Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2006-05-31 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Wednesday 2006-05-31 - Post 573

Ciao, darlings! It's Wednesday, the sun is shining, and I'm feeling as pink as a freshly-painted ballerina slipper! Well, what else would you expect on a Wednesday, eh? After all, this is Pink Tutu Milan, where the air itself smells like freshly-baked macarons and the streetlamps sparkle with fairy dust.

This week has been super busy, my loves, and I’m thrilled to be in the gorgeous city of Milan. Just as well I’ve been here a few days because today is all about… well, me!

A little peek behind the tulle: my gorgeous pink tutu got a special feature today, not in a show, but as the star of its own exclusive interview for Vogue Italia! Who knew a fluffy tutu would have such a big personality, eh? You just wait, darling. The magazine's going to be flying off the shelves - I have this feeling that tutus are going to be the next big thing in fashion! And when I say ‘big,’ I mean BIG, in the style of a very dramatic pirouette!

Let me tell you about how I ended up being on the cover of (almost) the world’s biggest fashion magazine. Last week, I was catching the tram after a delightful performance at the Teatro alla Scala. I mean, darling, it's so exquisite! Those chandeliers just… glisten, and the performances are, well, pure magic. As I was waltzing off the tram (because, darling, a girl’s gotta stay in character, even on public transport) - I just know you are going to adore this - a lovely chap just had to ask me why I was wearing a pink tutu! Of course, a well-brought up young lady never turns down a chance to chat. The rest, my loves, is Vogue Italia history in the making! Oh, and don’t you worry, I told him everything. About how much I love my pink tutu, how much I love sharing it with the world, and of course, how everyone in the world should definitely wear a tutu - everyone!

Now, a little behind the scenes chat before we dive into all the other amazing things I've been up to this week! Remember that darling little café around the corner from the tram station? (You know, the one with the perfect little, lacy pink parasol?) They are launching a special "Pink Tutu Treat" on Friday and you know I'm going to be there to snap it up (and, well, probably indulge in the entire menu just to be sure)! They are so excited for their tutu-themed afternoon tea, and I must confess, the cake they're serving looks absolutely divine, especially after a few pirouettes around the park. The crème de la crème, though, is a special little treat for everyone wearing pink tutus on that day! Maybe you and I could go together, my dears?

Now then, let's take a step back and explore my little Milan adventure. Hold onto your tiaras, darlings, it’s going to be a whirlwind.

First of all, I landed in Milan just last weekend - did you see the picture I posted on Me at the station, delighted to be on my way for this very special trip. As soon as I saw the pink train pulling up, I knew it was destined to be an incredible trip. Pink train = pink magic, don’t you think?

I’ve just been swept off my feet with all the delicious shopping! Of course, no visit to Milan is complete without some glorious Italian fashion – we are all about that glamorous lifestyle, aren’t we, darling? And speaking of glamorous lifestyle, how incredible is the city of Milan? Just so chic.

Of course, no Milan trip would be complete without indulging in some of the fabulous food. I mean, when else can you get real pasta alfredo in such a vibrant setting, eh? My loves, the restaurants are just overflowing with delectable dishes. Ciao Bella has this pasta that just melts in your mouth! Don't forget to try their pistachio cake. Absolutely delicious.

And, of course, there are the many wonderful people I’ve met while exploring the beautiful city! You know me, I just have to have a little chat with everyone and everyone here is just as lovely and interesting as the buildings, the shops and the food.

Let's move onto ballet. My dears, you wouldn’t believe the beautiful things I have witnessed at the ballet! On Saturday I saw the most spectacular performance at the Teatro alla Scala – I even got a photo with a dancer afterwards (imagine the blush! Oh, darling! And of course, we’ve had several ballet lessons while I've been here, but don't worry, I haven’t been doing any fancy moves. I am not risking my dear tutu getting any unnecessary dirt on it - you just have to be careful when dancing outside of your ballet class, you know? I think I just focused on perfecting my plies and tendues in a local studio.

Did I mention how incredible it is here? The architecture? The food? And speaking of architecture, just imagine how much ballet inspiration could be drawn from these beautiful buildings, my dears? I'm going to go out there with my sketch pad and create so much beautiful artwork based on all the stunning architecture, and so much fabulous new tutu inspiration!

My dear friends, let’s all remember why we do this! We wear pink tutus so we can dance and have adventures in beautiful places, make friends, be ourselves, and make the world a better place by sharing a little joy and glitter.

The most special thing about my visit, though, has to be the incredibly kind and gracious people of Milan! Every day is an adventure! The children, the vendors at the market, even the tourists are simply full of joy and enthusiasm. Every moment, from my ballet lessons to my afternoon walks, is brimming with such love. The beautiful thing about it all is, darling, you don't need to understand a single word they say (although so many people speak perfect English - I'm talking flawless grammar, not just 'hello', 'goodbye' and 'can I have a cappuccino'!) To understand the energy and spirit that infuses this glorious city!

So, if you are ever looking for a pink-tutu-tastic adventure (especially one that includes incredible ballet classes and performance opportunities - especially if you are interested in ballet or modern dance!), I recommend a visit to Milan. Just promise to bring a pink tutu and your warmest smile. I promise to have a steaming cup of tea ready when you arrive. We both love to be well-dressed and to meet new friends - isn’t that why we all wear pink tutus in the first place, my loves?

You just have to love Milan, with its romantic cobbled streets, stylish cafés and buzzing plazas - even if the most exciting part about your day is meeting a gorgeous chap on the train (the man asked for my number, darlings - and if it wasn't for my gorgeous pink tutu and sparkly ballet shoes, it probably wouldn't have happened, eh?) You’d be crazy to be anywhere else.

The Pink Tutu is taking a little power nap before tomorrow’s Ballet recital – I’ve got my pink glitter shoes all polished, I’ve just made myself the cutest little snack (I mean, come on, we all love to indulge, right, darling?) and my mind is abuzz with ideas. I know I need to share more with you, my loves, so next week’s post is going to be all about finding and sharing my secret treasures and beauty spots with you, because, my darlings, if you’re feeling brave enough to come to Milan, you just have to experience all the extra special magic that Milan has to offer!

Well, darlings, the lights are getting dimmer. It’s been so wonderful spending this evening with you. Remember to take time to dream, shine and share your sparkle with the world, and, please, wear your pink tutus whenever you can! You’re never too old and there is always something wonderful about a little pink tutu, wouldn’t you say?

Until next week, darlings.

Yours, Emma,


The Pink Tutu

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2006-05-31 ballet blog from Milano Italia