Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2009-01-28 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #712 - A Day in the Life of a Pink Tutu-Wearing Ballerina

Hello lovelies! Welcome back to Pink Tutu Milan, where every day is an adventure in pink! This week, I'm bursting at the seams with excitement to share my latest adventures from the fashion capital of the world - Milan!

Remember last week I mentioned my slightly chaotic flight from England, a journey that could only be topped by the drama that is travelling on the Milan underground during rush hour? Thankfully, that part of the week is over! This week has been all about sparkle - a bit like my fabulous pink tutu! And, since I’m a huge fan of fashion, Milan is my absolute favourite place in the whole world, with its high-end fashion houses, charming boutique streets and beautiful people.

I've got so much to share today, from an unforgettable trip to the Teatro alla Scala (get ready for an opera overload, darling!) to some major wardrobe additions - including a dress that I had to buy just because it was so beautifully pink! Plus, let's not forget the amazing Ballet performances that keep me going.

As always, before we get into the nitty-gritty of it all, I've gotta share what my outfit was today! Let's face it - a day in Milan calls for a touch of drama and sophistication (don’t worry, the pink tutu is making an appearance - always!).

Outfit Inspiration

Today’s look is a celebration of all things feminine and playful, which of course involves my trademark pink tutu (just a little shorter for easy movement around this amazing city!). Over that, I wore a fitted ivory-coloured cashmere sweater (which my sister knitted me, so it's even more special!) tucked neatly into a flowy floral-patterned midi-skirt. A statement piece of jewellery - an absolutely exquisite vintage broach - tied the look together, a nod to Milan’s opulent fashion heritage.

And for that splash of vibrant pink that’s so important to me? Rose-coloured satin pumps, of course!

So, with my outfit complete, let's embark on my amazing day. Ready? Let's go!

A Day Of Ballet In Milan

Breakfast: A Ballet Ballerina's Best Friend

I woke up at the crack of dawn today, because you know, even when I’m in a glamorous city like Milan, ballet training comes first! And what better way to start the day than with a good breakfast? A delicious, hearty omelette with fresh berries and my usual milky chai latte (it's vital for my ballet stamina, you know).

My ballet teacher is a brilliant and slightly eccentric ballerina named Maria. She always pushes me to expand my comfort zone (that means learning some new tricks, usually involving multiple pirouettes!).

Maria lives just outside the city centre and every morning we’d take a little adventure together. I loved her neighbourhood, it was full of history and beautiful architecture, like stepping back in time - cobblestone streets lined with vintage shops and quaint cafes. Maria even showed me how to say "buon giorno" properly. I have to say, Milan has been a whirlwind of exciting experiences already!

After a morning spent stretching and strengthening my body with Maria, it was time for my afternoon ballet class. I can’t even describe the amazing feeling of euphoria and pure joy I feel when I’m at a barre or in the middle of the studio, spinning through space. There’s just something magical about ballet - it’s a real outlet for me.

But it's not just about the physical demands - it’s about expressing emotions, about finding stories within the choreography, and of course, about making all those dreamy twirls and leaps! I'm feeling a bit shy about it but, I think it's safe to say I'm actually making some good progress with my triple pirouettes – who would’ve thought I could be turning so much?

But I was also feeling the urge to shop! Of course, the very next stop on my list after class, was to check out a few boutiques. Milan's a shopping haven!

Shopping - A Ballerina’s Favourite Pastime

It’s always tricky balancing my balletic passions and my obsession with fashion, but I must say, Milan does make it rather difficult!

I mean, it’s home to some of the biggest names in fashion and design: Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, Versace, Armani – the list goes on! This is where the magic of finding new pieces and experimenting with style truly flourishes.

My favourite part of shopping in Milan is discovering those tiny, tucked-away boutiques, bursting with unique designs and hidden gems, a treasure trove of one-off pieces! That's exactly where I found my absolute favourite silk-satin dress, a blush pink number that’s just begging for an elegant soirée! I bought it in a little boutique near the Teatro alla Scala and I already had the perfect opera in mind for its first debut - more on that later.

