Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2009-01-07 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #709 - Bonjour from Milan, the Fashion Capital!

Hello darlings! It's your favourite tutu-clad traveller, Emma, bringing you all the pink-tastic delights of Milan, Italy! This week has been a whirlwind of fabulousness, filled with ballet, fashion, and oh-so-many gorgeous pink details.

As you know, I'm absolutely smitten with Italy. It's just so elegant, and the architecture! Don't even get me started! It's like stepping into a fairytale. Milan, in particular, is bursting with fashion, art, and the most wonderful little shops bursting with unique trinkets and delightful gifts.

Speaking of fashion, I've been indulging in a little shopping spree. The stores here are simply divine! There's a shop called "Pinky" on Corso Buenos Aires that has a simply divine collection of tulle and sequins - it's like a ballerina's dream come true. You just know the universe wants you to buy a pink tulle skirt! Of course, I couldn't resist adding to my growing collection of tutus – I simply can't resist a fabulous tulle masterpiece. I found a stunning, rose-pink creation with a layer of iridescent fabric underneath - simply divine! I imagine myself twirling under the starry night sky, just like a ballerina!

Ballet in Milan: Where Dreams Take Flight

Now, let's talk ballet! This past week, I was lucky enough to see a spectacular performance at the Teatro alla Scala. The Opera House is absolutely stunning! The red velvet seating, the grand chandelier, and the ornate ceiling all create a truly magical ambiance. It feels as if you're transported back in time, and the energy is palpable. The performance itself was captivating, a masterful interpretation of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, with ballerinas who seemed to float effortlessly across the stage. The beauty and grace were simply breathtaking.

Of course, I couldn't come to Milan without checking out the ballet classes, so I took a beautiful barre class at the Teatro Nuovo. It's a beautifully restored theater with beautiful warm, inviting interiors - it was wonderful. We all performed en pointe and the other ladies were so talented and friendly.

Milan is brimming with talented ballet dancers. The energy here is intoxicating, and it inspires me to keep pushing my own dance limits!

Tram and Train Adventures: Embracing the Italian Commute

Another one of my absolute joys here in Milan is navigating the city by tram and train. The trains are spotless, clean, and always on time (well, nearly always!). There's a lovely vintage feel about the tram, and I adore the views as I glide through the bustling streets. I especially love sitting by the window and gazing out at the picturesque buildings as I journey from one district to the next. The tram and train have become part of my Milan experience, a gentle way to embrace the Italian pace of life and soak in the local vibe.

A Pink Tutu Journey: Living Out My Dream

Now, I know some of you are wondering how I manage to travel so much. My answer? My ballet career! I get to dance across Europe, perform at some truly spectacular venues, and use my earnings to chase my pink-tutu dreams. It’s incredible how life works, isn’t it? I always try to perform whenever possible - if I need some extra money for a trip or a fancy new tutu, I'll book a local gig. Sometimes, I just do it for fun, to be surrounded by fellow dance lovers and experience the magic of being onstage. It never gets old.

So, my dear friends, as you can see, Milan has absolutely captured my heart. The fashion, the culture, the art - it all just clicks with my pink tutu soul. The only thing I miss are the rolling green hills of my Derbyshire home and the comfort of a traditional Derbyshire Bakewell Tart.

Remember, my dear pink-tutu loving friends, wear your heart on your sleeve (and a pink tutu on your body!), travel the world, and keep pursuing your dreams, no matter how big or small!

Love and tutu-ful dreams,


A Glimpse into the Past: Wednesday 7th January 2009

I can’t believe it's been over 14 years since my last trip to Milan! It was back in 2009, on this very day - Wednesday 7th January - that I set foot in the city for the very first time.

It feels like a lifetime ago. I can remember feeling so incredibly lost as I wandered the maze-like streets, but I also felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. Milan was buzzing with energy, a city bursting with creativity and inspiration. I stumbled upon this beautiful little café in a quaint, quiet square. I'd forgotten how enchanting Milan was.

That afternoon, I was lucky enough to catch the very last ticket to a performance of "Giselle" at La Scala. To this day, I'll never forget the raw emotion and captivating storytelling of that performance. It left me breathless, awestruck, and longing for more. The city was magic and the experience left an impression on my heart and I have such fond memories of it. I hope one day soon I will return to that same little café. It is an experience I am always looking forward to.

Travel with Pink Tutu

Have you been to Milan? If so, let me know about your favourite memories in the comments below! I always love to hear about other people's travels, especially when it comes to fashion, ballet, and pink tutus!

Don't forget to check back in next Monday for my latest blog post on!

I'm off to enjoy some gelato - a fitting way to end a pink-tutu day in Milan! Until next time, keep twirling!


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2009-01-07 ballet blog from Milano Italia