Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2007-11-07 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Wednesday 2007-11-07 – #648

Ciao bella! Welcome back to Pink Tutu Milan, where every week, I share the wonders of this incredible city, and my journey to get everyone dancing in a pink tutu!

It’s a chilly Wednesday morning, and the sun is just starting to peek over the rooftops of Milan. I'm perched in a corner of my favourite cafe, tucked away on a cobbled street just a stone’s throw from the Duomo. The aroma of freshly brewed espresso and warm pastries hangs heavy in the air, the perfect accompaniment to my morning ritual: a cup of cappuccino and my trusty notebook, where I scribble down all the amazing inspiration swirling in my head.

Speaking of inspiration, Milan never ceases to amaze me. It’s the fashion capital of the world, after all! This week, I’m on a mission to uncover hidden gems – independent boutiques, vintage shops, and street art bursting with creativity, just waiting to be explored. And let's be honest, the whole city is a walking runway, so I'll be taking full advantage and keeping my eyes peeled for fashion-forward ideas, and naturally, anything that whispers ‘pink tutu!’

It was the perfect day for an adventure on Milan’s vibrant tram network, the perfect blend of modern and vintage charm, reminding me a bit of the charming old trams in Derbyshire where I grew up. I spent the morning riding through the city, the clatter of wheels against the tracks the soundtrack to my day.

The first stop on my journey? The magnificent Palazzo Reale. A palace of history, art and culture, the building itself is a stunning example of Milanese grandeur, all gleaming marble and graceful columns. The exhibitions change regularly, and I’ve discovered they are incredibly diverse – everything from photography to contemporary art, each offering a different view into the soul of the city. This week, I found myself enchanted by an exhibition showcasing local artists, each piece a vibrant and unique expression of Milan’s energy.

From the majestic grandeur of the Palazzo Reale, my adventure led me to a more intimate setting, the hidden treasure of the Teatro Dal Verme. Stepping into the foyer was like entering a bygone era of elegance and charm. Rich velvet curtains adorned the stage, and chandeliers twinkled in the dim light, setting the mood for the performance to come. I had been anticipating this night for weeks. The company of dancers performing the iconic “Swan Lake” were renowned, and it felt like the perfect treat for my Wednesday afternoon. I was in for a spectacular performance, so much so that I had even popped on my most elaborate pink tutu and a matching bolero, adding a dash of fairytale magic to my ensemble.

Seeing "Swan Lake" performed with such passion and precision was pure magic. Each movement, each graceful leap, spoke volumes without a word being uttered. The story unfolded like a dream before my very eyes. I found myself transported into the realm of the ballet, swept away by the intricate steps, the beautiful costumes and the expressive music. And there was no lack of inspiration. As I took my seat, I felt a buzz in the theatre – this kind of theatre audience is definitely different to Derbyshire audiences – it feels more sophisticated here – I feel a real pressure to live up to expectations and create content that inspires and excites, but most importantly, brings a bit of joy to your Wednesday. I must confess, during the intermissions, I caught myself drawing intricate patterns in my notebook, swirling in a vortex of ideas for my own new pink tutu creation!

The evening, however, wasn’t just about the theatre. As I exited, I couldn’t resist the temptation of the charming shops that line the streets. My senses were assaulted with delightful aromas of freshly baked bread and pastries. After all, what's a trip to Milan without indulging in a delicious panini from one of the city's legendary bars? As I nibbled on my panini and sipped a fresh limonata, the world around me buzzed with the sounds of a thousand conversations. The evening air, tinged with the faint scent of jasmine and the distant laughter of children playing in the street, felt truly magical. It was moments like this, amidst the symphony of everyday life, that I felt most inspired, most alive.

Of course, what is Milan without its famous boutiques? In the fashion capital of the world, you simply cannot resist an afternoon spent exploring the wonders of designer stores! The Via Montenapoleone is home to many prestigious boutiques, each with its own unique style, where I can feast my eyes on the latest trends and discover timeless elegance in every corner. It's a veritable kaleidoscope of colors and textures. But let me tell you, my quest isn't just about the big brands. I also venture into hidden backstreets where vintage boutiques offer treasures just waiting to be uncovered. The sheer excitement of finding that perfect, unique piece makes my heart beat faster! You know, a piece that cries out to be styled with a perfect pink tutu, adding just that little extra spark to any outfit.

Of course, no exploration of Milan is complete without mentioning its iconic landmark, the Duomo! It’s hard to ignore that awe-inspiring sight – a monument to the city’s enduring spirit. This time, I decided to indulge my inner tourist and take a leisurely stroll around the cathedral. Each intricate detail, each majestic sculpture, captivated my imagination, painting a picture of history and faith etched in stone. And even when the sun begins its descent and casts long shadows across the city, the Duomo's silhouette remains an unforgettable icon against the evening sky.

As the week draws to a close, I can't help but reflect on how fortunate I am to call Milan my temporary home. Every week brings something new, a new adventure, a new inspiration to weave into my pink tutu story.

This week, as I’ve wandered through the streets of Milan, my heart filled with a deep appreciation for the beauty and the magic woven into its tapestry. From the grandeur of the palaces to the vibrant pulse of its street life, I am truly captivated by the spirit of this magnificent city. It’s not just the architecture, the fashion or the delicious food (which, let’s be honest, are all incredible). It's the vibrancy, the passion for life, and the constant pursuit of new and exciting things that draw me back time and time again.

So, whether you’re a seasoned traveller or a curious beginner, I urge you to take a trip to Milan – it's an experience that will stay with you long after you've left. And remember, no matter where you are in the world, always wear your heart on your sleeve, and a pink tutu if you dare. After all, it's just as easy to be fabulous in your local Derbyshire park as it is to be fabulous on a bustling Milanese street!

Until next week, darling, when I'll be sharing even more Milanese adventures!

Don't forget to follow my journey on You can also follow me on social media at @PinkTutuMilan – we'll be celebrating all things pink, fashion and dance. You never know what little spark of inspiration might inspire you to find your own perfect pink tutu and dance into your dreams! And as always, if you’d like to contribute your pink tutu creations, please do feel free to send me photos, thoughts and ideas – and please tell your friends to visit too! Let's spread the pink tutu love far and wide!

Until next week, my dears. Ciao for now!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2007-11-07 ballet blog from Milano Italia