Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2010-10-06 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post #800: Buongiorno, Bella Milano!

Wednesday, 2010-10-06

Oh, darling, what a week! I'm just brimming over with excitement and all the glorious sights and sounds of Milan. It’s a whirlwind of beautiful architecture, delectable food and the most fabulous shopping – I mean, this is Italy, right?! Honestly, even just strolling down the street is an event in itself, with the stylish Italians going about their day in their immaculately dressed selves, all a million times more fashionable than your average British shopper.

This week, I’m feeling so much like the pink princess I secretly long to be. The city feels just like a beautiful set for a grand ballet, with cobbled streets and grand old buildings framing the graceful, almost elegant, movement of the Milanese, going about their day with a natural sense of poise that makes every moment feel just a bit like a dance. And darling, don’t even get me started on the shops! From couture to vintage and everything in-between, Milan is just one huge beautiful boudoir of delightful and stylish creations – heaven! I mean, imagine my darling, an entire city dedicated to style and fashion and a a celebration of every lovely thing… I tell you, I'm on cloud nine.

Pink Tutus and Tram Travel

Yes, darling, the pink tutu is out in force and ready to take on this fabulously stylish city! You’d think that all the gorgeous Italians would give me the side-eye or maybe raise an eyebrow or two, but not a bit! Instead, the only thing I’m met with are admiring smiles. You see, everyone seems to appreciate a good touch of colour, darling, and this girl’s got plenty!

I’ve spent my time exploring the city the only way I truly know how: on public transport, of course! Trams, buses, the metro... I love the feel of being enveloped in the vibrant, kinetic energy of Milan’s streets while whizzing by on a public tram. There's something just so romantic about gliding through the cobbled streets with my ballet bag beside me. Honestly, darling, it’s all the inspiration I need for my choreography - especially the moments of fleeting beauty as you whiz past the incredible architecture. Milan is a real haven for a tutu-wearing ballet-obsessed gal. You know me, always looking for a bit of drama!

Catching the Show

Speaking of inspiration, you'll never guess who’s in town! That's right, darling, Natalia Osipova, she's performing at the Teatro alla Scala! My very own tutu has just started twirling itself with anticipation. This, darlings, is not to be missed. I simply cannot wait.

My dear blog readers, you can’t imagine how thrilling it is to know that Natalia is performing. There's such power and finesse to her work, and her style, darling, is just so effortlessly elegant. I remember when I first saw her perform years ago, in the Derbyshire town hall, as part of a fundraising tour. Well, her performance just blew me away. We've all seen the amazing ballet performances on tv but watching her in person, well, that's something else entirely.

You see, back when I was a kid I started taking ballet classes after seeing that performance, I mean, there's nothing more inspiring than a really good ballerina! She is such a beautiful dancer and I hope one day to even glimpse some of her talent on the stage. Right, darling, back to Milan!

My Latest Finds

Shopping in Milan, well, darling, that’s simply a whole new experience. The air practically buzzes with creativity. It feels as if every doorway you step into holds a treasure, just waiting to be discovered. My bag is definitely feeling fuller today and is already bursting with all sorts of delights!

Let's start with the perfect pair of pointed ballet shoes – the kind of shoes that just beg you to perform on a cobbled Italian street. Honestly, I was practically giddy in the shop. A tiny pink pair of these elegant beauties will be accompanying me on the train home and will, no doubt, become a future addition to my tutu collection!

My pink Tutu Milan handbag was looking decidedly bare so it had to be restocked with an array of pink accessories – silk scarves and those elegant floral fascinators that I just can't seem to resist.

And let’s not forget the shopping treats, those must-have beauties for a truly stylish tutu wardrobe, darling! There are some really amazing clothes shops in Milan. Let’s just say the Italian fashionistas haven’t failed to inspire, darling! There was so much colour and inspiration and those luxurious materials and bold designs just called out for me! This is my style - fashion is my passion! Of course, a lovely pink cashmere cardigan for chilly evenings will also be coming home with me, not to mention an outfit just begging to be danced in - you know what I'm talking about, darling, the kind of silky flowing dress, perfectly cut to enhance the graceful movements that is the heart of every tutu ballerina’s desire.

Honestly, darling, if my bag could speak, I think it would be groaning right now. I could buy up the entire city! But it’s okay, I know it is better to spread out these shopping treasures throughout the rest of my journey.

I will tell you this darling, every visit to this fashion-forward city brings the urge to create, not only in dance but in fashion.

Looking Forward to Week's Ahead

Speaking of dancing, next week is a busy one. Darling, there is so much to see in this stylish city. On my itinerary this week are visits to a number of museums. My favourites are the ones with the most extraordinary, stunning displays. It seems every day I stumble on a new building that I’m dying to explore! I also have my eyes on the Pinacoteca di Brera – darling, if you’re a ballet fan, and let’s be honest, who isn’t? You need to make it there! I hear the paintings are just a perfect source of inspiration for my work.

I mean, if a ballet fan hasn't got the courage to wear a pink tutu in Milan, well then you'll never be truly inspired to embrace all the beautiful artistic chaos this amazing city offers. I’ll let you know what I discover, darling, it is going to be an absolutely fabulous adventure.

Right, darling, must go, time to pack. I can’t wait to catch Natalia's performance at the beautiful Teatro alla Scala. Let's hope she is wearing her own version of a pink tutu, if she is she has the courage to wear it with confidence - as it’s all about self expression.

That's me done, my dear readers, it’s time to head out and conquer another day. You can catch my posts each and every week on - let me know what you’re all up to - and, if you are coming to Milan darling, don’t forget to look out for a tutu wearing ballerina with a pink smile - maybe I’ll even get to meet you for a coffee, darlings, it would be my pleasure. Let's chat. And darlings, I really do hope you are embracing the pink tutu with as much confidence and passion as I do. You never know who will come to share your love for a fabulous dance move!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2010-10-06 ballet blog from Milano Italia