Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2006-10-18 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #593: Ciao Bella from Milano!

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, your Pink Tutu Princess, writing to you from the heart of fashion – Milano! Yes, my suitcase is bursting with pink tulle, and my schedule is packed with tutus and trains. Life just couldn't get much more fabulous, could it?

As you know, I always say, every Monday, it's Pink Tutu Time in Milan! Well, today, I'm bringing you a bit of a Wednesday treat. The excitement for my weekend show at Teatro alla Scala had me so pumped, I simply had to share my adventures with you. I wouldn't want to keep you waiting another minute for the latest updates, so grab a cuppa, settle in, and let's get whisked away on a whirlwind tour of Milan, Pink Tutu style!

Milan, you’re making me swoon!

Okay, so, let’s be honest. Milan is, well, let’s just say, it’s the kind of place that leaves you utterly spellbound. Imagine yourself in the heart of this vibrant city, bustling with style, brimming with history, and oh, the FOOD! But, even more than all that, you know me, it’s the architecture, the sheer beauty of this Italian beauty, that really gets me swooning.

The Tram Ride of a Lifetime!

Before I jump into the whirlwind of fashion and ballet, I just have to tell you about the most glorious tram ride of my life. My dear friends, it was pure, unadulterated joy! You wouldn’t believe the vintage trams here in Milan! They are just too darling for words. I literally sat there, in my little pink tutu and a chic pair of floral-patterned kitten heels, and couldn’t stop smiling. They really do transport you to a different era. As we trundled along, the sun dappling through the windows, I just felt this surge of happiness! It's almost like they’ve taken the classic elegance of a bygone era and added a sprinkle of Italian sunshine for good measure.

Finding my inner fashionista

Of course, no trip to Milan would be complete without a shopping spree. Let's just say, I didn’t exactly leave the designer boutiques empty-handed. My inner fashionista, the one that's usually lurking beneath layers of pink tulle, went totally wild. A new pair of sky-high stiletto heels in the most exquisite shade of scarlet (because you can’t have too much pink, right?), a stunning emerald green silk scarf – just the perfect touch to complement my new pink tulle skirt. And the icing on the cake – a beautiful, delicate chain necklace adorned with a tiny, sparkly pink ballet shoe. Oh, the magic of fashion in Milan!

On to the Teatro alla Scala

Now, the highlight of my Milan adventures, the event I’ve been looking forward to, the show I've been tirelessly practicing for, is here! My grand performance at Teatro alla Scala is only a day away. Talk about a dream come true. My fingers are itching to dance on the legendary stage! Just imagining the majestic theatre, with its history, its beauty, the incredible atmosphere – well, I'm ready to be transported by the magic of dance and music.

Oh, and for those who don't know, I love, love, love ballet! And I do mean love, like really, really love it. Every time I step on stage, I feel alive, full of energy, my spirit just soaring.

You’ve heard me say it a million times - “Dancing is the purest form of expression.” And you know, there’s no greater thrill than watching the story unfold, watching the passion, the beauty, the grace on stage. And that's what you'll get at Teatro alla Scala! It’s simply breathtaking.

A pink-tastic dream

Honestly, this week has just been a whirlwind of fashion, dancing, food, and fabulousness. It’s that mix of energy, culture, and pure joy that keeps bringing me back to this gorgeous city.

You know me, though, I can’t leave a trip like this without trying to encourage you to find your inner ballerina! Whether it’s buying a new tutu (it doesn't have to be pink, although I highly recommend it!), taking a dance class, or even simply enjoying a night of ballet.

Let's make the world a bit more pink and twirly! It’s all about embracing those happy, girlie, graceful moments, those little flicks of joy that make life that little bit brighter. So, let's get those tutus on, my dears, and dance our hearts out!

I’ll be back next Monday, from Milan, with the exciting news about my performance. And trust me, you don't want to miss it! Until then, stay fab and twirl those skirts with glee. And don’t forget – everyone looks fabulous in a pink tutu. Ciao!

P.S. Be sure to keep up with all my adventures at – where it's all about embracing the pink, the pretty, the fabulous, and always a touch of tutu!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2006-10-18 ballet blog from Milano Italia