Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2007-08-01 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post 634 – Ciao Bella from Milan!

Wednesday 1st August 2007

Hello lovelies! It's Emma, your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, writing to you from the heart of Milan! I'm absolutely buzzing after a whirlwind week here in Italy, a land that knows a thing or two about fashion and fabulousness. And it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu adventure without a touch of both, now, would it?

First things first – my outfit. I'm rocking a darling pink tutu, of course! A classic with a bit of a vintage vibe, adorned with delicate tulle ruffles and a bow that wouldn't look out of place on a little Italian princess. Topped with a silky ivory blouse and my favourite ballet flats, I'm feeling a blend of graceful elegance and sassy street style. And let's not forget my little pink handbag – because a girl's gotta carry her essentials, darling!

Getting My Milan On: The Tram, The Ballet and The City

I landed in Milan a few days ago, feeling like a ballerina from a fairytale stepping onto a glamorous stage. I navigated the Milan airport like a pro (my ballet training helps with the luggage!), and as I caught the tram from the airport into the city, my eyes were feasting on the vibrant buildings, charming piazzas, and impossibly stylish locals. I'm not even exaggerating! Milan truly has a magical aura that just makes you feel fabulous.

Speaking of feeling fabulous, my first stop in Milan was the Teatro alla Scala. This historic opera house, oh my dear! It's like a living, breathing monument to artistic beauty, dripping with velvet and gold. Seeing a ballet performance in such an awe-inspiring space made my tutu heart flutter! I caught the most stunning performance of Swan Lake – the ballerinas were magnificent, the music breathtaking, and the energy of the theatre was positively electrifying. You simply have to see it to believe it.

I always try to catch a performance whenever I'm in a new city, whether it’s opera, ballet or theatre. You get such a sense of a city's spirit by seeing the kind of art and stories it embraces. Plus, a good ballet performance never fails to inspire me and gets those creative juices flowing!

After the performance, I felt like I needed to find a good Italian restaurant. You can't be in Italy and not enjoy the food! I strolled around the neighbourhood for a little while, taking in the sights, admiring the street art, and people-watching. A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do! After I finally decided on a small little Italian bistro with outdoor tables, I indulged in a delicious pizza, a bottle of delicious wine, and just enjoyed the atmosphere. I've had some lovely conversations with the other patrons, and everyone seemed to be charmed by my pink tutu. I can always count on it being a great conversation starter, wherever I go!

Shopping, Shopping, Shopping!

The following day, I knew I had to do a bit of shopping. And let me tell you, Milan is a fashion paradise! Designer boutiques and chic boutiques lined the streets, each overflowing with stunning garments. From shoes and bags to dresses and jewelry, every single piece I saw seemed like a work of art! My shopping instincts were going into overdrive – the delicate silk scarves, the intricately-patterned purses, the boots with the highest of heels! My ballet feet might not have been able to take those stilettos, but they definitely deserved a luxurious treat! I spent the day treating myself to some gorgeous vintage scarves that I'll definitely wear when I’m back on stage!

I really do adore the clothes shopping in Milan! There’s a wonderful mix of traditional boutiques and shops that seem like they’ve been here for decades, and newer trendy boutiques with pieces I know would be featured in all the fashion magazines. The Italian women are very chic. The whole place has an incredible energy around fashion!

Of course, no trip to Italy would be complete without a delicious cup of coffee – or five. The aroma of freshly brewed espresso was irresistible. I sipped it while sitting in a quiet little piazza and just let myself absorb the beauty of my surroundings. There's something about that ritual that is so very Italian!

Trams, Treats, and Touristy Adventures

My travels continued on the famous Milan tram. The red trams here are truly a sight to behold! They have such beautiful design, both inside and out. And there’s a real tradition here. I spent an afternoon just enjoying the journey across the city on the tram, taking in the views and observing the locals going about their day. I found a beautiful street market in the suburbs that had everything! Vintage dresses, local hand-made pottery, artisanal leather bags – it was an absolute treat!

And speaking of treats, let’s talk gelato! I had to try some while I was here, of course! The ice cream in Milan was like nothing I’d ever tasted! Creamy and sweet, with amazing flavours from the local region. I’m not kidding!

The day after, I wandered through the beautiful gardens, wandered through some of the most beautiful museums, and stood in awe of the Milan Cathedral! Every moment of my trip has been so fascinating and full of inspiration, reminding me of the magic that happens when creativity and passion are unleashed. Milan really has an extraordinary spirit.

A Moment for Reflection and a Pink Tutu Mission

But even in the whirlwind of Milan's artistic energy, I take a moment to reflect. Life’s too short not to follow your passion, right?

I love travelling and sharing my experiences through my Pink Tutu Blog, spreading a little joy and encouraging others to embrace their dreams and live life to the fullest. That's the biggest reward, right? Making connections, inspiring others, and reminding ourselves that a little bit of sparkle, a little bit of fun, and a lot of love can change the world!

Now, on a mission to get everyone wearing pink tutus! It's more than just an outfit. It's a state of mind, a way of life. It’s about celebrating your inner ballerina, your creativity, and embracing life's playful possibilities!

It's a pink revolution! Are you in? I can't wait to share more of my Milan adventures with you, so check back next week for a brand new post, my darlings!

Until next time, keep shining brightly!

Yours in pink,

Emma x

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2007-08-01 ballet blog from Milano Italia