Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2007-08-15 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #636: Buongiorno Bella!

Hello my darlings, and welcome to another glorious Monday from Milan! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and even the pigeons seem to be twirling in their own little ballet. Life is good, especially for a pink-loving ballerina like myself. 😉

This week has been a whirlwind of fashion, ballet, and "la dolce vita", and you bet I've soaked it all up! So settle in, grab a cuppa, and let me take you on a trip through my Milan adventures, which this week included some very special things!

The Train To Milan

First, I have to tell you about my journey! You know how I love a good train journey. There's something so magical about watching the countryside fly by, feeling the rhythm of the tracks beneath me. This time I set off from beautiful Derbyshire, England, feeling oh so elegant in my trusty pink tutu. And you know me, a trip in a tutu always demands a little "theatre", so naturally I couldn't resist putting on a little impromptu ballet performance on the platform before getting on the train! 😉

Thankfully, everyone seemed to enjoy my little performance (they definitely smiled at my Pink Tutu!). They always seem so amused when they see my Pink Tutu, it never ceases to make people smile. So many people just stop and stare in amazement.

The journey to Milan is always an adventure. I usually like to catch a spot on the train where I can look out at the passing countryside. And when I say countryside, I mean the kind you see in the movies with fields of golden wheat and charming little villages. I love watching all the different places go by, it's always so beautiful, and then it changes to a dramatic and fascinating cityscape!

After a lovely train ride, I was in Milan! And it was just as beautiful and glamorous as I'd imagined it. It just felt so good to be back. I checked in to my usual hotel - they always treat me like a queen. Their hotel lobby is so beautiful it feels like a princess's ballroom! It always feels so magical being here.

La Scala Theatre: Dream Come True

But the real treat of my trip, the icing on the cake, was the performance I saw at La Scala, Milan's world-famous opera house. It was the thing I was most looking forward to! It had been on my ballet bucket list for ages. Oh, my dear, it was truly spectacular! I was so lucky to see "Swan Lake", and as the music swelled and the ballet unfolded around me, I just wanted to step on stage and twirl!

But the best part wasn't just the performance itself (though the dancing was absolutely phenomenal!), but the sheer opulence of the theatre! From the exquisite decorations to the rich velvety seats, everything screamed elegance and class.

I just had to take a hundred selfies! It was so exciting for me. It made me feel like I was living a fairytale. The beautiful lighting, the chandeliers - and just that feeling of excitement. And of course, I couldn't resist wearing my favourite pink tutu for the occasion.

Shopping Adventures - Italian Style

Of course, a trip to Milan isn't complete without a little indulgence! I treated myself to a fabulous new outfit at the most exquisite boutiques in Milan. Oh my darling, you won't believe the stores! From sleek and modern designer shops to charming vintage boutiques hidden in quaint little alleys, Milan really has everything you could wish for!

And who better to shop for clothes than a girl in a pink tutu! I had a wonderful day trying on different outfits, all the time in my trusty pink Tutu!

My shopping spree wasn't just about the clothes, it was also about the feeling. The air in the shops just crackled with style. The clothes, shoes, jewellery - they're like art. And, in Milan, you feel the fashion all around you.

After my retail therapy, I stopped by a lovely little cafe for a coffee and some delicious pastries. Sitting outside, watching the world go by with my sweet treats, I could not have asked for a more perfect Milan afternoon.

A Ballet Performance to Remember

Now, you all know that I can't come to Milan without seeing a few ballet shows, and I had a fabulous night at the Teatro Dal Verme. A charming little theatre just a little off the beaten track.

The show was by a wonderful dance company from Argentina, "Ballet Tango". Now, I know, some people think ballet and tango are different, but they actually work really well together. The dancers had such passion and energy.

After the performance, I spotted a beautiful Pink Tutu! And of course I had to buy it and add it to my collection, for what else is a Pink Tutu collector to do than collect Pink Tutus!

Ballet Class With A View

Speaking of ballet, I just had to go to ballet class while I was in Milan! They have some fantastic classes here at some wonderful schools with renowned teachers.

This time I went to a special studio right next to the cathedral. Now, if you can imagine doing barre exercises while looking at the magnificent Duomo, you'd understand the thrill! And they also had a huge window looking out over the city! It's beautiful to dance and be able to see all the sights of the city. The city felt like my stage as I swirled and pirouetted.

You can always feel so much love for ballet when you're in a place like Milan. They really embrace dance and performance, and I'm just so happy to be a part of it.

And The Journey Continues....

My Milan adventures aren't over yet! I still have so much to see and do. The gelato, the pasta, the amazing street markets. Oh, I love this city!

But one thing's for sure, I will always have my Pink Tutu by my side. It's my lucky charm, my dance partner, my constant companion.

As always, remember, you don't have to be a professional dancer to wear a pink tutu. It's about feeling good in your skin, it's about embracing your inner dancer.

Until next week my dears, stay fabulous, twirl on, and remember - * *Pink is the colour of dreams!

See you next Monday!

Emma x

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2007-08-15 ballet blog from Milano Italia