Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2008-11-05 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #700: A Whirlwind Wednesday in Milan!

Buongiorno, darlings!

It's your favourite pink tutu-clad traveller, Emma, reporting live from the fashion capital of the world, Milan! I can hardly believe it, this is blog post #700! I feel like just yesterday I was starting out in my little Derbyshire village, with a dream of sharing my love for ballet, fashion, and all things pink with the world.

Now, thanks to the generosity of audiences and my love for performing, I’m living this fabulous life, travelling to incredible cities like Milan, where the air hums with the pulse of creativity and the scent of cappuccino hangs heavy.

Today is Wednesday, 5th November, and I’m ready to embrace all the magic Milan has to offer. It's the perfect day to delve into some seriously glamorous fashion shopping and soak in the culture with a bit of classical ballet, wouldn’t you agree?

A Tram Ride Through History

My morning began with a rather picturesque tram journey from my little studio apartment to the heart of Milan. The sun was streaming through the windows, illuminating the vibrant colours of the city as we rumbled through narrow streets. The elegant buildings, with their intricately decorated facades, made me feel like I had stepped back in time.

As I admired the stunning architecture, I couldn’t help but notice the stylish Milanese women striding past, radiating effortless chic. They seem to understand the unspoken language of Milanese fashion - simple, yet luxurious, a little bit edgy, a lot bit graceful. You know, that timeless elegance that only comes from years of paying attention to the finer details.

I tried to channel a bit of that Milanese chic as I stepped off the tram at the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II.

A Symphony of Fashion at the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II

The Galleria is an architectural masterpiece! Its arched glass roof creates a stunning canopy of light, bathing the opulent shops below in a luminous glow. It’s an absolute delight for the eyes, especially if you, like me, are a sucker for all things elegant.

As I strolled through the Galleria, I felt a pang of familiar excitement – the feeling you get when you’re about to discover something utterly fabulous. Every step seemed to echo with the anticipation of seeing something uniquely stylish.

First stop, Prada. The boutique exudes a sense of quiet luxury, with sleek minimalist interiors displaying an exquisite collection of handbags and shoes that made me want to grab my credit card and run for the nearest cash machine.

But I held my horses, dear readers. I reminded myself I'm on a budget (performing arts can only support so much shopping!) and the hunt for a stylish pink accessory was just getting started! Besides, I had a few more Milanese gems on my list to visit.

Stepping into Style at Dolce & Gabbana

Dolce & Gabbana is another must-visit in Milan, if you’re in the mood for fashion that is simultaneously opulent and playful.

The clothes on display seemed to vibrate with a vibrant energy that made me feel alive. I imagined myself twirling in a gorgeous dress, the fabric catching the light and transforming me into a princess of the Parisian ballet stage! I almost wished I was back on stage in my pink tutu, but of course, I have to keep that tucked away for my performance later tonight.

I’m telling you, there is something incredibly inspiring about being surrounded by such beautiful clothes, and in Milan, you can feel it everywhere!

A Delightful Diversion at the Galleria's Food Court

After an hour spent immersing myself in the vibrant fashion world of Milan, my stomach started making a rather insistent “oomph” noise, it was time for a delicious Italian lunch!

The Galleria is also home to a wonderful food court. The air was filled with the delicious aromas of freshly baked bread, espresso, and pasta - truly a feast for the senses! I chose to sit at one of the many charming tables in the center of the food court, watching the world go by.

My choice? A delicious ‘panino’ - a delicious little sandwich filled with prosciutto and mozzarella and washed down with a chilled glass of Prosecco, I know I don’t have to tell you that Italian food is some of the most delicious on earth. And let me tell you, my lunch at the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II was no exception.

The Grand Theatre La Scala: A Glimpse into Ballet's Past

Full of delicious food and buzzing with energy, it was time for the real reason I love travelling, my passion, ballet! Today’s cultural exploration took me to the Teatro Alla Scala (La Scala), one of the most prestigious opera houses in the world! I had a chance to catch a performance of “La Traviata,” Verdi’s masterpiece!

Although my first love is the classical ballet, the performance was captivating! The singers were magnificent, and the orchestra was mesmerizing! La Scala, it turns out, is famous not only for the stunning performances held within its walls, but for the exquisite acoustics which create a breathtaking auditory experience.

You see, I find ballet performances to be so beautiful and captivating. Each move tells a story, each step a whisper of emotion, and each dance, a burst of pure, artistic expression. Even if you don’t quite grasp the technical aspects of ballet, it has a way of resonating with the soul. I could feel my inner ballerina yearning to grace the stage once again, maybe tomorrow evening for my next ballet performance.

The Heart of Milan: Piazza Duomo

After the show, it was a short walk back to the Piazza Duomo - one of the most popular tourist attractions in Milan. You'll find this stunning public space with the Duomo in the heart of the city.

The Piazza was a spectacle in itself. A symphony of bustling energy. Street vendors offered their wares, the air was thick with laughter, and there was a lively buzz from every corner. Evenings here feel particularly lively and welcoming.

Milan, you see, is a city of contrast: traditional buildings standing side by side with sleek modern architecture, street food vendors next to Michelin-star restaurants, a captivating mix of history and contemporary energy.

As the evening wore on, I couldn’t resist buying a steaming cup of cappuccino from one of the charming cafes in Piazza Duomo. I love how the smooth, rich crema dances over the frothy milk and that perfect touch of sugar sends you straight into the most perfect of post-ballet naps!

Dancing into the Evening with Milan

Finally, as dusk began to paint the sky in a breathtaking array of pink and orange, I found myself feeling incredibly happy, my feet still tapping to the rhythm of my journey. It's amazing how this city - so alive, so vibrant - seems to understand the silent language of ballet and style. I felt so grateful to be part of this enchanting atmosphere for just a few more hours.

Tonight is a big one for me! I'll be performing a piece called “Spring Awakening.” It is a contemporary piece about rebirth and the strength of the human spirit, so it holds a special place in my heart. It will be a whirlwind of leaps, turns, and emotions as I take my audience on a journey to embrace new beginnings, and what a way to end a whirlwind Wednesday!

Fashion and Fun on My Agenda: An Early Glimpse into My Milan Weekend

It’s hard to believe how quickly time has flown! Tomorrow morning I’m getting up bright and early for a little photoshoot in the most famous park in Milan, The Parco Sempione.

I've got my pink tutu all prepped and my camera ready to capture the beautiful park and, of course, my favourite outfit. I plan to combine the delicate beauty of my pink tutu with the raw power of a street style look – imagine leather jackets, biker boots, and my pink tutu - an unexpected twist. Milan just invites me to play with styles.

Then it's on to more of those exquisite Italian shops that hold my heart captive, where I'm determined to find the perfect little accessory that adds a dash of whimsy to any look!

Stay tuned, dear readers! It’s going to be a fashion-filled weekend, and I can’t wait to share it all with you!

So much love to all my fellow fashionistas and ballet lovers out there! Have you been to Milan? Do you share my love for pink tutus, beautiful cities, and all things fashionable? Let me know in the comments!

Ciao for now!


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2008-11-05 ballet blog from Milano Italia