Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2006-08-09 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Wednesday 2006-08-09

Ciao, darlings! This is your weekly dose of pink, tutus, and everything fab from Milan! It's Emma, your Pink Tutu blogger, back from a whirlwind week of dancing, exploring, and, of course, shopping. Welcome to blog post number 583! Remember, every Monday you can find me here at

This week, Milan has been overflowing with an energy that only this incredible city can offer. A heady blend of artistic inspiration and cosmopolitan chic, Milan truly is my happy place. And my pink tutu feels absolutely at home amongst the beautiful architecture and the fabulous fashion houses.

The Week That Was

So, how did my week unfold? It started with a rather special engagement - I was asked to perform a ballet piece in a local park! Yes, you heard right, right here in the heart of Milan. It was absolutely breathtaking - dancing in the golden sunlight, with the stunning Duomo in the distance. The energy of the audience, so engaged, so passionate for dance, it filled my heart. The children were mesmerized by my pink tutu.

After the performance, I treated myself to a delicious, light lunch at a little trattoria hidden away in a cobbled side street. I just love the way that Milan takes you on an adventure in its charm, where every turn reveals something new and delightful.

The afternoon was spent at a little boutique tucked away in a hidden square. My fashion radar pinged when I saw it - all cream, ivory, and delicate lace, with a hint of gold glitter for good measure. I found the perfect pair of silk ballet flats for a upcoming show and a fabulous new scarf for a late summer evening out - my two favourite items to dress up or down.

After my little shopping escapade, it was time for a lesson at the city's premier ballet studio. I'm a real sucker for those stunning classical dance spaces - high ceilings, a sense of history, and those iconic barre arrangements that just make me swoon.

As for the actual dance lesson itself? Pure joy. I danced and stretched with some of the most incredible dancers I've ever encountered, and each one of them, even as they practiced, exuded that undeniable Italian charisma and zest for life.

This Wednesday's Delight - The World Of Theatre

The week culminated in an absolute treat. Today was all about the magic of theatre! Milan has so many fantastic venues - but tonight, it was the iconic Piccolo Teatro Strehler. I was absolutely captivated by the sheer intensity and depth of the performance - a stunning production of 'Death of a Salesman', it left me pondering on the poignant complexities of human existence long after the curtains closed.

It's nights like these that make me cherish this beautiful city, with its rich cultural heritage, vibrant arts scene, and that unique blend of glamour and everyday life.

A Glimpse of Pink Tutu Living in Milan

You know me - I am an absolute Pink Tutu convert. I love the way my tutu, with its delicate tulle and flamboyant pink, dances through the streets, attracting glances and smiles. I've become quite the ambassador for the pink tutu here - and let me tell you, the locals just love it. Every now and then I see someone out and about in a pink tutu, and it feels like we're creating a whole movement - Pink Tutu Revolution! My aim is to turn the whole of Italy, nay the whole world, pink! It is just so much fun, full of joy and happiness! Who doesn’t want a little pink tutu magic in their life?

And a Bit of This and That...

This week, I discovered the best little pastry shop. They have this incredible vanilla and almond tart with the most heavenly buttery crust... It was worth every calorie.

And, for all you lovely travel enthusiasts out there, let me just sing the praises of Milan's tram system. It's a beautiful and efficient way to see the city. Just sit back and let the city glide by, your Pink Tutu shimmering in the passing sunshine. It's pure magic! There is a whole other beauty and romance to city transport here that is a real thrill to me.

A Glimpse Into My World

Here in Milan, it seems like every day is an adventure. From the vibrant colours of the local markets to the sophisticated atmosphere of a chic café, Milan just enchants me with its diverse offerings. It is the ideal place to take a break from life back in Derbyshire, England, and I'm eternally grateful for the opportunities it gives me to follow my passion for ballet, for fashion, and for the incredible journeys that my pink tutu leads me on!

A Fond Farewell...

I'm signing off for this week - but before I do, I just wanted to leave you with this thought - Every day is an opportunity to dance, to shine, to spread your pink tutu magic wherever you may go!

Stay sparkly, and until next week -




#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2006-08-09 ballet blog from Milano Italia