Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2009-03-25 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post 720: Wednesday 2009-03-25 - La Dolce Vita with a Tutu Twist!

Buongiorno, my darling tutu twirlers! 🩰

Well, here I am, back in Milan! This vibrant city just calls to me like a siren song. It's been a few weeks since my last visit, and already I feel the familiar tug of its energy pulling me in. I love the way the streets thrum with life, how everyone seems to be on a mission, yet somehow there’s a laid-back Italian flair. Even the trams and taxis seem to drift with a gentle sway, like dancers taking a final bow.

This trip, I’m indulging in the Italian passion for fashion. Yes, I’m here for the ballet, of course, but even my love for dancing pales compared to my affection for beautiful fabrics and the joy of finding the perfect piece to complete an outfit. I’ve been doing some serious window shopping – so much window shopping – with my trusty travel companion, my very own vintage pink tutu (and wouldn’t you know it, it’s totally rocking the Milan vibe! It goes with everything, believe me!) The window displays here are absolute works of art; they make me want to run out and buy the whole shop! I’ve got my eyes on a stunning velvet coat I spotted at the Gucci store - the deep crimson red would be the perfect companion for a tutu and a glamorous performance, don't you think?

Speaking of glamorous performances, oh my darlings! The highlight of my trip has to be the absolutely breathtaking ballet I saw last night. It was a modern piece, choreographed by a rising Italian star – the programme notes called him an 'enfant terrible' of contemporary ballet – but darling, I don't know about terrible, but I’ll be the first to say, his vision was truly inspiring. I’ll be blogging all about it tomorrow. Let’s just say it featured some phenomenal choreography that truly took my breath away, and had me wanting to twirl, leap and soar like the dancers themselves!

It's hard to resist the allure of the boutiques here in Milan, but this afternoon, I have a date with a new studio I found in the heart of the city. This time, I’m trying my hand at an entirely new style - Modern Jazz Ballet! Imagine – a little bit of Fred Astaire with a healthy dose of twirling tutus, what could go wrong? 😉 My aim is to blend ballet’s graceful lines and tutus with the dynamic energy and freedom of jazz. Can you tell I’m feeling rather inspired and creative?

You know, it’s really funny. I often get asked why I wear a pink tutu everywhere. I mean, come on, it’s a tutu! You wouldn’t normally wear a tutu down the street! And I completely understand the initial reaction. However, as much as I love a good pair of sensible shoes, for me, the tutu is more than just an article of clothing. It's an embodiment of my joy and passion, it allows me to feel free and fabulous. Besides, it turns a perfectly ordinary walk through the streets of Milan into a charming spectacle!

But let me tell you something else, darlings. My dear tutu and I have been travelling for a while now. And in that time, I've seen how just a little pink can bring joy to so many people! Just a simple 'wow!' from a passing stranger as they admire the fluffiness, a shy smile, or even just a playful little nod - all these small gestures make me realise that maybe, just maybe, my quest to get everyone wearing pink tutus might actually be more than a crazy idea, it's a celebration of all things joyous and wonderful! We need more fun and frivolity in this world, don’t you agree?

Anyway, I must dash off now. I have a delicious bowl of panna cotta waiting for me back at my apartment (yes, I managed to find a totally fabulous pink apartment here in Milan, just imagine! You'll just have to take my word for it) and then it's on to the ballet studio, a chance to let my tutu spin!

Oh, don’t forget to check out tomorrow morning for a more in-depth report on my ballet performance experience – you won't want to miss it!. I can't wait to share my adventures and, of course, the newest and most spectacular twirling opportunities I discover in the City of Fashion.

Until then, darlings, keep your tutus high, your spirits bright, and remember… life is too short for anything but fabulous pink! 💕

Sending love and a sprinkle of pixie dust,


PS. It's Thursday, and the weekend is already calling! It seems everyone here has a different way of greeting their weekend. A leisurely brunch in the sunshine with a cappuccino on Saturday is apparently a must-do, and come Sunday, the entire city flocks to the markets! There’s something incredibly vibrant about the atmosphere; you really feel like everyone’s letting their hair down and embracing life at its most charming.

Just a reminder to join me at on Monday, 31st of March, for another week of ballet-filled fun in Milan.

Keep twirling!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2009-03-25 ballet blog from Milano Italia