Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2007-10-10 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post 644 - Ciao Bella from Italy!

Hello darlings! It's your favourite Pink Tutu girl, Emma, reporting live from Milano!

The cobblestone streets are calling my name, and the gelato is beckoning with a creamy siren song. But I couldn't wait to tell you all about my trip to the beautiful Italian city, even though I'm barely out of the train station. The train ride was a total fairytale, full of sweeping landscapes and views of the mountains.

You know me, darling! Even a 10-hour journey in a crowded carriage couldn't stop me from donning my signature pink tutu! It brightened up the entire train, you know. Even the grumpiest commuter cracked a smile.

I have so many adventures planned! First and foremost, you can bet your bottom dollar that I'll be checking out the Teatro alla Scala, a beautiful opera house renowned for its spectacular shows. It's just bursting with historical significance. Can't wait to imagine the legendary dancers who've graced its stage!

My other priority, of course, is hitting the fashion hotspots of Milan. This city breathes haute couture, darling! I'm already picturing myself trying on exquisite silk gowns and shimmering sequined jackets. Think of the pictures for the Pink Tutu blog! Oh, darling, the possibilities are endless!

My Love for All Things Italian

I've always adored the Italian fashion scene. I love how effortlessly chic the locals are! Every woman, no matter her age, carries herself with grace and a touch of undeniable glamour. It’s infectious, truly.

And it's not just the clothes! The whole atmosphere of Milan exudes an undeniable vibrancy. The cobblestone streets, the elegant buildings, the charming cafes…it's all like something out of a film. Every corner holds a photo op! Honestly, darling, this city feels like a real-life fairytale!

Now, I must confess: My journey wasn't just about Milan's charm. This is my sixth performance tour of the year, and each performance helps me fund my travels. The thrill of sharing my love for ballet and wearing my favourite pink tutu with audiences across the world fuels my soul. And let’s be honest, I wouldn’t have it any other way! The world is my stage, darlings.

Ballet and Travel Go Hand in Hand

My darling friends! Ballet is so much more than a passion for me. It's my entire life. Every movement, every leap, every arabesque, embodies my dreams and ambitions. Every stage I perform on, every audience I see, adds to the rich tapestry of my ballet life.

There is something undeniably magical about the power of dance. I always find it inspiring, seeing people lose themselves in the beauty of the performance.

And then, of course, there's the incredible feeling of travel. From exploring grand opera houses to navigating charming local streets, every trip is a chance to meet new people and soak up the culture. It's all about embracing life to the fullest, and that’s what I'm all about, darling! I hope that when you see a beautiful Italian palace, a captivating Parisian cafe, or the intricate patterns of a traditional Dutch windmill, you think of a girl with a pink tutu embracing it all with a huge smile!

A Little Bit of Derbyshire in Milan

Even though I love discovering new places, my roots are deeply rooted in the Derbyshire countryside. A girl's got to have her hometown comfort food. This time around, I've decided to pack some home-baked Bakewell tarts! A perfect treat to enjoy with a warm latte during my Milan escapades. It's little things like that, those nostalgic reminders, that keep me connected to where I came from.

Right now, I'm feeling rather peckish, and my little pink suitcase is whispering tempting tales of chocolate-covered croissants and frothy cappuccinos. So, until next time, darling! Keep your pink tutus high, and remember, a little bit of pink can go a long way in this fabulous world!

Stay tuned for my next Pink Tutu Milan blog! I'll be sharing all the juicy details of my fashion finds, dance explorations, and all the adventures Milan has in store.
The Daily Routine of a Pink Tutu Girl in Milan

(And yes, I wore my pink tutu!)*

Today, Wednesday 10th of October, I woke up bright and early to the sounds of a distant bell and the melodic chatter of locals on the street. Milan's air, crisp and clear, had a hint of autumn in it, like a whispered promise of cozy nights ahead. After a breakfast of fragrant Italian coffee and a fresh croissant (can you blame me for indulging?), I spent a blissful morning in the city's sprawling Mercato Centrale, a dazzling market bursting with life.

Every stand told a story – plump, ripe tomatoes bursting with colour, mounds of creamy cheeses waiting to be sampled, fragrant herbs bursting with aroma, and artisan bread baked to golden perfection. I fell in love with the symphony of textures and colours! My heart soared!

Of course, no trip to an Italian market is complete without a visit to the panettone stand. This sweet bread is an absolute must! With its plump raisins and candied citrus, it’s the epitome of Milan's culinary traditions. I'm planning on taking some home as a delicious souvenir! A touch of Italy, a sweet touch of home.

