Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2005-12-07 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post 548 - Wednesday 7th December 2005

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, your pink-tutu-clad ballerina blogger, reporting live from Milan, Italy. This week's adventures have been absolutely sparkling, and you know me, darling, a little sparkle never goes amiss.

Milan! Oh, darling, you know I have a soft spot for this glamorous city. From the fashion houses of Via Montenapoleone to the breathtaking Duomo, there's just an irresistible allure here, like a captivating melody that you can't help but dance to.

This week, I arrived in Milan via the charming train journey from the enchanting city of Florence. There's something so wonderfully romantic about being whisked away by a sleek, crimson train, the carriage windows filled with stunning Italian countryside. It's all about embracing the journey, and soaking in the sheer beauty that unfolds around you, a bit like the feeling you get when a pirouette goes just right, pure magic.

My journey into Milan took me past fields of lavender and sunflowers, the colours so vibrant and vibrant they almost seemed to be a part of a Van Gogh painting, truly a delightful visual treat for my ballerina soul. As I stepped off the train in the bustling Milan Centrale station, I could already feel the palpable excitement.

Ah, the fashion, the food, the captivating sights! Milan, oh Milan, you know how to treat a ballerina! My suitcase was packed with enough fabulous outfits to conquer even the most chic catwalk (more on that later!), and of course, I was accompanied by my faithful companion, a delightful pink tutu that brought an undeniable splash of personality to this fashion capital.

A Touch of Theatre: Exploring the La Scala

Naturally, I had to visit the legendary Teatro alla Scala. Stepping into this architectural masterpiece, you can't help but feel a wave of awe wash over you. Just imagine all the incredible performers who've graced its stage, all those glorious stories whispered in the elegance of each note, the thrill of a thunderous applause… it's simply exhilarating.

And oh darling, this iconic theatre didn't disappoint! This week, La Scala unveiled a captivating performance of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, a truly dreamlike ballet! It was such a treat, it brought tears to my eyes (don't worry, just a little dabbing at the corner of my eyes, darling, always chic and never a mascara smudge!).

From the swan's graceful leaps to the prince's valiant gestures, every step felt as though it was designed to take my breath away, and it absolutely did. I almost felt as if I could reach out and touch the exquisite elegance on stage, and feel the very essence of those perfect moves flow through me, a magical feeling that's hard to explain.

Shopping Spree: A Fashionable Feast

Let's be honest, dear reader, what trip to Milan is complete without a fashion extravaganza? This city breathes style, oozing luxury at every corner, like an indulgent chocolate cake begging to be tasted. I absolutely had to take full advantage of this delightful indulgence.

From the ateliers of Valentino and Prada to the boutiques filled with independent designers, I spent my days mesmerized, wandering through the streets, savouring the intoxicating scents of Italian leather and delicate silk, all that exquisite texture!

As a ballet dancer, I have an unwavering love for elegant and fluid clothing, clothes that dance with you as you move, that flow with your every gesture, clothes that embody the beauty of motion and the power of the human form. Oh darling, my shopping adventures in Milan were a symphony of silk and feathers, an intoxicating sensory overload of colours and patterns. I picked up the most exquisite vintage velvet cloak, in the deepest shade of maroon, oh, how stunning, the perfect addition to my winter wardrobe!

Of course, I indulged in a few pairs of Italian-crafted dance shoes - supple leather that hugged my feet with the grace of a second skin. Imagine pirouetting to your heart's content with shoes this soft! And let's not forget the exquisite, hand-beaded headbands that glittered and twinkled like the night sky, and the cashmere cardigans, oh darling, the luxurious softness is to die for!

Discovering Milan's Heartbeat: Tram Adventures

In between shopping sprees and performances, I had a ball exploring the city through its trams! Imagine me, a pink tutu shimmering as the trams glided along, weaving their way through the bustling streets.

This city feels alive, constantly humming with an electrifying energy. I love watching the people - the elegantly-dressed businessmen hurrying through their day, the vibrant artists discussing their work with fervent passion, the young couples lost in their own world, hands entwined - it's a heartwarming tapestry of humanity.

A Taste of Italy: Delicious Delights

Oh, my darling, the food! Italy is known for its exquisite cuisine, and Milan, naturally, takes it up a notch, offering culinary delights for every palate.

From a light pasta dish in a charming little bistro with a window view of the bustling market square, to an authentic gelato with fresh fruit topping, my senses were on overdrive, and my heart was filled with joyful sighs of satisfaction. Don't even get me started on the creamy, delicate ricotta cheese and the freshly baked bread. Oh my, it's divine, an orchestra of textures and flavors that dance in perfect harmony on the tongue! I discovered a charming, tucked-away trattoria that specialized in regional cuisine, oh darling, the taste, the aroma!

Dreaming in Pink: Sharing My Passion for Dance

As I strolled through the vibrant streets of Milan, my pink tutu swishing gently, I realised how my love for dance inspires everything I do, even the places I visit! Each city feels like a canvas, waiting to be transformed by the artistry of dance.

Imagine the vibrant street scenes coming alive with balletic gestures, the iconic statues of Milan being brought to life with swirling figures, the laughter echoing off the historic walls, each one echoing a joyful dance! Oh, wouldn't that be something?

That's why, darling, I continue to share my pink-tutu-clad adventures with you! It's all about bringing the beauty of dance to every corner of the world, a symphony of elegance and expression, because, after all, dancing is for everyone.

This week, darling, I leave you with a quote that resonated with my ballerina soul:

*"The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone, but will never be lost." *

Oh, my darling, you know, life is a journey best walked with a graceful twirl. Until next week!

With Love,


P.S. Make sure you tune in next Monday for my post on to read about my adventures in Rome! Can't wait to share the beauty and stories of this stunning city with you. wink

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2005-12-07 ballet blog from Milano Italia