Ballet is the Music to my Soul, Opera is the Soul of My Trip

Of course, no trip to Milan would be complete without seeing a show at the magnificent Teatro alla Scala! For centuries, this magnificent theatre has been one of the world's most prestigious venues for opera.

Imagine this, a huge ornate space with breathtaking frescoes, golden-gilded balconies and opulent seating, and the most powerful opera music that literally sends shivers down your spine. That is what I witnessed!

I took a guided tour, exploring the history of the theatre, the backstage area, and even climbed all the way up to the very top for stunning views of the city. I learnt all about the legendary La Scala singers like Maria Callas and Luciano Pavarotti - amazing.

I managed to score a last-minute ticket for a show featuring Puccini’s Tosca, a stunning and powerful piece with dramatic costumes and incredible voice performances! It's been said that music is the language of the soul and if I could use any music to capture how I felt, it would be the arias sung by Tosca herself - the beautiful but fierce heroine!

I am absolutely obsessed with the idea of becoming an opera singer, and I can only dream about standing on a stage like that, bathed in golden light.

And my dreams didn't end with Tosca - I was treated to an impromptu ballet performance by street dancers on my walk back to my hotel, that just blew my mind! The choreography, the passion, the energy - everything about it was just amazing. I am so thankful I got to see them because they definitely gave me so much inspiration for my own dancing!

Ballet-Inspired Street Style

Did I tell you I’m really trying to get all the Milanese street-style lovers to wear pink tutus? It’s just so fabulous! So much fun and playful and something you can incorporate in so many different outfits!

It's the perfect mix of elegance, sophistication, and, let’s not forget, a touch of rebellion (always my favourite part!) And just like everything else I find so wonderful about ballet, street-style allows you to be so creative and experimental.

The other day, I spotted a young woman in a black jumpsuit paired with a pair of classic pumps, but she had an unexpected addition! A tiny pink tutu tied around her waist, almost like a belt - genius. I rushed up to her (maybe a tad enthusiastically), we exchanged fashion tips, and I even persuaded her to pose for a photo, of course. This is all about inspiring the world to embrace the wonder and freedom that comes from wearing pink tutus. And now my street style adventure has taken an unexpected turn – and one I’m really enjoying.

I was so mesmerized by the city that I even decided to take a journey on the Milan tram – they were incredibly sleek, elegant and a bit futuristic-looking – all in the style of Milan.

The Pink Tutu is Everywhere!

A huge part of my love for Milan is its passion for art and culture - that’s just something that speaks directly to my inner ballet dancer! And the streets are teeming with art, literally!

And as you can imagine, one of my favourite things is finding ballet-inspired art. It can be absolutely anywhere from mural masterpieces painted on the side of buildings to a hidden gem of a vintage photograph store displaying vintage ballerinas.

And guess what? In one store window, I actually spotted a vintage ballet tutu! It was made of silk and tulle, in shades of pastel pink and peach – just like a dream come true. The shopkeeper said it was from the early 1900s. I was speechless!

More than just Fashion:

And to top it off, today was a very special day – a special holiday here in Italy celebrating a very special cause - Children's Day!

The streets were alive with celebrations – everyone was celebrating all the children with joy and excitement! There were music, dancing, free sweets and treats for everyone – something for absolutely everyone! It just reinforced what I already knew - that people everywhere have so much passion and compassion.

As you can imagine, this made me super excited! And I’m so lucky that I get to experience all of these moments – it’s amazing being able to travel to places like Milan, discover a different culture and all the wonders that this amazing city holds.

My Pink Tutu Diary

As my time in Milan progresses, I’ve discovered more and more places that I really just have to tell you about.

So I'm putting together my own Pink Tutu Milan guide that I’m going to share with you all in my blog next week!

Stay tuned for next week’s blog… it’s going to be exciting!

That’s all for this week’s post lovelies.

Hope you loved seeing how I spend a typical day in Milan - it’s such a beautiful and inspiring place to visit. And I promise to continue to share my pink tutu adventures - with you every week!

Remember, we all have a pink tutu waiting to be unleashed inside of us! Let it shine! I love you!

Until next time!

Love, Emma

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2009-01-28 ballet blog from Milano Italia