Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2006-10-25 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - #594 - 25th October 2006 - A Whirlwind of Italian Elegance

Buongiorno, darlings! It's your favourite tutu-clad travel bunny, Emma, reporting live from the fabulous fashion capital of Milan! I've traded the rolling Derbyshire hills for the cobbled streets of this chic Italian city, and let me tell you, the glamour is intoxicating.

This week, I've been diving headfirst into the heart of Milan, discovering hidden gems, experiencing exquisite fashion, and, of course, taking every opportunity to twirl in my beloved pink tutu. I truly believe that every city, every experience, can be enhanced by a little twirling magic, and Milan is certainly no exception!

As usual, I’ve been using the most delightful mode of transport, the iconic tram system that zips you through the streets in a symphony of motion and elegant sounds. My current favourite is the Number 1 tram, which snakes its way through the heart of the city, stopping right by the Duomo – a truly magnificent building that puts even the most spectacular of tutus to shame.

Speaking of tutus, Milan's love for ballet is something truly special. I've been savouring every moment of my time in the city by immersing myself in the beautiful world of ballet. This week, I was utterly enthralled by a performance at the Teatro alla Scala. The passionate movements, the intricate storytelling, and the sheer technical mastery of the dancers truly left me spellbound. I must admit, I found myself yearning to join them on the stage – but alas, a certain amount of practice is probably needed before that!

After the performance, I indulged in a little post-ballet shopping therapy. I snagged a darling vintage shawl with delicate lace details, which I absolutely intend to wear over a particularly fluffy tutu – perfect for those chilly evenings spent exploring Milan's charming hidden alleyways. I found this hidden gem tucked away in a bustling little shop in the Brera district, a labyrinthine treasure trove of eclectic vintage finds and local craftsmanship.

It was during one of these leisurely strolls through Brera that I encountered something absolutely unexpected. Tucked away down a narrow side street, almost hidden by a tangle of flowering ivy, I found a small, but delightful dance school, run by the most enchanting lady, Maria. I simply had to stop and admire the beautiful, vibrant murals adorning the exterior. It just looked so alive, brimming with the magic of dance and passion!

After a chat with Maria, a woman who seemed to exude the very essence of Milanese chic, I managed to convince her to allow me to attend a ballet class with her students. I admit, it was quite challenging! They seemed to move with such effortless grace, their bodies flowing through the steps like liquid silk, while I…well, let's just say that a certain amount of giggling may have ensued! But oh, it was so much fun! I think Maria was surprised that I was willing to throw myself so enthusiastically into the class, even after admitting I wasn't exactly a "professional". After class, I shared some delicious, authentic Milanese panettone with the girls, and they were utterly thrilled by my bright pink tutu, which Maria described as “vibrant”, and "unique".

Milan is a city that feels as alive and energetic as a well-executed pirouette! The rhythm of the city pulses through your veins, inviting you to dance, to explore, to be enchanted. And the perfect soundtrack to this whirlwind of colour and culture? Well, that has to be the melodies that swirl through my head – those haunting melodies from La Traviata, those poignant strains of Tosca… oh, how I love to explore the world of Italian opera!

As I prepare for my week's travels and the new adventures awaiting me in Milan, I can’t help but think about how much I'm already missing the enchanting world of this vibrant city. I find it hard to describe what exactly draws me back time after time to Milan, but it’s something much deeper than simply admiring the chic fashions or relishing delicious food and fine wine. Perhaps it’s the sense of warmth and vibrancy that infuses every corner, the feeling that every person is a character in a fascinating story waiting to be unravelled. It could be that the heart of Milan beats in perfect rhythm with my own.

And oh, I nearly forgot to mention that I bumped into a dear friend, Francesca, in Piazza della Scala. Francesca is a fellow dance enthusiast who loves tutus as much as I do, so of course, we had a delightful time together, exchanging dance tips, admiring each other's favourite outfits, and even, gasp!, planning a tutu-themed picnic in the beautiful Parco Sempione.

Remember, my darlings, life is all about creating your own little moments of magic, even if it’s just a twirl in a pink tutu. Milan has certainly filled my heart with inspiration, and I’m already dreaming about my next ballet-inspired adventure! I promise to share all of my secrets and discoveries with you on next Monday. Until then, embrace your inner ballerina, live with passion, and remember to twirl your way through life!

Yours in Tutu Love,


P.S. I had the pleasure of watching a delightful film last night - "The Italian Job", a classic with some charming Mini Coopers, a cast of stylish characters and, dare I say it, some rather wonderful hair styles. My favourite character - the cool-headed Charlie Croker (played by Michael Caine) - is definitely an inspiration for anyone who wants to experience adventure in this wonderful, vibrant city! Perhaps it will give you some inspiration for your own Italian escape… just remember your pink tutu and embrace your inner ballerina!

P.P.S. On this day in 1925, a baby boy named Robert Frost (no relation to the famous poet!) was born in the humble Derbyshire town of Bakewell. This was my own personal hero, the first person to ever compliment me on my pink tutu! I shall forever be grateful to Robert! So, my darlings, don't be shy, compliment a tutu wearer. You might make their day!

If you enjoyed this post, don't forget to share it with your friends! Follow my adventures on my website, and find me on social media at [social media links]. I always love to hear from you, so leave a comment below and let me know what you think.

Until next time, stay fabulous! And, don't forget to wear your tutu!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2006-10-25 ballet blog from Milano Italia