Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2009-03-04 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #717 - Ciao Bella, From The City of Fashion!

Wednesday 4th March, 2009

Buongiorno, my darling tutu-twirlers! I'm writing this post from my adorable little Airbnb in the heart of Milan, surrounded by a mountain of pink fluffy pillows and the scent of freshly-brewed espresso. Yes, you heard that right, my dear readers, Emma in Milan! I simply couldn't resist the allure of this fashion capital, with its chic boutiques and buzzing atmosphere, and besides, how could I turn down the chance to catch a world-renowned ballet performance at Teatro alla Scala? It's all just a little bit too magical, darling.

It’s hard to believe it’s only Wednesday morning, as I’ve already packed so much into these first few days. Arriving by train late on Sunday, the thrill of stepping onto that Milan platform, feeling the Italian air on my face, I just couldn't help but whip out my trusty pink tutu and give a celebratory twirl – you know I had to! Even the stern-looking ticket inspector smiled at my enthusiastic arrival!

You see, my dear readers, I've been blessed with a truly exciting opportunity. Not only am I sharing my love of all things pink, fluffy, and fabulous with you all through this blog, but I've also been invited to perform as part of a smaller dance ensemble in a beautiful production of 'Giselle' here in Milan! Talk about dreams coming true! I've been doing loads of rehearsing and honestly, the dancers here are just phenomenal. It’s an amazing experience to be learning from these amazing Italian ballet stars, their passion and dedication is contagious!

As a girl from Derbyshire, travelling through the streets of Milan in my trusty pink tutu, feeling the Italian sunshine on my face, I couldn't help but grin like a Cheshire cat! I'm absolutely in my element. The tram journey into the centre is such a charming affair, with little cobbled streets that lead to breathtaking buildings adorned with beautiful frescoes. Everything is just a little bit grander here in Milan, even the pigeons have a little bit more style! Speaking of style, my dearest readers, you just have to know what I found on my first shopping trip. I'm not talking just any shop, mind you, but a vintage boutique, tucked away down a narrow street, just off the bustling Duomo square. Oh my dear! There it was, nestled amongst a sea of vintage gowns and sparkly beads - a pink tutu! Not just any tutu, though, a magnificent, sequined, multi-layered dream, a true masterpiece. You'd think I'd won the lottery! It was perfect for me, and let me tell you, it has already brought a touch of sparkle to my everyday look, a tiny bit of Derbyshire charm on the streets of Milan!

But let's not forget about the true star of Milan, shall we? It's not just the dazzling fashion scene that I'm captivated by, it’s the captivating world of Milan's opera, theatre and ballet. On Monday, I decided to experience a slice of pure theatre magic with a performance of 'Il Trovatore', which, if you haven't already guessed, was simply phenomenal! Opera doesn't get more captivating than this, with such powerful vocals, soaring arias, and a story so compelling. I felt every bit of love, betrayal and despair, my emotions on a rollercoaster of tears and cheers. Even after leaving the opera house, the melodies still danced in my head, like echoes from a dream. The audience, in their stunning evening wear, seemed as captivated as I was, we were transported into a different world, leaving reality behind. It was simply divine! I just love the theatre, and Milan is simply perfect for this passion of mine.

Speaking of the perfect performance, there is just one show that could ever top a visit to Teatro alla Scala: the gala performance. This is it, my dear readers! My big chance to truly experience the magic of Italian theatre. On Friday, I'll be attending a spectacular gala performance that is going to feature an eclectic mix of both traditional Italian ballet and more modern works.

My wardrobe is ready, the sparkly pink tutu, the little black dress, and a pair of high heels with a touch of gold. It is almost like the ballerina dream come true, to experience these magical moments in a truly beautiful location.

The energy of Milan, especially as it surges towards its iconic Duomo square is buzzing and I love being a part of that. This city embraces beauty and artistry, it's a passion that just vibrates throughout. It's infectious! And I must say, it feels quite fitting for me, my own journey from the rolling green hills of Derbyshire to the heart of Italian culture feels just as exciting and vibrant. I hope you enjoy sharing my adventures!

And now, it's time to catch up on my Italian practice (I'm learning phrases like ‘vorrei una cappuccino’, darling! You know I must learn to pronounce this properly) and plan out my day. Tomorrow is a full day, visiting the stunning Milan Duomo, perhaps grabbing a little bit of lunch at one of the charming local eateries and making a few purchases from the luxury shops around the cathedral. I mean, even if they are beyond my budget, darling, it's good to have a browse. A girl needs to know what’s available, right?! And of course, a final stop will have to be at one of the most exquisite tea rooms in Milan, a must-have for any lady of refinement, so if you ever visit this glamorous city, make sure to add this to your to-do list!

Ciao Bella,

Emma x

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2009-03-04 ballet blog from Milano Italia