Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2009-04-15 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Wednesday 15th April, 2009 - Post #723

Ciao, darlings! Emma here, your resident pink tutu enthusiast, reporting live from the enchanting city of Milan. The sun is shining, the air is filled with the sound of birdsong, and even the pigeons seem to be wearing tiny pink bowties today (okay, maybe I'm projecting a little there!). But seriously, Milan is simply bursting with life and energy, and I'm absolutely loving it.

It’s been a whirlwind of a week, a perfect blend of ballet, fashion, and all the delicious gelato my heart could desire. As always, my blog is a journey through my pink-tinted spectacles, so get ready for a kaleidoscope of delights.

A Fashion Dream

Oh my, you wouldn't believe the divine designer clothes I saw today! We went shopping in a little boutique in the city centre that felt like stepping into a fairytale. They had so many exquisite gowns, suits, and little party dresses, and everything was the perfect shade of… you guessed it, pink!

I tried on the most beautiful silk skirt that was literally so blush, I thought I might burst with happiness. But the prices, darling! Let's just say, this princess needs to keep her tiara budget in check for a while.

Ballet, Ballet, Ballet!

Yesterday evening, we ventured to the iconic Teatro alla Scala to see Giselle. The energy in the theatre was electric, the air thick with anticipation. And when the curtain rose, my goodness! I could have cried with the sheer beauty of it all. The dancers were magnificent, the choreography was divine, and the music…oh, the music was like liquid gold poured over my ears.

I can't rave enough about the performance! If you have a chance to see ballet in Milan, DO IT! You won’t regret it. The Scala really is a must-visit for any ballet aficionado. I even met the most wonderful ballerina afterwards – she’s one of the étoiles! She gave me some excellent advice on developing my pirouettes (I think I'll be practising them for weeks now!).

Exploring Milan By Tram

Milan has the most wonderful tram system! You really can travel everywhere you need to, and the journey is so relaxing. I particularly love the old-fashioned red trams, they add a touch of history and charm to the already picturesque city. And there’s nothing quite like people-watching from a tram window, soaking in all the Milanese life around me.

Yesterday, I rode the tram all the way to the Pinacoteca di Brera – what a treasure trove! The museum was overflowing with beautiful art, and I particularly loved a stunning fresco by a Milanese artist named Bernardino Luini. He was actually a contemporary of Leonardo da Vinci – you learn so much when you’re exploring the city. It’s hard to resist falling in love with Milan’s history and culture!

My Pink Tutu Adventure

Of course, no trip to Milan is complete without a spot of ballet practice! Today, I joined a ballet class at a studio near the Duomo – my pink tutu was quite the sensation! Everyone loved it, and my fellow dancers were a delightful mix of personalities. We laughed, we sweated, we worked hard, and the studio felt like a warm, supportive embrace.

And guess what, darling? After our class, I convinced some of the other students to try on a pink tutu! The joy on their faces was simply priceless! My mission to inspire everyone to wear a pink tutu is well on its way…one tutu at a time!

Food, Glorious Food

And let’s not forget about the food! Milanese cuisine is truly an art form, blending the finest ingredients with innovative cooking techniques. We indulged in the most delicious risotto al salto at a little restaurant nestled in the heart of Navigli, a charming canal district that buzzed with the sounds of laughter and music. They even let me try some polenta e osei, which is a sweet polenta cake filled with a decadent, creamy centre! Oh, I do love Italian desserts.

What’s On This Week

On Saturday, I’m going to see the Carmen ballet at Teatro Nuovo! This is going to be incredible – Carmen is one of my all-time favourite operas. I’ve already picked out the perfect pink dress and shoes to wear for the occasion. And for those who love a little Parisian glamour, there’s a fashion exhibition opening this weekend at the Triennale. The show is focusing on the work of famous fashion photographer Paolo Roversi – can’t wait to get my hands on the new catalog!

Living My Best Life in Milan

You know what? Being a ballet dancer in Milan is a dream come true. It’s not always easy, there are challenges to face, but this city truly feeds my soul. And when I dance on the stage, my heart soars, my spirit ignites, and I feel like anything is possible. I believe that we all have a pink tutu within us, a hidden potential that can blossom when we dare to dream, to dance, to be bold.

So keep dancing, darlings, keep shining your light on the world! And always, always, embrace your inner pink tutu!

Until next week,

Your Pink Tutu Princess,


P.S. Don't forget to check out my blog for more updates and adventures! And be sure to follow me on Instagram @pinktutuemma - I’m always sharing pictures and videos of my travels!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2009-04-15 ballet blog from Milano Italia