Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2006-06-07 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #574: Ciao Bella from the City of Fashion!

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, and this week I'm writing to you from the dazzling city of Milan! You guys, I'm in heaven! I feel like a beautiful swan dipped in pink glitter and dropped right into a fairytale! Everything about Milan screams glamour, elegance and, of course, fashion. And let me tell you, it's made me want to pack every single pink tutu I own!

I’ve always loved this city and for my latest blog, I wanted to give you a full dose of the Milan experience through my own Pink Tutu lens, so grab a cuppa and get comfy – let's embark on this fabulous adventure together!

From Derbyshire to Milan: A Pink Tutu Train Ride

My journey to Milan began in Derbyshire, my beloved home county, where the green hills meet the quaint villages and my heart always finds a moment of calm. But this time, there was a different kind of buzz in the air – the buzz of excitement for Milan!

It was a bright, sunny morning, and I’d packed my trusty travel bag with my favourite pink tutu, naturally! (A fluffy, soft pink tulle confection, perfectly pink and perfectly me!) You know, I don't just travel with my favourite tutus; I'm like a ballet nomad, my tutus go everywhere with me! They’re like my good luck charms, reminding me of the magic of dance wherever I go.

A comfy train journey through Europe is always a delightful treat, and this time I was fortunate enough to get a window seat overlooking a stunning countryside vista. Watching the world go by in a whirlwind of greens and browns was such a calming contrast to the whirlwind of my usual ballet life!

I caught up with the latest dance news, the ever-fabulous world of ballet fashion, and of course, made sure to update all of you on my exciting trip with a quick Insta post. I even received some sweet comments about the pink tutu in my selfie – always great to see the Pink Tutu support going strong!

Milano Centrale: The Heartbeat of Fashion

The train pulled into Milano Centrale, and let me tell you, it was a sight to behold. It's such a grand and historic station, steeped in the energy of a thousand journeys and stories. I felt like stepping into a movie scene, a touch of drama and glamour right at the station!

But Milan wasn’t just about arriving, it was about exploration – and let me tell you, this city is an absolute feast for the senses.

Pink Tutu Meets Milan Fashion

Now, I don’t know about you, but when I hear the word ‘Milan’, one word comes to mind – FASHION! This city breathes fashion, lives fashion, and even, I daresay, dreams fashion! And oh my, I was ready to dive in headfirst, Pink Tutu and all!

Firstly, the people of Milan have style! They just know how to wear things. And the shops, oh my goodness! They’re all like dreams come true, overflowing with elegant clothing and dazzling accessories.

I spent the afternoon browsing around the chic shops, from luxury designer boutiques to independent designer studios and vintage stores. I fell head-over-heels for some of the fabulous silk scarves and sparkly, intricate jewellery – so many wonderful pieces for a ballerina girl! I can’t tell you how many beautiful things I imagined paired with my favourite tutus – pure sartorial inspiration!

Dining Delight: A taste of Milan’s Elegance

Now, no trip to Milan would be complete without experiencing the delicious cuisine. We Italians know how to eat, right?!

I decided to indulge in a late-afternoon meal at a traditional trattoria tucked away in a charming little alleyway, where the air was alive with laughter and conversation. The menu, filled with tempting regional specialities, promised a culinary adventure!

The food was exquisite, every bite an explosion of flavour! The pasta was perfectly al dente, the sauces rich and full-bodied. I had the most heavenly dish of fresh tagliatelle with black truffles and shaved parmesan – a culinary masterpiece that I won't forget! And naturally, I washed it all down with a glass of local prosecco - I like to say I 'toasted' the magic of my travels!

The warmth and hospitality of the people, combined with the delightful atmosphere of the trattoria, made the whole experience truly unforgettable.

A Touch of Culture: Teatro alla Scala

In the evening, I couldn’t resist a visit to the Teatro alla Scala, the renowned opera house known throughout the world for its beauty and acoustic brilliance.

The exterior, grand and elegant, hinted at the opulent treasure hidden inside. I stood, mesmerized, just admiring the grandeur of the building itself, feeling completely at home within its history.

But I wasn’t just there for a peek – I was going to see the legendary Teatro alla Scala ballet! I always try to find a ballet performance while I travel - my pink tutu never leaves me in a pinch!

The programme tonight was a stunning and emotional production of Romeo and Juliet. The energy, the precision, the artistry were just extraordinary. Each move felt like a whisper of the human soul, a celebration of passion and love. It was such an unforgettable experience! I have to admit, it even gave me a few more tutu-inspired ideas for my own dancing and wardrobe!

I lingered outside the opera house after the show, taking it all in – a mixture of delight from the performance and the energy of the Milanese audience. There was such an electric atmosphere after the ballet; I even heard a few compliments about my own pink tutu, nestled among the opera house crowds! It always feels good to share a little tutu magic.

Pink Tutu Magic and Tram Travels

The next day, I decided to take a classic Milan tram ride - this is one of my favourite ways to explore a city! I don’t think any city beats a good tram journey!

As the tram glided down the avenues lined with glamorous shops, I watched Milan’s everyday beauty unfurl before my eyes. The architecture, from classical buildings to contemporary structures, whispered of the city's rich history and modern dynamism.

I also, naturally, admired the Milanese people themselves – they move through life with such an aura of effortless style, and an inherent flair for putting outfits together! It’s a bit like being in the ultimate catwalk, everyone rocking their own fabulous ensemble – and let’s be honest, it's pretty darn inspiring for a ballet girl who loves to explore fashion!

And you know what? I even managed to snag a couple of sweet souvenirs during my tram adventure: a charming hand-painted silk fan to add a touch of romance to my ballet-inspired outfits, and a delicate silver pendant for my ever-growing jewellery collection. These were perfect reminders of the day's fun and the stylish essence of this captivating city.

Ciao Bella! The End of Another Fabulous Chapter

But sadly, as with all amazing journeys, even a trip to Milan had to come to an end. As I boarded the train home, I carried with me a treasure trove of experiences: fashion finds, cultural delights, and, of course, the magic of ballet!

And yes, dear readers, there’s a reason for this post number, number 574. My ultimate goal in life, aside from sharing my love of ballet with the world, is to inspire everyone to embrace the pink tutu. And with every blog post, every performance, I'm one step closer!

But in my heart, I've already succeeded. I've managed to infect you all with a bit of that pink tutu magic!

See you next week for more fashion, travel, and the pink tutu lifestyle - right here on And don't forget, until next Monday, embrace your inner pink tutu diva, wherever life takes you. Until next time, ciao bella!

P.S. Want to catch up with more pink tutu magic? Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @PinkTutuEmma! Let’s spread the joy!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2006-06-07 ballet blog from Milano Italia