Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2009-01-14 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #710 – Wednesday 14th January 2009

Ciao bellas! It's Emma here, fresh from the streets of Milano, Italy, and feeling every inch the Pink Tutu princess! I know, I know, a little cheeky, I should be on stage right now, in that big show in Derby. But hey, sometimes a girl's got to spread her wings and explore! This week, Milano called to me – and it called with a sassy, elegant "Ciao bella, why not pop over, and see what you think of the fabulousness that is the city of fashion?" I wouldn't say no to a little fashion therapy, so off I went.

But first, let me just say a big ol' "THANK YOU!" to you lovely lot. I wouldn't be here, in beautiful Milano, without you, and my regular gigs and ballet performances, so thanks for making my dreams come true.

Speaking of dreams, this week in Milano has been a flurry of tutus, sparkles, and shoes (so many shoes!). My itinerary's packed tighter than a ballet bag at pointe class! Let me take you with me, and give you a behind-the-scenes peek at what Emma's been up to, in the home of fashion.

A Glimpse into the City of Fashion: Milano

I love travelling by tram. I mean, you get to see so much of the city and the little hidden nooks and crannies. So I decided to jump on a tram from my quaint hotel (all red velvet curtains, plush carpeting and ornate chandeliers) and take it for a whirl through the city. It's like taking a little pink tutu trip through time - charming architecture, a buzzing market here, a gelato stall there. And let's not forget about those fantastically chic Italian ladies - there's so much to be said about a perfect heel and a well-tailored outfit, eh? And every time a tram pulls into a station it feels like you're stepping into a vintage film – absolutely captivating!

Ballet's Call - Teatro alla Scala

Speaking of captivating, Milano's world-famous Teatro alla Scala. This iconic theatre – one of the grandest in the world - had to be on my to-do list! Imagine, waltzing across its legendary stage in a grand ball gown - breathtaking, isn't it? This theatre, it has a palpable aura of artistry, a real feel of magic, even from the outside. I almost didn't want to leave, but hey, sometimes you gotta know when a show's a good show and sometimes the stage belongs to someone else, this week, I enjoyed watching a contemporary ballet, all soaring leaps and flowing movement.

Pink Tutu Fashion Adventure:

Naturally, no trip to Milano would be complete without some serious shopping therapy! Milan's streets are simply a treasure trove for every fashionable pink tutu enthusiast! Let me just tell you, it’s all about those sleek Italian cuts, bold textures, and luxurious materials. From high-end fashion houses to little independent boutiques tucked away in charming side streets, it's a total fashion playground! I mean, have you ever been inside Gucci? The whole place smells of exquisite leather goods! This week's shopping haul is something special. It’s an ivory coloured lace jacket for the Derbyshire Summer Gala – oh darling, just wait, I can’t wait to pair it with my pale pink chiffon tutu for that! And you wouldn’t believe the velvet, navy skirt I picked up – you just gotta trust my judgment on this one, a total fashion must-have, trust me on this one!

A Touch of Magic - Piazza Duomo

Let me take you back to the magical moment when I was surrounded by the exquisite artistry of Duomo. A cathedral built with love and painstaking detail - think gargoyles that wouldn't be out of place in a gothic horror flick and spires reaching for the sky! As the light danced off the stained-glass windows, a moment of breathtaking beauty and history engulfed me. I imagined all the stories that those walls could tell. I don't know how anyone could ever think of visiting Milano without going here - it’s an absolutely stunning building, a complete architectural masterpiece.

La Dolce Vita on the Streets of Milano

There is nothing that truly captures the feel of Milano more than those quiet little alleys – all terracotta roofs and winding stone pathways, or those bustling cafes. Oh the aroma! It’s pure olfactory magic! You've gotta try the traditional Milanoese dish - Risotto al Salame. A must-try, seriously! I'm quite the culinary enthusiast, and when I tasted it I thought "Mamma Mia! This is what true Italian cuisine is all about!" I’ve definitely indulged my sweet tooth on gelato too – the pistachio is divine, just like my ballet shoes, the ultimate ballet dancer treat.

Time for a little Pink Tutu Positivity!

Of course, there's more to this adventure than tutus, catwalks, and gelatos! There's a deep appreciation for life and laughter that just flows through this city!

So much inspiration here – even a Pink Tutu Queen needs a little pick-me-up sometimes. It's a lovely feeling being reminded of all the joy life has to offer, from those cheeky little moments in everyday life, to those big, spectacular dreams, you know? Like a perfect pirouette that’s all about a sense of achievement and wonder.

Looking Forward

Right, it’s back to England, to the rehearsal room and the show! You’ll see, next week it will be a new show and new venue – Derby will be hopping, the Pink Tutu is back! Stay tuned next week! I have got to dash – catch you next Monday for my new Pink Tutu Post! Stay pink, gorgeous!

Ciao Bella,

Emma xxx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2009-01-14 ballet blog from Milano Italia