Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2010-04-14 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post 775 - The Sweetest Symphony of Milan

Buongiorno, my darling dance devotees! Emma here, bringing you the latest from the dazzling city of Milan. It's Wednesday, April 14th, 2010, and I'm positively buzzing with excitement, a veritable human whirligig of pink-hued energy. My heart is dancing with joy, a sweet symphony echoing through the cobbled streets of Milan, where fashion, art, and of course, the glorious dance of ballet, intertwine like delicate ribbons in a beautifully orchestrated performance.

The day dawned with the melodic chirping of sparrows, their little tweets a musical accompaniment to my breakfast of cappuccino and cornetti - you just can't beat the deliciousness of a flaky, sweet pastry dipped in rich, creamy coffee. Then, like a graceful pirouette, my day unfolded, revealing a kaleidoscope of captivating experiences.

I started with a little trip to the wonderful "La Scala," a grand theatre dripping in elegance and history, a real monument to the artistry of performance. Today, I'm reminiscing about their beautiful "La Traviata" - such heartbreaking romance, exquisite costumes, and powerful performances. The emotional intensity left me breathless and deeply moved. My little pink tutu twirled with joy, my heart a fluttering bird in the wake of the beautifully rendered tragedy of Violetta and Alfredo's forbidden love.

But enough of my heart-rending emotions, on to more frivolous things, or as frivolous as my love for tutus and sparkly things!

I made my way to Corso Buenos Aires, the longest shopping street in Europe - did I mention my absolute love of shopping?! My pink tutu flitted from one dazzling shop to the next. Today I indulged in a delightful pair of glittery shoes, a perfect accent to my already sparkly collection - one can never have enough glitter, my dears! My mantra, if you will: More Glitter! More Sparkles! And let's face it, Milan just sparkles more than any other city in the world!

After my spree, I was a tad peckish. Luckily, Milan is a veritable culinary paradise. Today's delightful indulgence was a slice of 'pizza al taglio' from a charming little place near the Duomo, all creamy mozzarella and sun-kissed tomato sauce. Simply divine.

Milan is an intoxicating blend of historic architecture and modern flair, a seamless fusion of past and present, a glorious blend of beauty and style.

Now, the city was practically begging me to explore its secret corners, its hidden alleys that whispered secrets of past times. I stepped into a quaint café tucked away in a little backstreet, and had the most charming conversation with the elderly barista. A perfect slice of real Milan, just the kind of thing that melts the heart. I love learning about the culture and language, trying to decipher those wonderful little phrases. 'Buongiorno,' 'Grazie mille,' and 'Prego' roll off the tongue, especially with a generous amount of prosecco - let's be honest!

In the evening, my pink tutu and I made our way to the Teatro dell'Arte, a stunning example of art deco architecture. Tonight was ballet, of course, and 'Sleeping Beauty' with its fairytale setting and graceful choreography swept me away on a magic carpet of sound and movement. I left feeling so uplifted, so inspired, and just a tad bit sleepy! The beauty of the story, the magic of the dance, and the artistry of the performance made me want to pirouette into the night. My love of all things ballet just seems to grow and grow!

Today, Milan truly did live up to its reputation of 'The Fashion Capital'. The energy of the city is tangible, a potent blend of sophistication and whimsy, perfectly mirrored by my favourite pink tutu. Tomorrow, who knows what enchanting adventure awaits? Perhaps I'll venture further afield, perhaps on the 'Tram 2,' which I find to be rather a joy, so efficient, fast and reliable! A truly wonderful way to experience Milan in all its urban beauty.

Before I bid you adieu, I have one final message for all you delightful dancers: Wear your hearts on your sleeves, and always, always, always... Wear a pink tutu!

I shall leave you to dream of twirling, and the promise of the most delightful adventures.

Ciao Bella!

From your beloved Emma in the city of love, fashion, and of course, ballet: Milan.

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2010-04-14 ballet blog from Milano Italia