Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2006-08-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Wednesday 16th August 2006 (Post #584)

Ciao Bella! It's Emma, your favourite pink-loving ballerina, back from the glorious streets of Milan, where the sun shines so brightly it practically makes the tutus sparkle.

This week, I'm taking you on a whirlwind journey through the city of fashion and fabulousness. And what better way to do so than with a dazzling new tutu I picked up at a little boutique tucked away in the heart of Milan. It's a stunning shade of bubblegum pink, with delicate layers of tulle that practically float when you move. I can't wait to twirl in it at tonight's ballet performance!

But let's backtrack a bit, shall we?

A Derbyshire Girl in Milan

My adventures in Italy began a week ago, when I boarded a train from my humble abode in Derbyshire, a county known more for rolling hills than soaring skyscrapers. I confess, the change of scenery took some getting used to, but I wouldn't have it any other way!

The train journey was delightful. I spent the time gazing at the ever-changing landscapes, penning down my thoughts in my little notebook, and listening to some of my favourite operatic tunes (they just make you feel so graceful and grand, wouldn't you agree?).

When I finally reached Milan, I couldn't resist grabbing a delicious gelato (I opted for strawberry, naturally!). Then, it was straight to the Teatro alla Scala. Did you know? This grand theatre is one of the most iconic in the world! Its architectural beauty is breathtaking. Seeing it just makes you feel so alive, so inspired.

Ballet in the Big Apple (of Milan!)

As I've mentioned before, my passion for dance fuels my travels. You see, I finance my globe-trotting escapades through ballet performances. Whether it's a solo, a small ensemble, or a full-fledged ballet spectacle, I always strive to give my best. My heart truly soars when I'm on stage, dancing with the elegance and grace that comes naturally to any true ballerina.

Speaking of my upcoming performance tonight, I can't tell you how excited I am! It's a special rendition of Giselle. You see, it's been performed for centuries, and the costumes are quite stunning, with layers and layers of tulle that flow with the most beautiful grace. But, here's a little secret - my own version is a touch, shall we say, more "Emma-fied" with the addition of… yes, you guessed it… a pink tutu!

Pink, Pink, and More Pink!

The pink tutu is practically my signature. You can't go to a ballet performance or a theatre production and not see a sprinkle of pink. In fact, my entire wardrobe is a celebration of all things pink! My suitcases are packed to the brim with all sorts of pink delights. Dresses, skirts, tops, shoes, even a pink bicycle helmet (it matches my scooter!).

You see, my life motto is simple: if it can be pink, it should be pink! But it's not just about the colour. The pink tutu symbolises my joie de vivre, my love of life, my playful spirit! It's a reminder to never take myself too seriously and always strive for a touch of magic in the everyday.

Shopping Spree in Milan

And what could be more magical than a shopping spree in Milan, the fashion capital of the world? Today, I indulged myself in a little retail therapy and I'm happy to say I discovered a little hidden gem tucked away in a quaint street off the beaten path. It was a darling little boutique filled with unique pieces, perfect for any ballerina.

There, I found my latest acquisition: a stunning, emerald green dress with lace embellishments and a beautifully cinched waistline. It's the perfect outfit for tonight's performance, I think.

Exploring Milan on Trams and Trains

Here's a little secret: I absolutely adore public transport, particularly trams and trains. I mean, where else can you truly soak up the atmosphere of a city and its people? There's an intimacy, a kind of camaraderie, that you simply can't find on the crowded metro.

Today, I spent the afternoon riding the tram across the city, taking in all the sights, the scents, the sounds. It was like watching a grand film unfold before my eyes, and I was just another character in its narrative. I noticed charming cobbled streets, stunning historical buildings, and charming local shops - they were brimming with Italian elegance!

Milan's Enchanting Charm

Milan is truly a city of enchantment. It's where you can wander through picturesque streets lined with luxurious boutiques, where you can savour the freshest pastries in bustling cafes, and where you can lose yourself in the enchanting performances at the Teatro alla Scala.

And who knows what magical discoveries await tomorrow? Perhaps a hidden gem of a ballet studio or an unexpected encounter with a passionate street performer. I can't wait to explore further, to be surprised, and to dance my heart out!

I'll be sure to fill you in on all my exciting adventures next Monday. Ciao for now!

Yours in pink,


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2006-08-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia