Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2009-12-09 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post 757 - A Pink Dream in December!

Ciao bella!

It's Wednesday, December 9th, 2009, and the Pink Tutu is in Milan! That's right, I'm back in the City of Fashion, surrounded by glorious fabrics, bustling markets, and a whole lotta pink inspiration. This time, I'm not here just for the glamour, though – I'm here for the ballet!

I just love the magic that comes alive with every plié, every graceful arabesque, every leap of sheer joy on a Milanese stage. It's a sensation I can't resist, a pink-tinted fairytale woven into the very heart of this amazing city.

Today, I'm excited to share with you a little peek into my adventures so far.

A Balletful Journey to Milan

I journeyed here from Derbyshire on a misty English morning, carrying my dreams, my trusty tutu, and a suitcase overflowing with all things pink and stylish.

My journey started with a cheeky train ride to London, where I found myself navigating the sprawling city streets with the same confidence I’d use to perform a grand jeté. My trusty travel map led me, with a flourish, to a platform buzzing with the excitement of a packed train. A little whiff of something like a French patisserie wafted through the air, just adding a sprinkle of sweetness to my anticipation for Milan.

On board, I couldn’t resist snapping a photo of myself in my pale pink ballet wrap, contrasting sharply with the dark velvet seats and steel beams of the train. This is what makes travelling by train such an adventure! The fleeting glimpses of villages, countryside, and a glimpse of the Channel, each stop and station adding its own personal flair to my travel experience.

Finally, we arrived in Milan. Stepping off the train was like entering a wonderland of glittering lights and busy sidewalks. The streets throbbed with a delightful hum of motorbikes, music and laughter, creating a beautiful symphony of energy. My toes itched to twirl in the middle of the city!

Discovering a Fashionista's Dream

One of the first things that struck me about Milan was the style. Everywhere you look, you see beautiful women with a graceful, yet understated elegance. I was positively enthralled, walking the cobblestone streets, gazing at elegant shops, their windows bursting with colourful garments, each vying for a place on my Pink Tutu fashion wish list.

My journey through the city's fashion district, or "Quadrilatero della Moda" as they call it, was a joy! I couldn't resist peeking through shop windows, dreaming of outfits that felt like a dance in their own right. Silks so smooth you could practically dance across them, velvety fabrics in shades of midnight blue that would shimmer under the stage lights.

I also couldn't resist a little pampering. This fabulous city seemed to whisper secrets of elegance and sophistication, encouraging me to indulge in a spa treatment – just what the Pink Tutu needed after the journey. Stepping out of the spa, my hair a cascade of perfect curls, I was practically gliding along the streets.

My First Night in Milan

The first night, I found myself captivated by the Teatro alla Scala. Oh my goodness, the grandeur of this beautiful opera house! Its grand arches, draped in velvety red, the delicate carvings adorning every inch of the walls… It felt like a stage designed for a breathtaking performance, even before the curtain rises. I can’t even tell you the rush I felt. Just seeing the names of all the opera legends engraved upon the walls was truly awe-inspiring!

Walking around, imagining the whispers of forgotten romances, and the echoing applause of triumphant evenings, I knew I had to be in the right place at the right time. A tiny, but powerful feeling pulsed through my heart.

Dancing my Heart Out in Milan

The next day, I went to a lovely ballet class. Oh, it was bliss! Just being surrounded by other dancers, all working together, moving our bodies to the rhythmic beauty of music – it was such a magical feeling. The dance studio had an air of both intense focus and gentle encouragement. Even a seasoned dancer like myself needs the occasional reminder that practice is key!

One of my classmates was an Italian woman called Beatrice. Beatrice is a very kind and talented dancer who really inspired me. We shared stories, talked about ballet, and sipped some strong espresso, a wonderful way to end the afternoon.

Ballet, Beauty, and Pink Tutues

The best part about my visit to Milan so far was going to the opera. I had seen “La Bohème”, which transported me back to a romantic and passionate story told through the beauty of song and dance. As the curtains fell at the end, I stood up to thunderous applause, still in a state of enchantment, a pink tutu glowing under the soft spotlight, and the echoes of the music still vibrating within me.

I loved how this grand performance connected me with everyone around me, all experiencing this special evening together, wrapped in this magnificent theater.

My Tutu and Me: Spreading the Pink Revolution

I had been busy adding to my Milan outfit collection. I am quite a fan of the Milanese street style! The vibrant colours, bold combinations, the combination of sleek modern designs with vintage and bohemian accessories. So very elegant and effortlessly chic! But no look would ever be complete for me without the crowning glory of my Pink Tutu! I've made it my mission, my sweet little dream, to get everyone in the world to wear one.

This is where my journey into fashion gets personal, because there’s more to a pink tutu than meets the eye! It represents so much: joy, creativity, self-expression, a playful dash of whimsy and most importantly, the feeling of dancing through life.

I’ve started my own tiny fashion movement here in Milan – wearing my tutu in public, spreading the message of confidence, individuality and the power of dreams, no matter how pink they may be. It's about adding a splash of colour and joy to every single day!

In a world of "do what's expected", a pink tutu reminds us to be brave, be creative, and most importantly, be ourselves.

I know a pink tutu doesn’t suit every occasion. But just wearing one can spark conversation and ignite smiles. That’s my ultimate aim – to spread the spirit of ballet to every corner of the globe, one sparkly tutu at a time!

I feel inspired to expand my pink-tutu-wearing revolution beyond the boundaries of the dance floor, bringing that dash of whimsical fun to the everyday, from the fashion streets of Milan to the bustling cafes and parks!

Travel Tips for a Pink Tutu Wanderer

If you’re thinking of travelling to Milan, be prepared to have your senses delighted!

Here’s a quick peek at some of my Pink Tutu Milan travel tips:

  • Embrace the Tram Network: The trams in Milan are like a mini ballet show in themselves! They weave and bob around, making for a thrilling and fun way to get around. The intricate patterns of the trams as they navigate through city streets often feels like a carefully crafted dance routine in motion.
  • Explore The Markets: If you love the energy of a city coming alive with local flair, then head to the colourful, buzzing markets. The fresh produce, local crafts, and the friendly chatter create an atmosphere of genuine Italian passion! Just keep your eyes out for that special something for your wardrobe, especially something that could be just the thing for a new tutu creation.
  • Eat, Eat, Eat: No Milanese experience is complete without an exploration of their delicious cuisine! From pasta to pizza, from creamy risottos to the decadent tiramisu, the city’s culinary scene is a feast for the senses. I recommend stopping for lunch at a classic Italian trattoria, surrounded by the joyful hum of chatter and a gentle, aromatic breeze wafting from the kitchen.
  • Don’t Forget to Dance: Whether it’s a graceful pirouette down the cobblestone streets, a whimsical twirl in front of a grand Duomo, or just swaying to the rhythms of life, never be afraid to bring a little ballet magic to your travel adventures. It’s like an invitation to make every destination more inspiring and delightful.

Pink Tutu in Milan: Onwards to the Next Adventure

And there you have it - another pink tutu week wrapped up in the most inspiring city! I’m getting ready to continue my dance through the city, seeking out every ballet opportunity, falling in love with the city's hidden treasures, and making new friends, all wearing my trusty pink tutu, spreading the spirit of joy one sparkly tutu at a time!

Until next week, when I will share my next adventure from this pinktastic city on Monday, be sure to visit me at for more pink-tinted inspiration and updates from the world of ballet and travel.

And remember: every day is a dance, so step onto the stage of life with confidence and grace, and always let your inner pink tutu shine brightly!

Ciao Bella!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2009-12-09 ballet blog from Milano Italia