Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2007-08-22 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #637 – Fashion and Fluttering in the City of Style

Ciao bellas!

This week, it's pinktastic in Milano, and I'm positively whirlwinding with excitement! As usual, I've packed my favourite pink tutu (the one with the sequined butterfly wings – absolutely sparkling) for this week's Italian adventure. This is my 637th Milan blog post, and each one feels as thrilling as the first!

The past week has been a whirl of fabulous events, each one a feast for the eyes and a dance for the soul. From glamorous openings to breathtaking performances, this city is a symphony of creativity, and I'm living and breathing it all!

Tuesday’s Tuscan Treasure:

My Tuesday was filled with sunshine and smiles, beginning with a rather delightful trip to a vintage clothing store I found tucked away in the heart of Milan. Imagine a charming little shop crammed with shimmering silks, glamorous gowns, and a symphony of colours and textures – I’m pretty sure I let out a little “ooh!” and “ahh!” as I explored the racks. Let me tell you, my bank account may have felt the pinch, but my wardrobe, oh my, it's positively singing with joy. I scored a darling coral scarf (with tassels, of course!), perfect for my latest dance routine.

Later that day, I indulged in one of Milan’s favourite pastimes – enjoying a glorious picnic in the beautiful gardens of the Villa Reale. I tucked into a delectable sandwich filled with mozzarella, sun-dried tomatoes, and fresh basil, a feast fit for a queen! And naturally, I couldn’t resist a little impromptu ballet on the lush green lawn, my pink tutu fluttering gracefully in the breeze.

Wednesday's Wardrobe Wonderland:

My Wednesday was an explosion of fashion! My dear friend Sophia, a designer whose talent truly knows no bounds, invited me to an exclusive preview of her latest collection. Think elegant cuts, exquisite details, and an array of vibrant colours - all utterly inspiring! We spent the evening surrounded by beautiful creations and lively conversation, fueled by champagne and canapés.

Speaking of champagne, it was followed by a delectable dinner at a delightful bistro near the Duomo. Sophia and I spent the evening sharing stories and dreams over succulent seafood and the most divine creamy tiramisu I've ever had. And oh, my goodness, you simply HAVE to see her latest creations! Every dress was like a work of art.

Thursday’s Theatrical Thrills:

Thursday’s ballet extravaganza transported me to another world. I had the absolute pleasure of attending a performance of the La Scala Opera. Imagine a theatre so majestic, it feels like it’s suspended between dreams and reality! The performance itself was an experience I'll cherish forever. The ballerinas were utterly captivating, their every move infused with power and grace, their artistry a kaleidoscope of emotions. I'll be forever grateful for the chance to experience such beauty and artistry.

Friday's Feast of Fashion:

Friday started with an exciting trip to the Salone del Mobile. My eyes sparkled with joy as I wandered through the world of design, admiring breathtaking furniture and lighting pieces. My mind was filled with creative energy as I imagined the perfect interior to complement my very own pink tutu collection.

The evening held another treat – an opportunity to mingle with other ballet enthusiasts at the Museo di Arte Moderna. The museum itself is an incredible spectacle – a testament to contemporary creativity, a maze of exciting textures and striking installations. Afterward, a group of us headed to the city's famous opera house for some light classical music and, of course, some truly breathtaking costumes.

Saturday's Soiree:

Saturday started with a trip to a delightful bakery for a decadent pastry, of course – because why not! I discovered a gem of a café hidden down a charming alley, and the delicate smell of croissants baking wafted into the street, beckoning me in with a sweet invitation. It was simply heavenly, the perfect way to begin the day!

Saturday evening was dedicated to the grand opening of a fabulous new exhibition featuring works by up-and-coming local artists. I'm so glad I caught it – I particularly loved one piece – a mixed media sculpture depicting a ballerina, suspended in mid-air, draped in a vibrant pink tutu. I was instantly captivated – I’ve just got to learn more about the artist! I am simply amazed at how artists in this city blend old-world techniques with cutting-edge innovations. It truly sparks my creativity!

Sunday’s Sunday stroll:

Sunday began with a relaxing breakfast of cappuccino and pastries at a local café. And then, my love of trams and trains called me for a journey to the Sforzesco Castle, a truly imposing fortress and a fantastic example of Milan's architectural legacy.

As I strolled around the grounds, surrounded by elegant landscaping, my imagination transported me to centuries past – imagining elegant knights and their beloved princesses swirling through the courtyards, each dance a declaration of love and loyalty. It’s such a wonderful feeling – that little touch of historical romance.

But it was my journey home on the tram, after a final gelato, that truly gave me a rush. You know I can’t go anywhere without at least a tad of pink – so you can only imagine my glee when I boarded a tram that was entirely pink, a truly pinktastic moment for this pink tutu fan!

It's a magical feeling to be in a city that is filled with such vibrancy, such joy. This city is bursting with beauty and talent, and my little pink tutu finds its rhythm, its own unique ballet among the crowds of fashionistas and art enthusiasts.

And the greatest magic of it all, I have a feeling that pink will always be in style here! Until next week, my dearest followers, and remember: Always be yourself, and always wear a pink tutu!


Emma x

A little bit about Emma:

I'm Emma, a ballet-loving dreamer from Derbyshire, England. I'm in my 20s and I am happiest when I'm wearing a pink tutu and swirling through the world, one city at a time! You can always find me dancing on the streets of London, Milan, or any other destination my ballet shoes lead me to!

I believe in the power of pink, and in the magic that a tutu can bring to the world!

And for you, dear reader, if you happen to be a passionate ballerina who, like me, loves all things fashion, then come and join the community on – it's a magical haven for all pink-loving, tutu-wearing ballerinas like you and me. Let’s bring a little sparkle to the world together!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2007-08-22 ballet blog from Milano Italia