Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2010-09-29 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #799: Wednesday 2010-09-29: From Derbyshire to Milan! 🩰🇮🇹

Ciao, darlings! Emma here, your favourite pink-tutu-clad ballerina, reporting live from the fashion capital of the world – Milan, Italia! This week, my little pink ballet heart has been aflutter with excitement because I've been whisked away on a whirlwind trip to this incredible city. And wouldn't you know it, I’m absolutely smitten!

As you all know, my heart beats for all things ballet – performances, classes, street and theatre shows, and everything in between. And while this trip has been all about fashion, you bet I haven’t forgotten my dancing shoes!

This week, I'm writing from a charming little café, sunlight streaming in through the window as I sip my cappuccino and indulge in the decadent Italian pastries. They have this divine thing called a "cornetto", it's a croissant but with a subtle sweet flavour, oh my word! It's definitely earned a permanent place in my pastry hall of fame. 🥐

Speaking of things that have earned permanent places in my heart, I've got to tell you all about my journey here!

It started with a very early train ride from my Derbyshire home, the windows dappled with the colours of dawn. There was something wonderfully poetic about the early-morning journey, all the other sleepy souls, coffee in hand, ready for their day, the countryside rushing past. It felt a little like the beginning of a ballet, full of quiet anticipation and the promise of something wonderful just around the corner.

Then, as soon as I reached the bright lights of the Italian capital, I switched to one of Milan's iconic trams. And wow, what a spectacle! Tram journeys in Milan are not your average commute – it's an adventure in itself.

First, there’s the fashion! This city is a sartorial dream. You never know who you’ll see strutting along the platforms – sophisticated ladies with sleek tailored suits, edgy students in colourful leggings and boots, the chic Milanese gentlemen in impeccable linen, the whole lot! The beauty of Milan is that no matter what you wear, you are a part of this beautifully curated style, there’s no right or wrong – it’s just… chic!

And the tram itself is like a magical, rolling stage set. Vintage designs in sleek steel, gleaming chrome accents, beautiful colours and, of course, the charming symphony of the trolley clicking and clacking on the rails. I felt like I was being whisked away to another era, transported by a machine of pure elegance and style. It made the commute almost a ballet performance in itself, the gentle rocking of the tram my pirouette, the city blurring outside a delightful vignette of beauty!

Oh, and the tram ride gives you an absolutely incredible panorama of the city! You get the chance to soak in those iconic red-brick rooftops, spot the Duomo peeking majestically above the buildings, the lush parks bursting with vibrant greenery. It's like a sneak peek into the beauty of Milan before you even step off the tram!

Speaking of the Duomo… this magnificent Cathedral has taken my breath away. Imagine a symphony of marble, tall towers pointing to the heavens, and delicate lace-like stonework — it’s breathtaking, simply breathtaking! The Duomo stands tall and proud, the embodiment of beauty, grace, and history. I just spent ages taking pictures, but I knew no photo could capture the magic of it all. And the surrounding piazzas, with their charming shops and vibrant atmosphere, just made it all the more magical.

And while I was in Milan, what else did I do? I visited the Teatro alla Scala, that grand theatre of operatic fame, an absolute must-see for any theatre lover like myself!

It's all grandeur and elegance – plush velvet seats, golden balconies, and the hushed anticipation that hangs in the air, a thrill that runs through you as the curtain rises, as if you are transported to another time. I felt like I’d stepped straight out of a glamorous opera performance and onto its grand stage, and the history, the artistry, it all made my heart swell with inspiration.

This journey to Milan has been full of enchantment! There’s an energy here that I haven't experienced before. The city itself is a vibrant kaleidoscope of colours, with buildings adorned in faded pinks and buttery yellows, the cityscapes painted with splashes of terracotta red, a warm sunbeam painting the whole city gold in the late afternoon light.

There's also something incredibly creative and playful about this city, a spirit of creativity that seems to ooze from the cobblestones, a vibrancy in the air. This is the kind of energy that excites me!

Of course, no trip to Milan would be complete without a dose of its legendary fashion scene. And darling, I am truly living the dream.

Every single store is a little wonderland, filled with unique clothes, shimmering fabrics, elegant cuts. Milan is, as they say, the fashion capital. The designers here take style to another level, pushing boundaries with every piece they create!

I am obsessed with their shoe stores! From whimsical high heels to luxurious leather flats, I'm in love with the Italian eye for detail, their obsession with quality and craftsmanship, the attention to detail. The whole scene feels both decadent and bohemian, with a sprinkle of retro and a dash of rock'n'roll thrown in for good measure!

I admit, it's tempting to give in to my shopping addiction, but with my travels, I must be a little thrifty! Instead of spending big, I spend my days scouring vintage shops for beautiful unique finds. You never know what treasures you'll uncover. The shops have this wonderful vintage vibe, dusty windows that reveal glimpses of fashion eras gone by. And that's what I love about them - the charm, the hidden stories.

I have been scooping up a beautiful collection of vintage brooches, chunky statement jewellery, silk scarves in beautiful vibrant prints and of course, some spectacular dresses. I'm even planning to wear some of these finds as I strut the streets of Milan. You see, my dear readers, even with a trip full of fashion inspiration, I will always hold true to my signature look!

But enough about fashion, let’s talk about what you've all been waiting for! I couldn't possibly come all this way without a ballet adventure! It seems there's a magic ballet spirit everywhere, as I walked through the charming piazzas and alleyways, I noticed several studios with brightly painted signs proclaiming "Balletto" in glorious capital letters!

You can imagine my delight when I discovered a studio in a quiet corner of the city, right near the lovely Navigli Canals. It was just perfect - light streaming through large windows, worn wooden floors, the music echoing through the room, it was an intoxicating symphony! I couldn't wait to join in!

And my dear friends, what an adventure it was. It was a wonderful introduction to the Milanese ballet scene! And to add to my delightful surprise, it wasn’t even in a big fancy studio with ornate chandeliers.

It was nestled on the third floor, above a tiny shop selling leather goods, tucked away behind a charming brick facade. The steps up the narrow staircase were worn with time, with just the tiniest amount of creak under your feet.

And as I climbed higher, a crescendo of music welcomed me like an invisible curtain rising to unveil a hidden beauty. It was pure magic!

The studio had this intimate charm - a room filled with sunshine and stories, warm wooden floors painted with swirls of wear and tear, and sunbeams hitting through the window, casting patterns like little rays of sunshine. I loved it from the moment I saw it.

I'm already signed up for some more lessons next week, I’ve even managed to score tickets to La Scala’s ballet season! I can't wait to share the details of that exciting adventure in my next blog, my dears.

You'll be able to follow me all over Milan as I document everything - from ballet classes to shopping adventures to street performances to delectable dining, the whole lot!

And as I share my Italian journey with you all, don't forget, every Wednesday is Pink Tutu day! Don your pink tutus and dance through your day with me! It’s a fantastic way to inject some whimsy and sparkle into your lives!

After all, the more pink tutus, the merrier!

Catch you next week for more Milan magic!

Lots of Love,

Emma, The Pink Tutu Ballerina

P.S I'm so excited to hear from you all about your own Pink Tutu moments, Leave your stories in the comments below!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2010-09-29 ballet blog from Milano Italia