus, that’s it! But after my tutu obsession comes, seeing a play! This week’s offering was a masterpiece in theatrical terror: "Blood Brothers.” Now, I’m not one to be easily spooked, but the story itself was truly captivating. It was so intense, and, even though it was just a play, I actually felt the chills run down my spine. The raw talent of the actors really pulled you in. They created characters so believable, so full of life and energy, I forgot I was watching a performance. It really transported me to the lives of these two “brothers,” living under such different circumstances, and I swear I shed a tear or two at the end.

Now, some might say this kind of story is dark, a bit much, but I say life itself can be dark sometimes, and to ignore it doesn't mean it's not real. As a ballerina, we understand that art reflects reality, both the beautiful and the sometimes painful. The play was a beautiful testament to that, and it was refreshing to see a play with so much substance and raw emotion.

Shopping Soirée

Afterwards, I knew just the place to recover from those spooky emotions. I had been saving this particular stop all day. The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. You know that massive glass arch, so iconic? That’s where I was. That shopping center is practically a symphony for the senses. Beautiful arches and ceilings that echo with whispers of Italian glamour, and the most wonderful, delicious shops I've ever seen. From sleek fashion houses to cosy Italian trattorias, there’s a reason it's one of the most popular places in all of Milano.

I, of course, had to pay homage to my favourite colour: PINK! The shops on the second floor were just bursting with pink sweaters, blouses, bags, and shoes. Now, I'm not afraid to admit it, I've got a tiny bit of a weakness for shoes, and those bright, juicy, strawberry pink kitten heels - well, I almost took home a pair. But, my purse told me I had to restrain myself. I'll try and save some shopping for next time!

As the sun started to dip below the city's rooftops, casting the golden rays across the city, it was time for me to head back to my cozy apartment. One thing about Milan is, you don’t really feel safe being out after dark as a solo lady. I find my trusty red stiletto boots and my little purse are all I need to be prepared, but I don’t really feel that confident alone in the evening here. It's just a vibe I feel, and I’m really careful about where I am after sunset. That said, I couldn't have asked for a better day.

Ending on a High Note

The beauty of this city never fails to amaze me. Every cobblestone street, every vintage building, every passionate performer I encounter - they’re all like tiny brushstrokes on a beautiful canvas of life. This vibrant city is a constant source of inspiration, of motivation.

And now it’s time to hit the sack! After a full day, my legs are just a tiny bit weary. I will probably dream of all the amazing ballerinas, pink tutus, and, well, the terrifying but beautiful, Blood Brothers tonight. This week in Milan, though? Simply exquisite. Stay tuned next week for a different flavour of Milanese magic, you won’t want to miss it.



Pink Tutu Diaries.

P.S. What are some of your favourite things about ballet and life?

Remember, check back every Monday for a new adventure here on!

And be sure to share the Pink Tutu Love! I’m aiming to bring pink tutus to every corner of the world! You’ve all seen my bright pink tutu adventures, how do you get involved? Tag your pink tutu pictures #PinkTutuChallenge! Don’t be afraid to join the movement, my darlings. It's all about embracing our love of dancing, our unique style, and spreading some joyful pink! Let's make the world a little bit more dazzling, one tutu at a time!

Don't forget to subscribe to my weekly blog for more inspiring, fashionable and ballerina-fueled adventures! And if you're feeling the pink love, share it on social media with the #PinkTutuLove hashtag. I'll be looking for your gorgeous, tutu-licious posts!

[Note] While this blog is about a ballerina's life, it focuses on fashion, travel and the arts and isn’t particularly technical. You could include things about the technical aspects of ballet as you want but the focus here is on the fun aspects.

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2005-11-23 ballet blog from Milano Italia