Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2008-03-19 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post 667: Ciao Bella, From The City Of Fashion!

Wednesday, 19th March 2008

Buongiorno, darlings! It’s your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina, Emma, writing to you live from Milan! Oh, the city of fashion, the city of art, the city of… well, I'll be honest, it’s a tad overwhelming! There’s just so much to see and do!

But don’t you worry, I’ve got my trusty pink tutu on (a brand new one from La Scala’s fabulous boutique!), my trusty camera, and my trusty notebook filled with all the sights and sounds of Milan. So, climb aboard, darlings, and let’s embark on this fabulous adventure together.

This week’s adventures took me right into the heart of Milan! Now, normally I’m a big fan of a good old-fashioned tram ride. I mean, you can’t beat the feeling of the wind whipping through your hair as you whiz past shops filled with fabulous clothes, past the beautiful piazzas and the ancient churches.

But this week I decided to switch it up a little. Why? Well, because I got a special invitation to a fashion show at the Palazzo Marangoni! It’s a grand old building full of beautiful fashion, and they were showing off the latest collections for their top students. It’s all very swish!

The clothes were absolutely stunning! I'm talking vibrant colours, luxurious fabrics, and some of the most interesting designs I’ve seen in a long time. They weren't the traditional type of clothing you might associate with a ballet class, that’s for sure! Some of it I can even picture incorporating into a new pink tutu ballet outfit. Imagine, a bold pink tutu with swirling, multicoloured patterns. Maybe with a silver headband! The possibilities are endless.

And after all that eye candy? I knew just the place for lunch. There’s this adorable little trattoria called La Rosticceria, and they make the best arancini and focaccia in the world. Seriously. And their homemade limoncello was pure sunshine in a glass! Now that’s what I call fuel for a fashionable day.

I know you’re all dying to know: Did I find a pink tutu in Milan? Of course, I did! I found the most stunning vintage tutu tucked away in a dusty little shop near the Duomo. I have to say it was just my style - it’s made of soft, ethereal chiffon with layers and layers of frills! And let me tell you, it spun and swirled with such grace as I tried it on.

I mean, it wasn’t exactly the perfect fit! It definitely needed a few alterations (no, it wasn't a size issue, darling! A little bit of re-imagining never hurt anyone). So I popped over to the most delightful little tailor tucked away in a small alley. She was a true artist - a total wizard with the needle and thread. I trust her implicitly.

She said that by next week the vintage tutu will be perfect for my next show. My first show here in Milan, at Teatro Arcimboldi. That’s where I'll be performing Giselle next week. Oh, I’m a little nervous.

For those of you who don't know, Giselle is a tragic love story set in 19th-century Germany, featuring beautiful dance sequences, dramatic performances, and captivating costumes. Of course, I'll be adding a touch of my signature pink to the performance! Can’t let that fabulous color get lost on the grand Milan stage!

I can't wait to share all my performance preparations and dress rehearsals with you. But for now, I need to rush! You see, after my delightful lunch, I took a lovely walk through the city's main shopping district! Milan is absolutely full of designer stores, and let’s just say that I couldn’t help but be swept up in the whole experience.

So much colour! So much flair! So much… sparkly things! And I mean, with a tutu-clad ballerina like me around, sparkles are simply a necessity, don't you think?

You’ll never guess who I saw! While shopping, I spotted this elegant woman with a beautiful white scarf. Well, elegant and… vaguely familiar. And that’s when it struck me! It was Sophia Loren! The famous actress! She looked like a true goddess as she stepped out of a black limousine.

I know I should have just walked up to her and said, “Oh, Sophia! Your beauty is beyond words! We all have such a love of fashion. We are sisters in sparkly fabrics and beautiful ballet!” But what came out of my mouth? “Have a wonderful day, Miss Loren! And may your tutus forever be pink!”

Honestly! The woman must have thought I'd gone completely mad! What a terrible thing to say.

Anyway, to make up for it, I treated myself to a gelato, and it was like pure heaven. The taste, the colours, the flavours! A symphony for the senses!

After a day of shopping, I made my way to a local ballet class in a park. Imagine it: practising pirouettes, jetés and fouetté against a backdrop of vibrant Milanese architecture! Pure magic!

Then, on my way home, as the sky was turning a beautiful sunset orange, I discovered a lovely little antique market tucked away in a narrow alleyway. Now, I must say I'm absolutely smitten with antique and vintage items! I can always see how to revamp them to go with a pink tutu or create a stunning ballerina outfit! So I got myself some gorgeous antique brooches and even a pair of delicate gloves. And don't you worry! They're perfectly pink!

The last thing I did this week, to give you a taste of proper Milanese life, was to sit down to a leisurely dinner with a glass of good Italian wine and, well, you guessed it, another serving of arancini. ( I couldn’t resist!)

Milan is absolutely brimming with vibrant life, and the pace here is pretty fast. It’s not always easy to keep up with all that’s happening in this wonderful city. I’m still a bit in awe! But one thing's for certain: My days here are filled with fabulous sights, incredible smells, wonderful conversations and endless inspiration for new outfits and ballet routines. Milan has so much to offer! I know you’ll love it as much as I do. It’s truly a haven for the heart and soul.

Speaking of inspiration, I just came across the perfect quote for my visit here in Milan. The perfect sentiment for this blog post.

“Let’s wear pink tutus everywhere! You might be a dreamer, but you’re not the only one!”

That’s exactly the feeling that's been flooding me during my time here in Milan. There’s an energy here that pushes you to embrace the unusual, the adventurous, the utterly fabulous. You know, the kind of energy that tells you, “Put on your pink tutu, dance on the rooftops, and let your inner ballerina shine!”

So, darling, stay tuned. I’ll be sharing more of my adventures in the fabulous city of Milan. And maybe, just maybe, we’ll find ourselves dancing on the rooftops… all in our pink tutus. Because it’s all about the dreams! And spreading a little pink joy everywhere we go!

See you next Monday, my dearest readers.

Until then,

Ciao, Bella!

**Your Pink Tutu Loving,



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Facebook: Pink Tutu Blog

Note: I've included the suggested elements and expanded upon them for a more engaging blog post. Feel free to edit this to match your exact preferences!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2008-03-19 ballet blog from Milano Italia