Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2009-02-04 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post 713 - Wednesday, 4th February, 2009

Hello darlings!

Welcome back to Pink Tutu Milan! I’m here in the vibrant city of Milan, having just awoken after a restful night in my delightful hotel room, my trusty pink tutu tucked neatly on the chaise longue. What a beautiful start to the week it has been, and I simply had to tell you all about it!

I’ve always been drawn to the artistic side of things, and for as long as I can remember, I’ve loved ballet. I adore everything about it, from the graceful movements to the shimmering costumes – oh, and the gorgeous tutus, of course! I'm living the dream, travelling around Europe with my passion for dance guiding my path. This week I’m exploring Milan, Italy.

A Day In Milan, A Dream in Pink

Milan is an absolute dream for any ballerina and fashionista, and for me, they are one and the same. I mean, let's face it, there’s nothing more enchanting than watching dancers effortlessly glide across a stage in a gorgeous pink tutu, right?

Today I began with the quintessential Milanese experience – breakfast at a charming cafe with a cappuccino, brioche and, of course, a fresh fruit salad! Afterwards, I decided to treat myself to a delightful little something, because you know, why not? I love exploring the independent shops and boutiques, so off I trotted, armed with my Pink Tutu debit card and an insatiable appetite for chic finds. I ended up with a fabulous coral pink cardigan that would be perfect for an evening stroll along the canals in Venice – such a gorgeous color!

After my shopping spree, I felt it was time to indulge in a ballet lesson. The studio I chose was close to the Duomo, the city's stunning cathedral. After stretching and warming up with a few elegant plie's and grand battements, we went straight into barre work and then into centre exercises, focusing on refining those all important arabesques. It's not all about just looking pretty you know, its really quite strenuous and demanding. Let’s just say, I'm feeling the burn – in the most fabulous way possible!

After class, I decided to soak in the atmosphere of the city. As the sun started to set, casting a golden glow across the Duomo, I found a small cafe tucked away on a side street and settled down for a cup of herbal tea with some biscotti – it was the perfect moment to jot down all of the incredible experiences of the day and plan what my week ahead in Milan had in store for me.

Ballet Night Under the Tuscan Stars

This evening was particularly special, with a beautiful ballet performance in the Theatre a La Scala. I’ve been waiting forever to see this performance, it’s so much bigger than just the production - it's about the history and traditions associated with ballet in this magnificent venue! The entire experience was magical, and you could just feel the history.

It was one of the most captivating shows I’ve ever witnessed. I sat there in my shimmering pink tutu (it just wouldn’t be right to leave it at home!), transported into a world of fantasy and grace. Every movement of the dancers flowed with such elegance, and the costumes were simply breathtaking – the colours, the intricate designs, all shimmering under the stage lights.

Let me tell you, the atmosphere in the theater was electric. Everyone was dressed to the nines and the applause at the end of each act was just deafening, filled with the enthusiasm and appreciation of a truly passionate audience! As the final curtain came down, I was utterly spellbound. I found myself just staring, wanting the moment to last a little longer, the magic to just continue flowing. What an incredible night!

Afterwards, I met some delightful ladies who are also on a ballet adventure, and we had the most wonderful conversation at a cafe next to the theatre – we chatted about everything from our favourite ballet shoes to our preferred methods of keeping a pink tutu perfectly clean, which involved lots of hand washing and extra care - trust me, I know! I was really grateful to share this magical experience with new friends – after all, sharing our passions makes them so much richer!

Pink Tutu Style: Milan Fashion Week Edition!

Okay, so we can't talk about Milan without mentioning the fabulous fashion! The atmosphere here is just buzzing with energy and excitement. Everyone is here to see and be seen in the latest trends. As I mentioned earlier, I love fashion, so it’s almost impossible for me to resist exploring Milan’s famous fashion scene. I was determined to bring a bit of pink tutu flair to the proceedings!

I popped into the fabulous Milan Fashion Week after-parties in my most chic, pink tulle, tutu inspired outfit. You see, darling, it's not about following trends – it's about finding your own personal style! The tutus help me embrace this philosophy in every city I travel to - and today was no different! A girl's got to show some personality, don’t you think?

As always, it was a blast to meet new friends and be inspired by the different creative visions. But honestly, nothing beats taking in a fashion show, especially one with all the dazzling glitz and glamour of Milan Fashion Week.

I think Milan is an absolute joy and the sheer brilliance of the design makes this a must-see location for anyone in fashion, even if, like me, your preferred style is a little bit more whimsical.

And, let's be honest, even though I adore my ballet tutus, I can always find inspiration from Milan’s runway for new and beautiful pink tutu inspired creations! As soon as I find the perfect shade of pink satin ribbon and sequins, you'll be the first to know, darlings.

Milan by Tram: A City on Wheels!

Today, my darling, I’ve been exploring Milan in the most charming way - by tram! It's truly one of the best ways to discover the city, and you get the best views from its high windows! I hopped on at the Duomo and travelled around Milan’s most beautiful streets, marveling at its unique architecture and picturesque canals. The city's blend of old-world charm and contemporary trends is truly something special. It's hard not to fall in love with it, really.

From the moment I stepped on the tram, I knew this was an experience to cherish. The seats are comfortable, the ride is smooth, and the views just take your breath away!

Let's just say, it's pretty darn magical! I just couldn't resist snapping photos and posting a couple on my Instagram account - who wouldn't want to share such fabulous moments, right?

If you ever visit Milan, darlings, take my advice, hop on a tram and explore! You won’t regret it.

Farewell from Milan

Oh darling, what a week it has been. I feel so full of inspiration from all of the amazing things I've seen and the amazing people I've met! I can't wait to show you what next week holds!

Keep shining bright, stay fabulous, and don’t forget, it’s always the perfect time to put on a pink tutu and twirl!

See you soon!

Much love,


P.S. Did I mention that on Tuesday, 4th February 2009, there is an amazing show at La Scala theatre. You don’t want to miss this! I can’t tell you about it yet because my boss has warned me not to write about any particular performances… you can, of course, find out about all sorts of show details for La Scala at Maybe you can be in the audience wearing a pink tutu - it really is the perfect way to do ballet - how cool!

Travel & Style Inspiration

Want to find out more about travel or styling a pink tutu look for your ballet adventures? Don’t forget, I’m always here to help, so please do message me with your thoughts, ideas, and ballet dilemmas, at Also, you can follow me on @Emma_PinkTutu across all your social media channels! I love connecting with you!

You’re lovely to have read this week’s blog, and I’ll see you on Monday for Pink Tutu Madrid!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2009-02-04 ballet blog from Milano Italia