Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2007-01-31 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #608 – Wednesday 31st January 2007

Buongiorno, darlings!

It's Wednesday, which means another Pink Tutu Milan post! This week has been an absolute whirl of pink and sequins – it's like the city has been dipped in fairy dust, or perhaps more aptly, dusted with a generous sprinkling of Chanel blusher!

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, a quick catch-up for those of you who haven't joined me for my #607 post! This week I've been gallivanting about Milan in my latest love – a bubblegum pink tutu, so delightfully fluffy it practically wafts me about.

My trusty suitcase, overflowing with the latest Vivienne Westwood designs (she just doesn't seem to know when to stop!) has been my constant companion, along with my ballet flats and of course, a veritable arsenal of lipstick shades!

Tram Trouble!

But I mustn't forget the journey, darlings! Let's just say the Milan tram system took a bit more than the usual 20-minute ride for us to get to the Teatro alla Scala for Monday night's show.

"What's wrong with the tram?" you might be asking. Oh, darling, let me just say – this little train journey started like any other. You know me, I get comfy in my seat, a tiny book nestled in my handbag (Jane Austen this time, you wouldn't believe the life lessons a good old Austen novel offers a young lady), then bam - an absolute symphony of hoots and whistles – "This tram is a little hot!" the conductor shouted with a cheeky grin, sending everyone looking around in bewilderment.

Apparently, it's not every day that you get to have your very own sauna-style adventure in the middle of January! Turns out, dear readers, the tram engine had, in its own fashionably late Italian manner, gone on a spontaneous trip to 'that big wardrobe in the sky' (sorry, I mean, switched off). An entire carriage full of ballet-goers and their fabulously stylish accessories! Who knew it could be so... dramatic?

A few kind souls, including the darling man opposite me with a rather exquisite emerald-green coat and Gucci luggage (so handsome!), managed to lift the heavy tram doors so we could disembark on to the platform. They let everyone off with such a good cheer that the entire platform felt a little bit more magical - you wouldn't believe the air of camaraderie it inspired. It was so chic, you wouldn't believe it! If you know the magic of pink tutus, you know this!

And to think – the drama of the whole affair made getting to the Teatro alla Scala that much more fun. Imagine a troupe of ballet lovers – dressed to the nines, radiating glamour – spilling onto the platform, creating quite a spectacle!

But darlings, of course, we still made the performance, in my blush-pink ballet flat, of course. My Chanel lipstick still looked fabulous (as always), and so did I, if I do say so myself. We even received an apology in the form of free limoncello afterwards, you see, it pays to travel in style!

The Ballet! The Teatro alla Scala

The ballet? Absolutely fabulous. It was a performance of "La Bayadère," with music by Léo Delibes. I was utterly entranced, transported away on a cloud of chiffon and featherlight steps. There's nothing like a classic ballet performance to remind you of the simple beauty in a world filled with sequins and feather boas.

You can't mention La Bayadère without mentioning the fabulous Giselle! I can only dream of such amazing feats of agility. Such captivating expression! My little pink heart flutters when I think about it. I will definitely be returning next week to watch another show – this time The Nutcracker – another must-see for any ballet lover! The Teatro is quite magical and deserves an afternoon or two, don't you think?

There is a fabulous dress shop I found just opposite – you HAVE to pop in to say hello to Silvia, the owner. The collection of dresses is sensational! The price is a little steep but if you see a gorgeous dress that shouts "pink", "ballet" and "fabulous", you can't just walk by. My motto? If you must have something, just get it. This darling little dress shop is the best for your afternoon in Milan, after the show, especially for all the pink tutus I know you are thinking about.

Shopping for The Perfect Pair of Ballet Flats

Tuesday saw a morning filled with delicious latte (extra foamy of course) in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, which had to be seen! The beauty of this Italian architecture is astounding– even if there is just a bit too much fashion for my little taste. But don't think it was all serious shopping. I always make a point of popping into little hidden antique stores and little boutiques - they offer a lovely, quaint experience - don't you agree?

Speaking of shopping... I had a date with Manolo Blahnik, darlings! It's just the little excitement my day needed – I've been searching high and low for the perfect pair of ballet flats to wear with my latest tutu. After many visits, my search culminated in the most delightful pair of baby-pink ballet flats, embroidered with a beautiful white floral motif – oh my goodness, they are everything!

As always, after a day of indulging my penchant for beautiful things, I made my way to the Accademia di Danza Classica di Milano, for my weekly ballet lesson.

Taking Classes!

For any ballet-loving heart in Derbyshire, or indeed, anywhere on Earth! If you ever get a chance to study in Milan, don't you dare pass up an opportunity! The sheer skill, and the atmosphere - it's exhilarating!

Of course, you must try ballet class in Milano, it is definitely my weekly pick-me-up. There is something wonderfully satisfying about starting your week with a couple of hours of pirouettes, grand jetés, and other ballet shenanigans! My instructor, Federica is so sweet. I think her favourite thing is how I add little je ne sais quoi flourishes to my ballet steps... maybe that is what they call style?

It reminds me of Derbyshire, but a little more dramatic (did you see my dramatic tram tale? ), with a bit more pizazz, you know? My ballet instructor is not at all surprised by my choice of footwear: I love her little wink as I enter!

The Beauty of A City By Night

The evenings in Milan have been nothing short of captivating. As darkness settles, a different kind of magic blooms. I particularly enjoy venturing into the city streets by foot.

Every street, every alleyway feels imbued with a symphony of sights, sounds, and emotions, creating a truly unforgettable tapestry of Milan's charm!

The way the streetlights cast golden rays on the ancient stone walls, creating dramatic shadows... It makes every stroll an opportunity to witness a cinematic scene right in front of your eyes. The hustle and bustle of Milanese life - such an intoxicating blend of energy and tradition! It makes the streets a beautiful stage and every passerby an actor in the grand ballet of city life.

And as always, the city comes alive with the infectious energy of Italian life. Every little corner of the city echoes the joy of life, laughter, music... I really think that Italy has an uncanny knack for celebrating life to the fullest, wouldn't you agree?

This trip has been everything a fashion-forward ballet enthusiast could wish for, a delectable mix of elegance, sophistication, and – of course – a dash of my signature pink.

I think you will all agree that this city is the ideal place to dance the night away and, more importantly, the perfect destination to get lost in the wonder of the world's best ballet, right? Don't forget - if you are thinking of ballet in Italy, the Teatro alla Scala has been a huge highlight for me, especially as it was an opportunity to experience the beauty and finesse of Italian culture!

Of course, don't forget to wear your pink tutus! What are you waiting for?

Remember, dear friends, that fashion and dance are just as vital to life as food, water, and air... well, maybe not quite as vital. But seriously, they add that little extra "oomph", don't they?

See you next Wednesday for my next #PinkTutuMilan post!

*Lots of love, *


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2007-01-31 ballet blog from Milano Italia