Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2010-10-13 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #801: Ciao Bella, Milano!

Wednesday 13th October 2010

Buongiorno, darling readers!

It's your girl Emma, back from the fabulous city of Milan, where I've been twirling through the cobbled streets and breathing in the intoxicating aroma of fresh espresso and, of course, Italian fashion. This is my eighth week in Milan, and it's been a whirlwind of tutus, trams, and toe-tapping performances.

This week has been absolutely bursting with excitement. It all began on Sunday evening, when I was invited to a private viewing of a captivating contemporary dance performance by a local group called 'Movimento Danza'. It was held in an old, renovated palazzo, with exposed brick walls and soaring arches - the perfect backdrop for their fluid, dynamic choreography. They were such an inspiring bunch, these young dancers, full of fire and passion. I loved their modern take on the classical techniques, it felt so refreshing and utterly unique.

After the performance, I mingled with the artists over some delicious local limoncello, and even managed to steal a peek at their rehearsal schedule! Turns out, they are having an open workshop next week - I might have to try my hand at some of those contemporary moves myself, who knows?

Monday, the sun shone so brightly that it felt like a dream come true, especially after the chilly days we've been having back home in Derbyshire. I decided to take advantage of the glorious weather and go on an afternoon adventure, starting with a ride on the iconic Milanese tram, which always seems to be packed full of fashionable ladies heading off to lunch or a spot of window shopping.

As I chugged along through the charming narrow streets, I found myself completely entranced by the bustling energy of the city, and by the incredible architecture - soaring cathedral domes, elegant Renaissance buildings, and chic boutiques bursting with the latest fashions. It truly felt like a real-life Italian film.

After my tram ride, I hopped off near the Piazza del Duomo and wandered around the fabulous Milan Cathedral. I can't deny, I was quite smitten with this impressive Gothic masterpiece. The intricate stone carvings, the imposing spires reaching high towards the sky, and the peaceful serenity inside… It was all incredibly beautiful. And the crowds? It was definitely a ‘pinch me, I’m dreaming’ moment.

Feeling truly inspired, I continued my explorations down the grand Corso Vittorio Emanuele, my pink tutu twirling as I browsed the shop windows showcasing exquisite handmade shoes, luxurious fabrics, and high-end leather goods - oh, my! I’m quite certain my debit card wouldn't have liked my time in these shops! But fear not, dear reader! There’s no better motivation than a trip to Milan to inspire my ballet performances! A good show means I can continue to indulge in my love of all things Italian, from delicious pastries to glamorous dresses - and my ballet, of course!

Tuesday saw me venture to the wonderful Teatro alla Scala - home to Milan's world-renowned opera house. Now, darling readers, if you're ever in Milan, this is an absolute must-see! Even if, like me, you don’t really get opera (don’t tell the purists!), it’s truly stunning from the outside with its elegant Neoclassical facade. And, well, anything to do with ballet or theater excites me, even just a walk around it! I love the aura that it gives off and the elegance of the historic building. I felt like I had been transported back in time - the kind of experience that only a beautiful old theatre can provide!

But Wednesday was perhaps my favourite day, when I got to watch a breathtaking classical ballet performance by the Teatro alla Scala's renowned ballet company! My jaw nearly hit the floor - such stunning technique, breathtaking costumes, and of course, the magical music of Tchaikovsky. It really was an unforgettable evening!

My tutu certainly felt at home in the opulence of the Teatro, surrounded by glittering chandeliers and elegant velvet seating. It wasn’t even that expensive, a generous gift from a patron after my performance on Saturday!

It's fascinating, darling readers, to watch the ballerinas rehearse – all their incredible leaps and turns - in this truly hallowed space, knowing they will soon be gracing the very stage where legends like Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev performed. Such inspiring talent!

Afterwards, I took a stroll through the Piazza del Duomo, with its bustling market stalls filled with brightly coloured vegetables and delectable fresh bread, It was a real feast for the senses! As I wandered along, I couldn’t help but feel incredibly lucky to be in this fascinating, vibrant city, where so much beauty and creativity seemed to abound!

Even with my shopping and ballet adventures, there was a little bit of time this week for a spot of relaxation in the sunshine. And, to be honest, that was also very important for me, so I took a stroll through the Park Sempione, a beautiful green oasis tucked away within the heart of Milan.

You could not wish for a more stunning spot to relax, with majestic trees, rolling lawns, a glistening lake - a fantastic spot to forget about all your worries and just soak in the peaceful serenity of nature, for a little while at least.

Now, my dearest readers, as I type these very words, I'm actually just outside the famous Teatro alla Scala - sitting in a little café with a delectable chocolate croissant, soaking up the sights, and reflecting on another incredible week in Milan. As the city around me hums with life, I feel the rhythm of its energy, inspiring me with all its incredible beauty, vibrant culture, and captivating elegance.

I just can’t get enough of this stunning, glamorous city - every single corner holds new delights. I’m off on a hunt for new shoes on Saturday. We’ve even got an opera at the Teatro alla Scala, as a little pre-show warm-up, which I’m rather excited about, and, as usual, the whole city of Milan feels buzzing, as we get ready for another big week.

Until next time, stay safe, my dear readers, and remember, you never need a reason to wear a pink tutu – unless, of course, you feel the urge to spread some extra love and light - in that case, it's completely compulsory!

Emma Xx

Remember, you can check out my latest ballet moves and stories from Milan every Monday on - until then, let's twirl!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2010-10-13 ballet blog from Milano Italia