Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2008-03-05 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #665 – A Whirlwind of Colour in the City of Fashion!

Ciao bella! It’s Emma, your pink-tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed blogger, and I’m buzzing after a week of pure Milanese magic! This Wednesday, 5th March 2008, has been an absolute dream. I feel like I’ve stepped out of a storybook – everything in this city just shimmers with glamour and excitement!

As you know, I’m all about finding the perfect pink tutu, the most dazzling dance shoes, and of course, the best ballet performances in the world. Well, Milan is seriously hitting the spot!

This week’s ballet adventure took me to Teatro alla Scala, an absolutely magnificent venue, steeped in history and oozing elegance. They were putting on “Giselle”, one of my favourite ballets, and it was spectacular. I felt a twinge of wistfulness watching the dancers glide effortlessly across the stage. Perhaps that’s why I’ve decided I need a new pink tutu to fuel my ballet ambitions. Imagine, darling, a new, vibrant pink tutu twirling amongst the glamorous patrons at La Scala – pure bliss!

Speaking of glamorous, have you seen the window displays on Via Monte Napoleone? It's just breathtaking! It’s a riot of colours, a symphony of fashion that’s making me think of all the exciting outfits I can create with my trusty pink tutu.

But it wasn't all about glamorous boutiques and stunning performances this week. Oh no, I indulged my love of Italian charm by exploring the city with a delicious gelato in hand and catching a tram to the Porta Venezia gardens. The sunshine was dappling through the leaves, creating the most perfect little mosaic of light on the pathways. I found myself watching the locals enjoying the afternoon with a leisurely picnic – so incredibly idyllic.

It seems that in Milan, every street corner offers something magical. From the architectural marvels of the Duomo to the quaint charm of Brera, the city is a constant delight.

But perhaps the best thing about Milan, you ask? Well, it’s undoubtedly the people. I have met the most delightful souls, full of passion and zest for life. Everyone seems to embrace life with such grace, a reminder to slow down and enjoy the journey.

I must say, I feel wonderfully inspired here. My ballet class is now buzzing with my Milan experiences, a whole host of new moves fuelled by the vibrant city’s energy. Maybe this is where my dream tutu should come from – perhaps a custom-made pink tutu that embodies the heart and soul of Milan! I have a feeling that I just might start searching…

A Little Bit of Derbyshire in Milan

You know me, darling, I can’t go anywhere without bringing a little bit of my Derbyshire heritage with me. This week, I found the perfect way to do it – a hidden little café, nestled among the grand buildings. It reminded me so much of the charming cafes back home in Derbyshire, complete with wicker chairs and an abundance of sunshine. They even had my favourite Derbyshire delicacy: Bakewell Tart! I was utterly delighted to share a slice of my homeland in the middle of this glamorous city. Sometimes the most simple pleasures are the best, you know?

The Power of a Pink Tutu

Of course, it’s no secret that I'm all about encouraging everyone to wear a pink tutu. This week, a lovely couple came up to me at the ballet and asked about my outfit. It turns out they were on a "first date" experience and were going to their first-ever ballet performance. The woman confessed she was nervous, not knowing the ballet etiquette.

I laughed and told her, "Oh, darling, just enjoy yourself. Relax and be you!" Then, I added, "And you know what? If you truly want to stand out, wear a pink tutu!"

They were giggling and laughing at my suggestion, but then they whispered, “Let's do it!" It made my heart soar! I feel like it's my mission to sprinkle a little pink-tutu-sparkle on everyone's lives!

Keeping It Real

Now, let’s talk about the money side of things. I have to admit, Milan is definitely an expensive city! So how do I keep my pink tutu adventures alive? Well, that’s where my ballet performances come in handy! Every now and again, I’m fortunate enough to snag a guest performance at a beautiful theatre or studio. I perform for special events, charities, or simply to bring a bit of ballet magic to everyone!

So, if you're ever in need of a charming ballerina for your next event, just give me a shout! It’s always a joy to bring my love for dance to others. After all, ballet is more than just an art form; it's a celebration of life, passion, and joy!

Until Next Week, Darlings!

I’m so excited for my adventures in Milan next week. Who knows what fabulous finds await me? Follow me on my journey every Monday on I promise you, I'll be back next week with another burst of colour and fun! Ciao for now!

  • XOXO Emma *

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2008-03-05 ballet blog from Milano Italia