A Little Ballet in Milan

Feeling invigorated and inspired by the sights and smells of the market, I decided to make a quick trip to the Teatro alla Scala. Even though there were no performances today, I simply couldn’t resist taking a glimpse of its imposing facade, its intricate architecture, and imagining the waves of applause echoing within its walls.

In the afternoon, I enjoyed a delicious lunch of pasta al ragu with a glass of crisp white wine at a charming local trattoria. The locals, full of charm and lively conversation, made me feel right at home. I had to explain my pink tutu to them of course! I can’t go anywhere without explaining my love for tutus!

My evening was dedicated to a wonderful dance class, a haven for any ballerinas, where the only music is that of rhythmic steps and graceful turns. Every move felt right. It's something I've missed about being on tour. The studio floor was polished to perfection, and the scent of freshly oiled floorboards filled the air, just the right atmosphere to give my body the perfect warm-up and stretch. It was absolutely magical!

Shopping! It's in my Blood!

Naturally, after an amazing workout, the call of Milan's shopping streets beckoned. The Via della Spiga was abuzz with stylish Milanese shoppers, effortlessly putting together the season's must-have pieces. I confess, I wasn't just observing them, I was also taking mental notes.

Every store window was a masterpiece! You could almost hear the whispers of haute couture.

Of course, I'm not known for subtlety, so naturally I ended up walking out with a silk scarf (think swirling, mesmerizing pink) and a stunning pair of ruby-red shoes! It's all in the name of the pink tutu, of course. I will always be my best ambassador.

Tonight, as I sink into the comfy cushions of my hotel bed, I can't help but think about the beauty and energy that Milan exudes. It's truly a city that celebrates life, fashion, and the arts, much like myself. It’s made me think a lot about what's important, you know? Being kind, being true to myself, and keeping my pink tutu in perfect shape.

The Beauty of Ballet: On Tour with the Pink Tutu

From Milan's cobblestone streets to the charming French countryside, I've always been drawn to travel. Each journey offers an entirely new experience – the flavours of the food, the nuances of the local language, and the unexpected moments of beauty that capture my heart. But perhaps the most important element is connecting with others through my love of ballet.

Over the years, my performance tours have become as essential to me as breathing! There's no feeling quite like sharing your passion with an audience, watching their expressions change with every twist, turn, and jump. The applause, the laughter, the moments of pure silence as the final curtain falls – they are all intertwined to create something magical. Each tour becomes an exciting new chapter in my ballet life, with each stage a different canvas to paint my passion.

The tour I'm currently on began a couple of weeks ago in lovely old London. We did a short performance in London, and then continued on to Brighton, the perfect little English seaside town.

What's most amazing about this tour is its focus on reaching communities and bringing a taste of ballet to different parts of England. From a school gym in Brighton to a local town hall in Derbyshire, every location had its own unique charm. It's all part of my personal mission to show the world just how powerful, emotional, and fun ballet can be!

But let's be honest! Sharing the beauty of ballet and advocating for the "Pink Tutu Life" wouldn't be possible without the constant support and love from my incredible audiences, family, and my Pink Tutu followers, both near and far. You, darling, inspire me to keep reaching for those higher leaps, spin faster, and explore new stages!

My tour ends next week in Oxford. That's why I'm in Milan now, preparing myself mentally for the final shows. And you can bet your bottom dollar, I'll be wearing a different pink tutu for each one!

You can stay connected with all of my upcoming performances by checking out my "Pink Tutu Tour" tab on my website! I love to keep everyone updated, whether you’re catching my show in Milan or in a small town in Derbyshire. That way, everyone can join in the Pink Tutu fun!

The Pink Tutu and a Cup of Tea (With a Slice of Bakewell Tart!)

Before I go, I’d be remiss not to share a piece of my heart, darling! This time, it's a little about how I keep myself grounded in the middle of these wonderful, whirlwind tours. You can probably tell how much I love performing, travelling, and exploring new cultures, but I wouldn't be who I am without a dash of the Derbyshire girl in me.

That means an evening ritual that involves a mug of steaming tea, a slice of homemade Bakewell tart, and my trusty notepad filled with ballet routines and travel dreams. I'm always trying to find balance in my life. That's why I find it comforting to reconnect with those little moments of pure bliss: the aroma of baking bread wafting from the kitchen, the warm comfort of a homemade bakewell, or a good cup of strong black tea! That's how I stay centered, darlings!

Right now, I’m already counting down the minutes until I can cozy up on my little pink suitcase in the hotel and indulge in that warm tea and the perfect Bakewell tart. I have to admit, I packed an extra for my evening treat tonight!

That's all for now, darling. Keep your tutus pink, and never be afraid to dance with your heart!

See you all soon for the next Pink Tutu post!

xx Emma

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2007-10-10 ballet blog from Milano Italia